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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Too Hilarious!


  1. Putin must think Democrats are the most asinine people walking this earth.

  2. I just can't believe that we are ready for this woman to be Commander and Chief , however after obama she may be the greatest since sliced bread.

    1. Are you SERIOUS! After Oslam we need a hundred years of Presidents to fix this mess.

  3. 822 if you believe this, just stay home. She's a corrupt criminal. That's the role model you want for people today? Does she really embody the moral decay in America?

  4. What are you going to do, Hillary? You can't BleachBit the Earth. Or can you?

  5. If Hillary gets elected,think of what she and Bill will have got away with.The sigh of relief will be heard around the world. Wake up America.

  6. Hillary will not get elected so that sigh is coming sooner than later.

  7. Putin must be laughing his a$$ off.

    1. Of course he is. Clinton has made the biggest ass out of herself than anyone in our history. She's so badly failed that people voting for her look ridiculous and grossly misinformed regardless of educational level. Supporting a known corrupt criminal for highest officeakes about as much sense as voting for Hitler and we all know how that whole thing worked out for Germany!

  8. Somebody stole my line I used in one of those debates. lol

  9. HRC cannot even protect her own illegal email server. What makes you think she can protect the United States?

  10. Anonymous dogg said...
    HRC cannot even protect her own illegal email server. What makes you think she can protect the United States?

    October 23, 2016 at 6:58 PM

    Or a 13 acre compound in Benghazi.


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