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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Two Employees At A Local Wicomico County Business Arrested

While we had been tipped off a few days ago about an original arrest of an employee sexually assaulting several minors at that business, today an additional coworker was also arrested and charged. 

I've received numerous e-mail messages asking why we have not published the story. We have not done so because we have still to this very day, this very moment, have NOT received a single press release on this matter from the State Police, Wicomico County Sheriff's Office or the Wicomico County Child Advocacy Center. 

Personally, each one of these agencies have a Public information Officer, (PIO) whose job it is to forewarn the public and get the word out there as there could have been many more victims. WHY nothing has been put out there is beyond me and to be honest I find it absolutely reckless a press release has not been put forth. 

Let the debate/comments begin.


  1. Doesn't the owner of the business teach the handgun courses and is buddy buddy with Mike Lewis?

    1. Yes to the first question. Not anymore to the second.

  2. You are a smart man.

  3. What does anyone expect from the Wicomico Dept. of Social Services/CAC?

  4. Mitchell's Martial Arts in Salisbury

  5. I want to know more about Brian Keane

    1. Are you serious? How is that story more important than this one??? Smh

  6. Obviousley a friend of a friend.

  7. As a mother of a child who goes to this establishment I would also like to mention that the parents haven't even received a statement or an email from them letting us know about the situation and what they are doing to ensure the safety of our children! I'm appalled, disgusted, and hurt! In fact they even deleted many comments on their Facebook page in response to their post.

    1. I have a daughter in there also. I think they have something on thier Facebook page now. They did delete it a few days ago though. Question is, do we pull our kids out of there? I'm torn on that question.

    2. You are "torn on that question"? Wow you may need to reevaluate your duty as a parent! Second time in 5 years and there is no additional protection in place for students.... a devoted parent would have no problem making that call

  8. I know they do a lot of after school programs. I feel sorry for all affected.

    1. Where is the FBI.

    2. How is this a federal jurisdiction?

  9. Shut the facility down. This is a disgusting trend. Can these stories be linked to CNN or FoxNews? Get some real coverage.

  10. This is the second event at this place according to local news reports. This is very frightening and I really sympathize with parents who have children enrolled. I pray there are no further victims.

  11. If your children go there, pull them out. There are other places that teach this.

    1. Is it Mitchell's fault, or the fault of just two individuals. I don't know. That's why I'm asking.

    2. Would you ask that question if it were your kids?

  12. Any department of government with a PIO that is NOT notifying the PUBLIC threw all outlets, is in fact in coercion with the accused, and should also be charged {not to mention fired} Seems these government employees forget who they work for, its past time for a private/public entity to go after and charge such individuals.

  13. 5:13, What does "Doesn't the owner of the business teach the handgun courses and is buddy buddy with Mike Lewis?" have to do with anything?

    Seems you must be an anti-gun, anti-law enforcement, bed-wetting, little feelings are hurt liberal trying to dig up something unrelated to the topic at hand. Go away.

    And this can happen at any business or school, it is difficult to vet employees and it is always a risk the owner takes when they hire someone. It shouldn't reflect on anyone else working there, unless they were involved in some sort of twisted way as well, but that will come out in the investigation. Parents need to have THE talk, about inappropriate touching and all, with their kids and the kids need to know that it is safe for them to say something to their parents if someone does mess with them. And to the parents who want to pull their kids out of the Academy, the damage is already done and the perps are caught.

    On a side note, until the investigation is complete, I would hold the kids affected in question as well, meaning was it in fact true or is this whole story a revengeful, get back at the teacher type of thing? Was there actually inappropriate actions on the part of the instructors or was it a made up story? Why did it go on for so long before something was said? Maybe, the kids didn't feel safe telling anyone. Shame on the parents for that.

    What could happen to the business? What are the legal ramifications against the business, if any?

    1. Good comment but what are your thoughts if you had a child enrolled there. Do you worry about the business or your child's safety. My child loves going there and I love her learning to defend herself. But at the same place she is learning to defend herself against people like this, this stuff is happening.

  14. A husband and wife own that business. While I have never met the wife, I have known the husband very well for about 30 years. He is a stand-up guy who will never duck and run for cover. While the police are still investigating (and this will be going on for a while), the owners may not know all the facts themselves yet. Obviously, the investigators' primary obligation is to find out what happened, not to tell the owners all they know. The owners have smartly hired a very savvy attorney to help them through this. When you do this, you don't do anything without the attorney's permission; ergo, no communication from the owners until they have the facts. They have not "lawyered up" so to speak, and soon the police will confirm that they cooperated 100% in this most unfortunate situation.

    Thanks to Joe and the staff for not jumping to conclusions and crucifying the owners. Let the police and the courts do their jobs, and we should wait for the real story to come out. Child molesters are notoriously deceptive in their disgusting pursuits. Any one of us could be fooled by these clever perverts, and some of us have been. That doesn't make us the criminals. My friend is not Joe Paterno. If these allegations are true, it is much better for the accused that the police caught them, and not the owners.

    1. I thought everyone there was a stand up guy. It is karate. All about discipline, self defense and respect. I don't have months to wait for the facts. If they are false. I will be moresfull for the Mitchell's

    2. 7pm...How do you know someone for 30 years and never meet his wife?

  15. There was a drug arrest (intent to distribute) on the grounds of the Salisbury Christian School last week.. cops and a drug dog.. have the parents received ANY information from the school??? Not one word.. all the students saw this and now the student is expelled..yet they still want to try to sweep it under the rug.. parents have called and asked and of course the principal is "out" this week. Not one word from the Board of governors or anyone in the adminstration .. so that tends to be the MO here on the Eastern shore... just hope it goes away

  16. What ever happen to the headmaster Dr. Burris @ Salisbury Christian?? He was let go this summer and not one reason was given to the parents.. top secret

    1. Yup fired .. again no explaination from Board of Governors

  17. What is the staff to student ratio in the facility? Why are there areas that can be targeted for this type of behavior? Are there cameras in all areas to prevent this type of activity? Seems to me there are steps to be taken to make this facility safer for children. Also, parents should find out what is offered by the officials as to questioning their children in order to find out if they have been victims. Molesters unfortunately choose to stalk where there are plenty of children and thus making facilities like this the exact location that they work to gain the trust of children in their care.

  18. Hey fake Say what's your Intel and data gathering saying about all the robbery, assault, and now child sexual assaults?? You are a total ASS in how you go about TRYING to run this city. I guess you being the only local government in DC for that conference really isn't stacking up too well now

  19. 7:25, The big question is, what elected official has a son who works at that school. Second, who runs the WCSO Website? Connect the dots.

    1. Do fill us in - hints are gossip - worse than not revealing who is involved because you have not received a PR - speculation hurts the innocent - if you don't state facts in your half baked reveal you are no better than a dirty old democrat IMO

  20. 6:53 PM the second suspect already confessed so enough with your ignorant theory. You are stupid for opening your mouth. Typical victim blaming. POS.

  21. Thank you 7:06. My daughter is almost 28 and has known my friend since infancy. I tried to get her interested in karate but she was playing just about every other sport already, plus she's kind of big and very confident, and usually armed. But I trust my friend explicitly and they have spent a fair amount of time together. Yes I worry about the future of the school but if she were younger and a student there and something like this happened, I (like you) would be very concerned but again I believe in my friend. More specifically, if something did happen to her at his school, I'd go ballistic, but on the perp. I haven't spoken to the owner yet, but I will soon. He (they) must be going through agony right now. Not quite what the victims are, of course, but this guy has a conscience. I doubt we're going to read anything negative here about him from people who actually know him. Again, thanks. Hope that answered your question.

    1. You are persuading me to stay. If he such a good friend, tell him that he needs some better management or some other measures to stop this kind of happening

    2. Amazing how people have such little regard for reality and place blind trust in virtual comments. You're going to stay or leave your child in a business where 2 employees have been arrested for child abuse? Wow. Sheeple are alive and well.

  22. I thought so to but you need to meet the staff. Don't expect the director to be a stand up guy with respect and discipline. I watch him lie in court under oath and to the police by the he way owes money to people. Do a court search on him.

  23. No news on the shooting on Roger St. either. It happened but the public are unaware. Why is this situation not on the news?

  24. What elected official has a child working at the school

    1. Will see tomm am.

    2. Duh? Connect the dots in the comments ..

  25. Realization of how terrible this is and I don't know the owners personally but shouldn't there have been just a little more involvement by them both personally and quite possibly electronically at their facility?? Who was running the place? Second why is a martial arts expert teaching handgun courses? This whole scenario just seems s little sketchy

  26. I understand its the owners 27yo son/teacher was the first arrested, and apparently after a consensual ongoing relationship with a minor girl/student..she changed her mind. His gf worked there also, just quit. I'd guess the 2nd suspect is about the same situation....

    1. It was actually 3 girls. Youngest 13. Not consensual. It was rape. A lookout was provided and then she jumped in and raped a child.

    2. His gf never worked there.

    3. So is Zachariah "Zack" Bennett has a gf of another race and is the son of MMA owner?

    4. No he is not related to the owners at all and his gf has never worked there.

    5. This is how rumors and false info gets started. Sadly people tend to remember the false information/rumors than the truth. Easily gives a blog a bad reputation for sure

    6. Conrad is a part owner. Zack is his son. Enough said.

    7. Zack is not Conrad's son.

  27. Remember sex offenders go to where the kids are...church, sunday school, youth groups and camps, martial arts for kids, day care, schools, sports, music classes and so much more. This investigation is just starting and their could be More involved. Maybe get your children out for now.

  28. Perverts are everywhere (even doctors in Delaware)....so error on the side of caution.

  29. Salisbury is getting pretty good with their "hush-hush" Big News stories!
    So good infact, that even the children that attend Parkside never heard about the "2nd" rape there several weeks ago. Not one peep on media or to the parents...
    Drug bust and arrest at Salisbury Christian a week or so ago! Nothing again heard on local media or to the parents... SMH!! Guess we are big time now!

  30. Wicomico county has a mess of government employees under the influence of drugs and alcohol everyday wake up people if bob finds out they won't be there for long

  31. An apparent lack of management presence and effective client safety controls at this business. I can see a potential for huge trouble there. A parent that takes thier child there is accepting the safety that is being provided (or not). There's no way my child would be there after this happened. Lack of management safety controls is very apparent with this business, and sadly as a result, a lot of children will be living with the lasting psychological damage for a long time.

  32. This obviously has nothing to do with this situation, but my fist action would be to look up the MD case search.. Then, I'd have tk think about any employer in any business that is at risk from what ever his employees decide to do qt any pointing their job.

    Life is not always peaches and cream, and w are never able to make that something tl depend on.

  33. The owners may be good people. However, they are absentee owners. The father of the accused rapist ran the facility on a day to day basis.

  34. The "elected official's so" resigned at end of school year. He's moved on so no connecting of dots at Scs.

    1. He was let go as he never got his teaching certificate as he promised to do at the beginning of the school year.. they allowed him to teach without it.. then when it was clear he was not going to get it ,Dr. Burris had the brilliant idea to create a job in administration for him-nothing like rewarding him for something he DID NOT do...Since Dr. Burris was fired so was he...
      Thats prob why he is there and not teaching at a real school

  35. Who runs the website?

  36. While all of this crime going you know where your mayor is?? You guessed it he's busy taking selfies posting on Facebook and Twitter. Apparently a big to do with UMES students while children's safety at risk here in da 'bury

  37. Is the owner of the business buddies with Mike Lewis and do they teach the handgun course together? YES OR NO

  38. Are you talking about Bob Rovin or RS Mitchell

  39. He isn't related to the owners but his Dad, Conrad, is the Manager and his Stepmother, Marly, work there as well. Makes me wonder if anyone reported anything and they brushed it under the rug.

  40. 6:53 you seriously are delirious hopefully the FBI will go in and get all cameras and review them and pull the hard drives. IT WILL ALSO PROVE THAT SOMEONE THEY FALSELY ACCUSED WAS INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Why is it a secret who runs the WCSO website a secret?

  42. Who teaches the handgun course with Mike Lewis?

  43. Well how bout if all you all cared lets rally at wboc daily times police station peacefully and i bet that will get on the news then and we the people will wake every1 up around here

  44. Zack is Conrad's son.

  45. Since when can a 13 year old give consent to sex with a 26 year to have sex. If it were your 13 year old would you be happy about it. I think the Mitchell's knew what was going on. They are just no good. Mike Lewis plays no role in this he in this at all. People need to stop throwing names out and put it were it belongs, on the Mitchells and Zach

  46. 9:38 and 9:39 Good question. Funny answer. I moved to SBY in '77 and met a lot of very nice local people. Coming from SE DC, it was a welcome change in numerous ways, most particularly the people. I moved to OC around the time I met him, probably '84. Got married in '88 (he was also friends with her), and divorced in '92. I'm 64 now, married 4 years and chasing females about every day since elementary school. That makes me wildly unpopular with my married friends' wives. Several of them have to sneak around just to hang out with me for a few hours, ergo I don't pursue friendships with them. They think I have bubonic plague, and I give them all cute nicknames like R and Yoko )Ono), C and Lorena (Bobbit), B and Leona (Helmsley), and one couple affectionately known as Bill and Hill-zilla (after you-know-who). I'm kind of used to it and understand their concerns, and it obviously doesn't bother me much.

    Now that the once-lovely SBY has become the SE DC of old, I never go over there after lunch (hoodrats don't get up that early), but the owner and I still see each other, maybe once a month. When you meet someone, you size them up quickly. We already had a lot of mutual friends, and we hit it off right away. So yeah, despite the terrible set of circumstances someone else created, I'm going to stand by my friend. The many comments posted here show a lot of well-meaning concern pointed in the right direction, but some are misguided. Thanks again to Joe and most of the posters for showing some decency and restraint here. I trust that the owners took sufficient steps to prevent this from happening, but like I wrote in an earlier post, these sick, incurable maggots are almost impossible to detect.

  47. Looks like there is a third suspect and (unfortunately) more victims. How did the owners not know this was going on under their roof???

  48. 1:41 Sounds like a real winner.

  49. Anonymous said...
    I have a daughter in there also. I think they have something on thier Facebook page now. They did delete it a few days ago though. Question is, do we pull our kids out of there? I'm torn on that question.
    October 17, 2016 at 5:53 PM


    How Stupid can you get!!!


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