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Sunday, October 23, 2016

FEDERAL JUDGE Demands Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis Come Down From His Ivory Tower

As first reported here on Salisbury News, (below) Sheriff Mike Lewis did not appear at a deposition as part of a lawsuit that was filed by Miguel Santos, in which he alleged police misconduct against a Sheriff’s Deputy and Wicomico County. The incident occurred at the Center City Exxon gas station in Salisbury. 

Shortly after the incident, in an interview with WMDT, Sheriff Lewis said Mr. Santos would have been a lot more “banged up” if it were Sheriff Lewis, and that “lethal force” (meaning deadly force) would have been justified. Sheriff Lewis claimed, however, as his justification for not appearing at the deposition, that he had no personal knowledge of Mr. Santos’ case when he made these comments. Mr. Santos claimed that he must have had some knowledge to have made these statements, and that these comments and any underlying policies were relevant to his lawsuit. 

On Monday, October 17, 2016, the United States District Court for the District of Maryland issued a Memorandum and Order requiring Sheriff Lewis to appear for a deposition within 30 days. 

The Court also ordered Mr. Santos within seven days to “advise the Court whether he will continue to pursue a contempt order against Sheriff Lewis, or whether he will withdraw his Petition.

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  1. And Mike Lewis was right in his comments about Santos.

    1. You're an idiot. Mike Lewis has done a tremendous job.

  2. While he maybe an elected official, culver controls his budget. Either culver condones Lewis's actions, or he afraid of Lewis? Seems like the WCSO gets just about everything they ask for.

  3. Hey short stuff your time is almost up as Sheriff,tick tock.

    1. aw heck you being saying that for years.

    2. There are several good people ready to run against him and they know how to get along with the street guys unlike the decisive mighty nidget.

    3. Mike thinks he should be sheriff forever and not give others a shot at it, well hopefully others run for the job and get back moral in the department.

  4. Is that civil or criminal ?

  5. Lewis was bullied as a kid and now was to be the bully behind a badge.

    1. I would be mad also if i was 4'11.

  6. I KNOW for a fact he is hated and is a backstabber within the department.

    1. so list facts and sources pls , that way we all will be as informed as you

  7. Thank God we have Mike Lewis!

    1. Another good ole boy protecting a bully, if his own people hate him how much work do u think is being done on the street ? Ever here of change for the good of the sercice.

  8. High horsev? More like a shetland pony.

  9. Seems to me the judge is scared of little M ,or he would have held him in contempt of court ? What say you judge ? If a regular guy tried this he would have had a warrent put on him ??

  10. HOW come the judge didnt put out a warrent on the sheriff ? Is he above the law.

  11. If it were me or you skipping out on court, we'd be in jail by now.

    As Imclain says, TWO sets of laws.

  12. Yes he is in contempt of court. He may not know it but officers have to follow the laws like everyone else.

  13. Bob Harris for Sheriff.

  14. Seems like he just wants to be a cowboy

  15. Lewis you aint No Sheriff clark.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    While he maybe an elected official, culver controls his budget. Either culver condones Lewis's actions, or he afraid of Lewis? Seems like the WCSO gets just about everything they ask for.

    October 18, 2016 at 7:17 AM

    Because Culver owes them. The FOP supported Culver's election so he gives the Sheriff's Office anything they asked for. For 8 years Rick Pollitt had the duty to fulfill the FOP's requests by the voters and he failed to do so. They picked Bob to beat him and now the pay backs begin.

  17. Who runs the WCSO blog? Why don't they have anything on his sit about Mitchells Martial Arts

  18. Anonymous said...
    Hey short stuff your time is almost up as Sheriff,tick tock.

    October 18, 2016 at 7:20 AM

    Is that a Threat?

    1. No fool , ever here of change and moving on ? He has burned out his welcome.

    2. 720
      Typical liberal trying to twist ones words its meant that people have had enough of his ancient policing and come Re election time some new people have a chance at changing The department and moral for the good of wicomico county.

    3. When is the next election joe for sheriff ?.and joe you should run.

    4. 720
      I wrote the original comment and that it was NOT nor is or is a intended threat it was a statment in the fact that there is a Re-election coming soon for sheriff and that hopefully the peopçe choose a New sheriff with new ideas and a new direction for wicomico so get over yourself.

  19. Speaking of Sheriff Clark, I wish he was the Sheriff and the Chief of Police all rolled into one here in Salisbury.

  20. Why would he withdraw his petition

  21. I guess he is kind of short even the girl stands a good foot over him in the picture poor thing

  22. I think a real threat is when the professionals like the FBI say something is a threat NOT a stupid statement but then again you aren't the FBI

  23. But then again you would think that is a threat GO BACK TO SCHOOL OR RETIRE!!!!!!!!!!

  24. When I was on jury duty in Snow Hill one gentleman did not show up on the 3rd day and the Judge issued a warrant for his arrest. He received 7 days in jail which is an expression of how serious flaunting the law can be.

  25. Wicomico Judges don't even hold the common person in Contempt these days. Slap on the wrist or some purge provision like a $200 fine and then Deposition will be completed and end of story.

  26. Tell me why Sheriff Lewis does not have Mitchell Martial Arts on his FB page? They have a nice luncheon an assault a burglary oh and I think they have a new dog BUT NOT A DAYCARE THAT HAS SEX OFFENDERS!!!

    1. Good ole boys thats why.

    2. The sheriffs election cant come soon enough.

    3. I was wondering the same WTH.

  27. 8:38
    That would be a nice wish, but we aren't ready for someone that knows the whole deal. The good sheriff would want to run things correct and this county and minions would not stand for competence. Small town folks have a need to have the upper hand and Clarke would not go that route. He is a man of experience and knowledge. If you listen to him, he is familiar with anything nationally that is thrown at him and serious about it. He is a no nonsense professional that likely would not lower his standards to run the slow, low shore. Bet President Trump will place the good sheriff where Clarke can do some good and be effective. The man has a "Yuge" future. As you can see, I'm impressed by Sheriff Clarke. Lol

  28. threat
    a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.

    a menace of bodily harm, such as may restrain a person's freedom of action.
    a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger.
    "hurricane damage poses a major threat to many coastal communities"

  29. Exactley thank you

  30. My guess is that judge knows the great job that Sheriff Lewis has done here and that we really need him to stay on the job.

  31. He is just doing a "Clinton".

  32. Come Down, Come Down from your Ivory Tower ~ Connie Francis

  33. Mike Lewis has been dirty since day one. People fell in love with the image. If they only knew the truth I have known him his whole life. I did not vote for. Enough Said

    1. it appears your 'I did not vote for" helped him win another term.

  34. Hope they have some phonebooks to sit on so he can speak directly into the microphone....

  35. I say please keep pursuing this Mr. Santos! This is a great example of what is wrong with the police force in this country, why they get a bad rap in their communities. While there are plenty of police that respect the public and do not let their positions go to their heads, Mike Lewis does not fall under that category. I have met him a few times he thinks he is Donald Trump or something I was not impressed.

  36. If Mike is dirty, why aren't you exposing it and letting the FBI get him the way the cleaned out ECI? Before Mike the sheriffs dept did nothing. I'm sure you criminals around the county want him gone!

  37. Mike Lewis is a disgrace! I saw a deputy on Monday morning and was afraid to dodge a puddle in the road in fear I may be stopped for touching the center line. God knows by the time they were done making up charges I would have been in jail. Yes, this does happen in Wicomico County. Mike is the reason. He allows this to happen regularly. It is truely a shame. I hope the next Sheriff has morals and values and holds his department at a higher standard.

  38. Boy the liberal machine is out for blood. Mike is progun and law enforcement, that riles the libs!! Sheriff Joe is under the same attack. The old saying is true "Tell the truth and you better have the fastest horse!".

  39. Screw them judges Mike....Hell, Obama and Hillary ignore them....you can too

  40. I feel much safer at my second home than I do in wicomico county. Has less to do with the criminals and more to do with the sheriffs deputies. They are on the prowl looking for a reason to pull anyone over and interrogate them/warrantless search of vehicle.

  41. Here here 1:34!
    Where are the men and women of character ?

  42. KARMA is a horrible isn't it short boy. Hopefully this will be the beginning of his end and the people whom he has fooled for so many years will start to wake up. I'm sure if he complies he will lie anyway he's really good at that. Just like the rest of his command staff they all think they are better then the rest of us. Just like his boy SGT. Marty Fisher who is on suspension pending the outcome of a criminal investigation for him stealing a large amount of money from the FOP. Wonder who will conduct the investigation since his wife is a retired trooper? Grapevine says ex trooper and former Snow Hill Police Chief Pilchard is going to. Need to get on this Joe.....

  43. His department is soon to get 2 new image toys at the tone of about 90 thousand dollars of taxpayers dimes.
    2 new black Harley Davidson police motorcycles fully equipped with trailers for each.

  44. Must have been a LEFT WING judge???

  45. Bet it is one Soros operative making all the anti-Mike statements!

  46. He deserved a whipping.

  47. Lewis is one of the biggest criminals in town. Why not ignore a judge? From planting dope which means possession to helping cover up a murder by a sheriff's deputy and everything in between. But the shore billies love him. They love corruption and knowingly allow it to continue. They'd vote Al Capone for an office job if he were alive and running. Its all about the good olé boy connection and the who you know and who you blow. When it comes to Lewis you gotta be real low to blow.

  48. You may believe he does a good job. He is still not above the law. Who is paying his legal fees? It better not be the County!

  49. Mike is so far up Bob Culver's ass, you can actually see him if you look inside Culver's left nostril.

  50. Mike's not perfect, but he's most definitely more qualified for the position than Ronnie Howard is in Somerset County. Ronnie's where he is because of the good ole boy system. Not much difference from the Bobby Jones regime. If the citizens really knew how unqualified he is this will be his only term. Rick Taylor would have done so much better.

  51. Let's get some more Soros agents to post up!!!


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