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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Trump: Hillary pushing for socialized medicine

Slams 'Obamacare lie' as rates set to spike

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump seized on an admission by the Obama administration that Obamacare premiums will spike 25 percent, charging rival Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is trying to move the United States toward a socialized medical system completely run by the government.

“The architects of Obamacare,” Trump said, “Jonathan Gruber and Hillary Clinton, knew they were telling us lies, because they’re trying to move us toward a single-payer system where the healthy pay for the sick.”

“This, my friends, is the rigged system,” he charged in a statement Tuesday.

He said the “admission by the Obama administration that Obamacare is an unaffordable disaster should come as a surprise to no one, and this only reaffirms the American public’s belief that the entire program was one big lie.”

The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, is regarded as the president’s signature legislative achievement. Trump has vowed, if elected, to press for its repeal.

Trump noted it’s projected that Obamacare rates will rise even higher in some places “due to lack of competition,” with increases of 80 or even 100 percent.



  1. A Donald Trump has spoken about his idea to fix the medical care problem but no MSM will report it.
    Get the government out of health care and allow insurance companies to sell policies across state lines. This will introduce competition.

    Hillarie's idea is to have the government take over health care completely and pay for it will a payroll tax.

  2. 847
    "get the government out of health care . . . "

    And how does one do that?
    How does one get a tyrannical government out of our lives?
    To Whom were you speaking?
    Who must "get the government out of health care"?

    Much easier said than done.


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