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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Gregg Jarrett: The perpetual cloud of dirt and scandal that hovers over Hillary Clinton

“Pig-Pen” and his perpetual cloud of dirt.

It follows him wherever he goes and engulfs whatever he does. The beleaguered character in the comic strip “Peanuts” cannot seem to rid himself of the dirt, despite his best efforts. At times, he seems oblivious to the cloud. Or in denial.

Remind you of Hillary Clinton? Metaphorically, that is.

The dirt cloud of scandal has followed Clinton incessantly for years. Not just a single, isolated scandal… but several. Travelgate, Whitewater, cattle futures, Benghazi, private email server, Clinton Foundation, Wall Street speeches, you name it.

It’s one ignominious incident after another. And all of them are of her own making.

Clinton tends to stretch the bounds of propriety, dangling her foot over the legal lines. And her actions beckon political calamity. Thus, the interminable cloud.


1 comment:

  1. Every photo of Hillary should have that cloud applied to it.


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