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Thursday, October 27, 2016

First Grandma Marian Robinson to Receive Lifetime $160K Government Pension

Washington D.C. – First Grandma Marian Robinson, 79, will receive a lifetime 160K government pension when she leaves the White House next year, according to congressional budget statements.

According to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Mrs. Robinson earned the lifetime pension for “services rendered as full-time/in-home caregiver” for granddaughters Malia, 18, and Sasha, 15, during President Obama’s two terms in office.

In January of 2009, it was reported that Mrs. Robinson was living in the White House full-time to tend to her granddaughters. She was the first live-in grandmother at the White House since Elivera M. Doud, the mother of Mamie Eisenhower, during the Eisenhower Administration.

Critics say Mrs. Robinson should not profit from something as simple as taking care of family. Sally Kellner, volunteer/activist for theNational Taxpayers Union, says this is a prime example of needless spending. “I think it’s ridiculous that taxpayers must pay this woman a lifetime salary for something everyday Americans do for free. We take care of our families because we love them, not for profit.”

When asked if Mrs. Robinson’s lifetime pension was justified, Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, declined to comment but said a special oversight committee would review all post-Obama Administration budgetary obligations.


  1. WTF, seriously you lived and ate there for free, free security and only God knows what else and now we have to give her 180k a year for taking care of her Grandchildren? No wonder we are going broke.

  2. What a waste of our taxpayer money....wonder what her Obama care health plan cost is per year?

  3. Wow, I missed this one. Geesh, I'm speechless.

  4. Just keep paying your taxes, folks! That's what Democrats are good for....taking all your money!

  5. Wrong, wrong, wrong. That was a choice that the Obamas made, and it isn't their money to give her. Congress should be all over this.

  6. Freeloading welfare crowd.

  7. She is the one to blame for the demise of America dont let the door hit u on the way out of MY WHITEHOUSE.

  8. She will not receive a pension folks!

  9. Keep cheering, you democrat liberal boneheads.
    This is the newest thing --- take in your crackhead daughter's four kids, but don't stop there.
    Apply to become a "foster parent".
    NOW, the TAXPAYERS (starting to sound familiar??) get to pay you more than most people make WORKING FULL TIME.
    So the daughter gets a welfare apartment, free food, medical care and all the other goodies that dirt bag welfare sucking "I needs help because I'm too stupid to do anything except have sex and hit the bowl" losers get.
    Now, the upper class is trying to get a piece of that.
    To the obama's, $160,000 is NOTHING. It's NOT their money, so why worry??
    The entire democrat political philosophy is encapsulated right there.
    Keep cheering.

  10. We know Obummer and Democrats care only about themselves and they are criminals, breaking the law every day....can't wait for Trump to be our President!


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