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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Letter To The Editor: Salisbury Fire Department 10-20-16

Letter To The Editor

As we speak the Hebron Fire Department EMS and the Parsonsburg Fire Department EMS are getting dispatched to cover ambulance calls in Salisbury and the Salisbury Fire Department is getting dispatched to "Stand By" until Hebron and Parsonsburg ambulances get there.

This is called a mismanagement of funds and resources. The city and county tax dollars is funding paid firemen to sit around and chase ambulance calls all day since there are rarely any fires.

Again as noted recent Letter To The Editor, the volunteers in the Salisbury Fire Department are not getting dispatched to any calls unless the paid fire engines are committed on another medical assist.

Rick Hoppes has all but forced the Volunteers of the Salisbury Fire Department out the door. They have no say in running the day to day operations and Rick Hoppes has taken control of the monies funded to the VOLUNTEERS from Wicomico County.

This is how the Fire Chief and Mayors(Jim Ireton and Jake Day) spend your city and county tax dollars.

This happens every single day in the City of Salisbury and YOUR life is in Jeopardy!! Obviously the wasteful spending of your county tax dollars is endorsed by County Executive Bob Culver because he has been in Office for 2 years and has done absolutely NOTHING about it!!


  1. It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. It's old news how outright stupid Culver and Day are. As far as department heads they answer to the city adminstrator, I think we see where that problem materializes

  2. Anonymous said...
    It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. It's old news how outright stupid Culver and Day are. As far as department heads they answer to the city adminstrator, I think we see where that problem materializes

    October 19, 2016 at 2:55 PM

    I agree somewhat, but Tom Stevenson had nothing to do with appointing Rick Hoppes. Jim Ireton wanted to shove Rick Hoppes down the throats of Debbie Campbell, Tim Spies and Terri Cohen after Jim Ireton himself rejected Rick Hoppes' application numerous times. This appointment of Hoppes was a payback to the council majority and that idiot Jake Day couldn't wait to be the majority vote to confirm Hoppes' appointment even though he was just as unqualified as Tom Stevenson is. It's time for a complete overhaul of that Salisbury Fire Department.

  3. I hope and pray that I don't have to wait for an ambulance to respond all the way from Hebron and then to have a fire engine show up to my door with a bunch of paid firemen trampling through my house in their dirty clothes and gear.

  4. I don't know about anyone else but my family and I are getting sick and tired of hearing about the corruption in the Salisbury Police Department and the Salisbury Fire Department. It's time to make some serious changes and clean house or we will clean house at the next election. If you make us wait that long there will be some new faces on that council majority including the mayors office.

  5. Soon you-all will be just like the counties across the bridge.

  6. Jake day like Ireton before him will be a mere memory soon. He'll to take it to the next level and like his friend be a joke! The corruption starts at the very top on down time to clean house!! I challenge all of you go to the city charter section IV 4-2. How is this acceptable

  7. There was an accident yesterday atthe Beaglin/College Ave. and Snow Hill Rd. intersection. The Fruitland and Parsonsburg ambulances were there when there is a Salisbury FD just a few blocks away on Beaglin. Makes no sense.

  8. Is the person one of the same ones that cannot free up time to attend the walk through salisbury? Seems to have plenty of time to listen to the scanner and write letters to SBYNews. I'm tired of everyone complaining about it, but no one steps up to the plate to do anything. Want iti changed, run for office or get educated enough to get a job in the FD and make changes. Once you pay your tax bill, the money is theirs not yours. Don't like it, then move where you like the elected officials.

    1. Who would actually want to free up time for this? Like most working people they get a half or hour lunch. By the time you get over there participate get back to work your late. Who in their right mind would use personal time to do anything Jake day organizes

  9. Why is this allowed to continue? Who overseas all this? Who can put this to a stop? Enough already!!!

    1. Joe is the only one sadly, vote joe cause this would all be different

  10. No it's not enough already!! It's ridiculous that a person can be working for city government and because he befriends the right butts to kiss can be GIVEN promotions practically doubling their income and benefits while others actually went out and paid over a 100,000 to get proper education and qualifications for positions and some butt kisser reaps benefits

  11. No it's not enough already!! It's ridiculous that a person can be working for city government and because he befriends the right butts to kiss can be GIVEN promotions practically doubling their income and benefits while others actually went out and paid over a 100,000 to get proper education and qualifications for positions and some butt kisser reaps benefits

  12. When the city gets sued it will change its mind.Salisbury is going..gone to the dogs.

    1. Really...is that the new answer to everything? Sue? Freakin' ignorant, lazy, people.

    2. When the city gets sued by who, the volunteer / volunteers at station 1 that try to bully the fire chiefs (Breezler / Hoppes ), with their lawyers. Instead of stepping up to the plate and doing the job they are sworn to do.

  13. It Jimmy Gladwell wasn't so busy knob gobbling he would fix this.

  14. When all of Salisbury's ambulances are on a call, a county ambulance is called to handle the outstanding call and at the same time an engine company from Salisbury is alerted for a delayed ambulance. Half the people posting have no idea what the are hearing on the scanner and why and how things are done.... smh. And no I am not from SFD and have no relatives who work there.

  15. There is not one county, state, or city local office that is run by qualified people sitting in the top positions. It is all about scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. These so-called leaders use state, county, and city vehicles to run their personal errands on our tax dollars. Some of these local employees that are secretaries behave like they run the show and are so rude not many co-workers can stand them. They take advantage of the bosses. They take long lunch breaks, come into work late when they know the boss isn't going to be there and leave early yet they don't get caught and it's doubtful they show it on their time. No one is accountable and no one is held responsible.

    There really has to be a change in every department from the top down state, county, and city levels.

    The best way is not to re-elect anyone unless and until they can prove that they have their departments under complete control and can clearly demonstrate leadership. The public should be allowed to visit any and all local state, county, and city government offices to make the determination themselves.

  16. @8:16 someone wih some common sense and good points!! I've tried for a while to get the city council, past mayor Ireton and now Day to make STEVENSONS' military discharge, his past disciplinary record while city construction employee, and hus degree from four year accredited college and 5 years experience. Guess what I was told to go F••• myself

  17. It's time for an outside fire chief to come in, do away with volunteer corporations that think they can threaten law suits when their feelings are hurt, do away with the union and run your department as it should be.

    1. They have had that, volunteers still did not like, yet again radio lazy boy ff didnt like so next excuse please

  18. At the time station 15 ambulance is being alerted , for a 2nd time with no response, to go to somerset county. Which means princess Anne ambulance has failed to get out on 3 alerts. 1 Salisbury has a staffed ambulance that could respond quicker. 2 Tim Collins should allow other departments in somerset county to have ambulances 3 princess Anne should have better staffing if they are going to control the county like they do 3. Say a prayer for the patient that isn't getting the help they need in a timely manner.

    1. 4 sometimes only god can save you 5 3rd alert is like min 3 and salisbury to princess anne yea stop smoking drywall

  19. I hope you all realize it is a back problem, like literally it was a back pain call, dont die waiting on a ambulance from the county oh nooooooo!

    1. Diabetic Difficulty was the first call scratched on.

  20. Station #1 Volunteers getting the message out! Good work friends.

  21. Anonymous said...
    There was an accident yesterday atthe Beaglin/College Ave. and Snow Hill Rd. intersection. The Fruitland and Parsonsburg ambulances were there when there is a Salisbury FD just a few blocks away on Beaglin. Makes no sense.

    October 19, 2016 at 4:44 PM

    It's the poor leadership at the Salisbury Fire Department. Rick Hoppes, John Tull and Darrin Scott. Neither one of them have any leadership experience and they are living their dreams of being a big time fire department. They are staffing fire trucks on nights and weekends to prevent the volunteers from responding on calls. They are burning up the overtime budget so they can use that to try to prove to the mayor and city council they need more paid firemen. HELLO!! What is the message here? There isn't a need for paid firemen, there is a need for paid paramedics, but when you have the 3 top leaders that never worked full time on an ambulance then you get a paid fire department responding to your house when you need and ambulance and you have to wait for one to respond from Delmar, Parsonsburg, Fruitland and Hebron. In the meantime your family members are suffering in pain and some are dying. This is not why we pay taxes. This gives a new meaning to "Death Tax."

    1. Hello do you know if Salisbury was already on other calls ? Were there multiple patients and extra ambulances were needed ? All you do is whine and complain without having the facts on why the other depts were assisting.

    2. So if the volunteers would show up and staff an engine the paid crew could staff one of the numerous unstaffed ambulances. We need more newer younger volunteers that actually want to do something other than wear a t shirt

    3. Salisbury has three staffed (paid) ambulances, one at each station. The fourth ambulance at Station 16 is the bariatric unit and is not staffed. It is used on the fourth call if they get it staffed and I believe most of the time they do.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Soon you-all will be just like the counties across the bridge.

    October 19, 2016 at 4:28 PM

    That is exactly what Rick Hoppes and John Tull want!

  23. Anonymous said...
    Jake day like Ireton before him will be a mere memory soon. He'll to take it to the next level and like his friend be a joke! The corruption starts at the very top on down time to clean house!! I challenge all of you go to the city charter section IV 4-2. How is this acceptable

    October 19, 2016 at 4:44 PM

    Can you please elaborate? Not sure what you are trying to say?

  24. Anonymous said...
    Why is this allowed to continue? Who overseas all this? Who can put this to a stop? Enough already!!!

    October 19, 2016 at 6:11 PM

    This all falls under the watch of Jake Day and he fully supports Rick Hoppes and their efforts to eradicate the volunteer fire service in Salisbury as we once knew it. The volunteers of Salisbury was once an elite fire service. You need to vote everyone out, but that is 4 years away. We need help NOW!

  25. Anonymous said...
    No it's not enough already!! It's ridiculous that a person can be working for city government and because he befriends the right butts to kiss can be GIVEN promotions practically doubling their income and benefits while others actually went out and paid over a 100,000 to get proper education and qualifications for positions and some butt kisser reaps benefits

    October 19, 2016 at 6:36 PM

    Can you elaborate?

  26. Anonymous said...
    Is the person one of the same ones that cannot free up time to attend the walk through salisbury? Seems to have plenty of time to listen to the scanner and write letters to SBYNews. I'm tired of everyone complaining about it, but no one steps up to the plate to do anything. Want iti changed, run for office or get educated enough to get a job in the FD and make changes. Once you pay your tax bill, the money is theirs not yours. Don't like it, then move where you like the elected officials.

    October 19, 2016 at 5:56 PM

    Sounds like an anti-volunteer, paid fireman who wrote this. The poor grammar proves it is as well.

  27. Anonymous said...
    @8:16 someone wih some common sense and good points!! I've tried for a while to get the city council, past mayor Ireton and now Day to make STEVENSONS' military discharge, his past disciplinary record while city construction employee, and hus degree from four year accredited college and 5 years experience. Guess what I was told to go F••• myself

    October 19, 2016 at 8:56 PM

    That is exactly what Jake Day tells the voluteers. Go F*** yourselves.

  28. Anonymous said...
    When all of Salisbury's ambulances are on a call, a county ambulance is called to handle the outstanding call and at the same time an engine company from Salisbury is alerted for a delayed ambulance. Half the people posting have no idea what the are hearing on the scanner and why and how things are done.... smh. And no I am not from SFD and have no relatives who work there.

    October 19, 2016 at 7:51 PM

    Are you TOO STUPID to get the point! That is exactly what the author has said, BUT the point is there are paid firemen responding when they need an ambulance, not a paid fire crew. The point is Rick Hoppes, et al., puts more priority on staffing fire trucks with paid firemen instead of staffing the ambulances with paid paramedics. And yes you are a paid fireman in Salisbury. It's called protecting YOUR job.

    1. That was not the point of their post. They are always complaining if county depts come to help, then they complain if the city helps the county. Then you have the scanner radio jocks who have no idea what they are listening to and try to Monday night quarterback. I am not a paid ff and not a member and never have been if SFD. And for the record I do not care for Hoppes, Liarton or fake Day all three are a joke.

    2. And by the way the county has the same SOP. If their ambulances are busy and another depts end is needed they also utilize a delayed ambulance response.

  29. Any basic fire course will always preach "Life before property," but obviously the leadership in the Salisbury Fire Department can't comprehend that concept. That is why their priorities are staffing fire trucks first and not the ambulances.

  30. Anonymous said...
    It's time for an outside fire chief to come in, do away with volunteer corporations that think they can threaten law suits when their feelings are hurt, do away with the union and run your department as it should be.

    October 19, 2016 at 9:23 PM

    The outside fire chiefs are the ones that started ruining the Salisbury Fire Department. Then Ireton and Jake Day promoted the dumbest, least qualified person they could come up with and he has ruined that department. The volunteers that threatened Hoppes were well within their rights and they won their case. Yes the clowns like the wannabe union leaders are hurting all members of the department. They make the paid men pay dues, but don't back them when Hoppes tries to punish an employee.

    1. I don't believe all paid are union members

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    At the time station 15 ambulance is being alerted , for a 2nd time with no response, to go to somerset county. Which means princess Anne ambulance has failed to get out on 3 alerts. 1 Salisbury has a staffed ambulance that could respond quicker. 2 Tim Collins should allow other departments in somerset county to have ambulances 3 princess Anne should have better staffing if they are going to control the county like they do 3. Say a prayer for the patient that isn't getting the help they need in a timely manner.

    October 19, 2016 at 10:22 PM

    OH LORD!! Now the paid firemen in Salisbury want to take over EMS calls in Princess Anne and Somerset County.

    Yes Wicomico County tax payers are getting stiffed by Bob Culver and the County Council for throwing money and the county stations and allowing them to oversee their own paramedics and it is a complete failure. One county EMS department with a county EMS chief is what this county needs. Take the EMS from the Salisbury Fire Department since they are a liability.

  32. Anonymous said...
    I hope you all realize it is a back problem, like literally it was a back pain call, dont die waiting on a ambulance from the county oh nooooooo!

    October 19, 2016 at 11:35 PM

    I do realize that a "back problem" could be a result of a tearing abdominal aorta which can mimic back pain. And yes you do die from a ruptured aorta.

    All the while this was originally written from Paid Salisbury Fire Boi with over 5 grammatical errors in one sentence. Well, it should be multiple sentences but Fire Boi only had one period. And they claim they are college educated in Salisbury. LMAO.

    1. Im not college educated and far from a ff, let me use a comma so you can follow. Im jus not a dumba**. It wasnt a arota o thats a fancy excuse, it was a back pain

  33. Please move this story to the top of the page in the morning and let it stay as top story for a while. That would make a lot of great comments. If it wasn't for this blog I wouldn't know how much this city fire department is corrupted by Rick Hoppes, Jake Day, Jim Ireton and Jack Heath.

  34. All of the paid fire chiefs in Salisbury are much of the problem with leadership and running the department. There isn't one person in that department that is intelligent enough to be the fire chief at this time. In their own minds they think they are. Poor leadership throughout the Salisbury Fire Department.

  35. Seems to me that this may be a dispatch problem. I think , after research ,I was told a guy named Cris Hopkins is in charge at dispatch , I could be wrong but that was what I've been told. After my research I found out that this guy Hopkins is out of the dispatch office most of the time with his lady friend .
    Just food for thought!

    1. Idiot. The SOPs used by Central come from the Fire chiefs Assoc. Central does not make them up. Don't know what kind of research you did, other than talj to yourself. Hopkins is chief communication officer and Shipley is the director in charge of the dept. Hopkins also dispatches a lot to cover shortages.

  36. I am so glad we moved away from Salisbury several years ago, and will not return there!

  37. This whole city of Salisbury wicomico county issues are a joke!! If it we're only that as easy as running against these clowns to make a difference. People here don't like those of us that aren't yes men, ass kissers, people that actually say what's on their mind. This is why you continually see spineless leaders in your county exec position, mayor and every level of management in city government. Grow a pair you clowns

  38. I couldn't agree more!! I'm so looking forward to beginning of 2017 to finally be able to get out of this circus

  39. "I hope you all realize it is a back problem, like literally it was a back pain call, dont die waiting on a ambulance from the county oh nooooooo!"

    Heart attacks also emulate back paid.

    Ignorant fool. Glad you are able to diagnose over a blog. What am I paying my doctor for when I can just ask you to diagnose me, over a blog.

    And you rubes wonder why your city is run the way it is, when you have people like 11:35 living here.

  40. What's an "arota"?

  41. Whining, it's the new hobby in this area. Also glad we got out.

  42. Anonymous said...

    ...Who overseas all this?...

    October 19, 2016 at 6:11 PM

    My father was in the military and we moved overseas one time!

  43. Anonymous said...
    Who would actually want to free up time for this? Like most working people they get a half or hour lunch. By the time you get over there participate get back to work your late. Who in their right mind would use personal time to do anything Jake day organizes

    October 19, 2016 at 7:19 PM

    Ok, so that we all may understand, what in the world are you talking about?

  44. Anonymous said...
    It Jimmy Gladwell wasn't so busy knob gobbling he would fix this.

    October 19, 2016 at 7:23 PM

    If you look at his FB page he has already sucked up to all the mayor and council people. He knows what he has to do to suck up for job security. It's a sad day when people can't get promoted in life the correct way. But, that little midget is about as dumb as they come.

  45. Anonymous said...
    They have had that, volunteers still did not like, yet again radio lazy boy ff didnt like so next excuse please

    October 19, 2016 at 10:29 PM


    What are you talking about?

  46. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That was not the point of their post. They are always complaining if county depts come to help, then they complain if the city helps the county. Then you have the scanner radio jocks who have no idea what they are listening to and try to Monday night quarterback. I am not a paid ff and not a member and never have been if SFD. And for the record I do not care for Hoppes, Liarton or fake Day all three are a joke.

    October 20, 2016 at 4:01 AM

    I don't even know where to begin with all these damn lies? You are a paid "ff" because only you idiots talk like this. Not to mention volunteer firefighters in the county know that Salisbury's paid firefighters don't like them and never have.

    1. Now who is lying. Most paid fire fighters volunteer at county departments.

    2. I have no connection to SFD or being paid. Salisbury has always had a volunteer vs paid problem. Sometimes they get along and sometimes they don't. Sometimes it gets very heated in their differences. You will find this at most combo depts. I am just pro firefighter, don't care if you are paid or not. I just appreciate the service that is done for our communities. And hopefully this too shall pass. And hopefully the scanner jocks will learn the SOP's and stop assuming they know what is going on.

  47. AGAIN, it's not what you know it's WHO YOU B•••!!!

  48. Anonymous said...
    Really...is that the new answer to everything? Sue? Freakin' ignorant, lazy, people.

    October 20, 2016 at 5:13 AM

    Here we go again, paid firemen calling the volunteers lazy.

  49. Anonymous said...
    Im not college educated and far from a ff, let me use a comma so you can follow. Im jus not a dumba**. It wasnt a arota o thats a fancy excuse, it was a back pain

    October 20, 2016 at 6:15 AM

    By the looks of this poor grammar you are not middle school educated either. WTH is an "arota????"

  50. Anonymous said...
    Im not college educated and far from a ff, let me use a comma so you can follow. Im jus not a dumba**. It wasnt a arota o thats a fancy excuse, it was a back pain

    October 20, 2016 at 6:15 AM

    Can anyone else understand what this little paid fireman is trying to articulate?

  51. Anonymous said...
    So if the volunteers would show up and staff an engine the paid crew could staff one of the numerous unstaffed ambulances. We need more newer younger volunteers that actually want to do something other than wear a t shirt

    October 20, 2016 at 7:42 AM

    This is the response of a paid fireman. A lazy paid fireman that wants the volunteers to volunteer on the ambulance and not the fire engines. They want volunteers to staff the ambulances because their lazy asses don't want to get assigned to one.

    Let's clear one thing up. In Salisbury there never has been any volunteers that "staffed" the medic units. For one, being a paramedic is a highly technical and educated position. Most people that invested in the minimal 2 year training program are already paid paramedics in a real fire department. Most are smart enough to know they don't want to work ass a taxi cab driver in Salisbury for the ghetto trash.

    Keep this in mind paid fire boi, a paramedic can do your job, but you can't do theirs!

    1. You can BLS anything to the hospital

  52. Anonymous said...
    "I hope you all realize it is a back problem, like literally it was a back pain call, dont die waiting on a ambulance from the county oh nooooooo!"

    Heart attacks also emulate back paid.

    Ignorant fool. Glad you are able to diagnose over a blog. What am I paying my doctor for when I can just ask you to diagnose me, over a blog.

    And you rubes wonder why your city is run the way it is, when you have people like 11:35 living here.

    October 20, 2016 at 7:54 AM

    I couldn't have said it myself.

    I think Rick Hoppes is the one that originally wrote the first post about the "arota." He really is uneducated, but he always tries to sound educated using big words that he doesn't understand.


  53. Darrin Scott said...

    Im not college educated and far from a ff, let me use a comma so you can follow. Im jus not a dumba**. It wasnt a arota o thats a fancy excuse, it was a back pain

    October 20, 2016 at 6:15 AM

  54. Having a degree use to mean something, but like no kid left behind - we have watered down our education system that having a college degree means NOTHING. Look at the kids getting them, kids with degrees working at McDonalds, if they work. Not all kids need to go to college, not everything is fair. Why do I bring this up, well look at the requirements for Chief, you had to have a BS degree. Who made that rule? Its bullshit, and if you go to a college that has no credentials, what good is your BS degree. I say shut down those requirements, hire people best qualified for the position. Eliminate ALL online colleges. ALL, I know numerous people in Salisbury in positions that have paper mill diplomas. There are qualified hard working people that can be promoted with out college degrees.

  55. Salisbury needs to do what Ocean City does. Only hire people that are certified as both a Firefighter and either and EMT or Paramedic Therefore they can respond to either a fire or EMS call. That would make more sense than just paying guys to be firemen.

    1. I believe if you do your research you will find that Salisbury has hired people that are cross trained. There are volunteers that only ride ambulance. There are volunteers that only ride the fire engine

  56. Salisbury charter section IV 4-2. You don't need a college degree just pucker up M. T. STEVENSON giving classes

  57. Then we have idiots like the clown dispatching at Wicomico Central currently who just toned out Stations 16, 1, 2, 3 and 5 for a "reported structure fire at PRMC."

    When was the last time there was a real fire at PRMC? There hasn't been! Not in our lifetime because they have one of the best fire suppression systems in the country. With hundreds of patients, staff and visitors at that hospital you have to have a built in fire suppression system. With that said why in the world are those clowns at Wicomico Central dispatching 5 fire stations to a building with no true fire hazards! This county needs a revamping of it's Police, Fire and EMS!!

    Now he is dispatching Engine 1 to 109 Carrolton Avenue for a "Sick Subject." Then he dispatches Station 3 Fruitland for the Ambulance to respond to that residence. WTH?? It's an Ambulance call, a medical emergency so WTH is he dispatching a fire truck before an ambulance?? Not only that, he had a discussion with "PRMC Command" about it first. This dispatcher needs to be fired.

    1. Radio jock just because PRMC hasn't had a major fire doesn't mean they can not have one. Central is set up to cover this. Central does not make the SOP's the fire chiefs Assoc does. And because PRMC has a high volume of patients it is better to have the help sent on the initial dispatch for evacuation and suppression if needed. The hospital us full of fire hazards like oxygen tanks and systems and other various gases that are highly inflammable. Did you know there have been patients who have smoked in their rooms (where oxygen is present) there have been fires not a lot thankfully. So preplanning is a must and thankfully used. As for as Engine 1 responding to that address it was for a delayed ambulance and Fruitland as covering the ems oart if the call as Salisbury ambulances were committed on another call. You need to turn your scanner off if you can't follow what's going on. Better yet why don't you volunteer doesn't have to be with the fire dept but do something for others.

  58. So if Darrin Scott is now Deputy Chief 1, what is John Tull's title and what does he do to justify his job? There can't be a lot of work for him and Rick Hoppes sitting in the office all day long!

    1. Have you tried calling the firehouse and speaking to Tull Scott or Hoppesabout any of this or do you just like to run your mouth? 4105483120

  59. Anonymous said...
    AGAIN, it's not what you know it's WHO YOU B•••!!!

    October 20, 2016 at 8:34 AM

    Did someone mention Jimmy Gladwell?

    1. Gladwell didn't get those round lips from eating Square meals. Just sayin

  60. Here is one solution to the problem in the Salisbury Fire Department. Since EMS is treated as the red-headed step-child then take EMS away from them and make the county run a County-wide EMS service as they should be doing. From Dorchester to the Western Shore every county is responsible for running EMS. The exceptions in Maryland are Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset Counties. Proves what they say about the Eastern Shore being backward.

    Take EMS away from them and make them quit chasing ambulance calls. Fire engine responses would go down 3/4's. If the county was running EMS then the volunteers could easily handle the fires in Salisbury. This would save tax payers in the city millions of dollars. Problem solved!

  61. Station 1 fire engine dispatched to Nutters Crossing for a medical assist. Fruitland Paramedic A3 dispatched for the Ambulance call.

    All day long folks, you tax payers have to wait for an ambulance from another town, but you get paid firemen to track their dirty booths through your house and baby sit you until a real ambulance gets there.

    1. Most engines have medical trained personel that can start patient care while awaiting an ambulance to arrive

  62. An insider’s view of today’s fire service. There was once a great group of citizens that both saw, and actively chose to recognize the need to help their neighbors. In the darkest of times, this group wanted to be there, as a team to put out a fire, or assist in chest compressions to extend life, until they could get them to a hospital. The honor to be a part of this group, required little self-recognition or payment, it was just about the giving. Today’s fire service is divided between two very self-serving groups that have little resemblance to their successors. Those that have chosen to be compensated full time, with or without union representation, and the Volunteers, that equally want to know where their next benefit begins. The “paid folks” always believe their underpaid, overworked, need to sleep more, and underappreciated. The “volunteers”, won’t show unless it’s convenient, and need perks such as LOSAP, tax incentives, steak nights, take home command vehicles etc. CONTINUED

    1. Incentives were set up to get more volunteers and to keep the ones you have. You don't have the sense of community as there used to be. Also both spouses have to work now making home commitments a higher priority. And the spouse is not there to watch the kids so the other could respond. You also do not have employer's now who will let you leave the job to respond. The younger generation is not as community oriented unfortunately.

  63. Insiders view, Part two" Here are the similarities: Both groups forgot why they first joined, both want to be “paid”, and both fight to be called “heroes”. It’s not about the desire to help any longer, and what about “brotherhood”. “Brothers” are family you can trust, again, lost long ago. How many “fireman” have slept with a “brothers” wife or girlfriend, and how many other “brothers” condoned it? How many “brothers” have lied, or backstabbed for that promotion? The fire service today is another change that we must live with, just like politics, Obamacare, entitlements, raising crime rates, lack of respect for law enforcement, and the list goes on. My point, to 98% of the “first responders, “do your job, and shut-up about it!”, because in some fashion, you’re being compensated, just stop ling about it. And as far as being a hero, it’s more like, it’s all about you, real heroes don’t need to flaunt it.

    1. AMEN! Joe, this should be a post of it's own, truth hurts. Let's see those farmen defend this.

  64. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So if the volunteers would show up and staff an engine the paid crew could staff one of the numerous unstaffed ambulances. We need more newer younger volunteers that actually want to do something other than wear a t shirt

    October 20, 2016 at 7:42 AM

    Why is there a paid fire crew and "numerous unstaffed ambulances?" Why isn't that paid fire crew staffing those numerous ambulances anyway??

    This in itself proves there is a lack of leadership in the Salisbury Fire Department and the said leadership doesn't know how to run the operations. Why is he getting $85,000 a year to sit on his fat butt and read the blogs all day then?

    1. 3 unstaffed ambulances in the city. Where are the volunteers to staff the engines allowing the career to staff the ambulances? Why are so many paramedics now officers and not riding the ambulances?

    2. Again, Salisbury has four ambulances. Three are staffed one at each station everyday with a paid staff. The fourth is bariatric unit and it dies get out. There are times when Salisbury is busy and all of them are on a call. If you're going to complain again get your facts Right ex " numerous unstaffed ambulances" is not a correct statement.

  65. Currently Wicomico 911 is dispatching the paid fire crew at Station 2 and also dispatching Station 6 for an ambulance on Crestwood Circle off Mt Hermon Road for a "sick subject."

    Again you will get a paid fire engine crew babysitting a patient while a an ambulance crew with real experience will arrive and handle the call.

    First of all if it's only a "sick subject" then what is the emergency. What will paid firemen do to enhance the experience. NOTHING. What a waste of tax dollars.

    1. A lot of the paid fire crew gave ems certifications. And they can help a patient. Would you rather they wait longer for help ? "Just a sick subject" a sick subject could be a bs call or a serious call you never know.

  66. 1:45 They screw each others wives, because no-one else would have their lazy, beer drinking, self righteous butts. Signed, ex wife of a "hero".

  67. Anonymous said...
    Having a degree use to mean something, but like no kid left behind - we have watered down our education system that having a college degree means NOTHING. Look at the kids getting them, kids with degrees working at McDonalds, if they work. Not all kids need to go to college, not everything is fair. Why do I bring this up, well look at the requirements for Chief, you had to have a BS degree. Who made that rule? Its bullshit, and if you go to a college that has no credentials, what good is your BS degree. I say shut down those requirements, hire people best qualified for the position. Eliminate ALL online colleges. ALL, I know numerous people in Salisbury in positions that have paper mill diplomas. There are qualified hard working people that can be promoted with out college degrees.

    October 20, 2016 at 9:20 AM

    I think a college degree is an excellent requirement. Afterall, it is a nationwide standard so someone is doing something right. Make it a real degree that is applicable to the job.

    I do agree with you that city of Salisbury should eliminate those fake paper mill degrees from Columbia Southern University.

    Jim Ireton overlooked the college degree requirements to force Hoppes down the 3 council members throats. When he finally got his "degree" it was from a fake online college. What a joke! Then John Tull, Darrin Scott and Jimmy Gladwell started wasting tax dollars doing the same thing at the paper mill college.

    1. Bring Dru Bragg and Larry Dodd back to run that department

  68. To the ex-wife, that's funny, I don't care who you are!

  69. "Today’s fire service is divided between two very self-serving groups that have little resemblance to their successors"

    After 30 years as a Fireman, I retired just for that reason. Change the things you can, accept the things you can't. I couldn't do either, and got the heck out. Best thing I ever did. To those remaining, sucks to be you.

    I agree, this is a comment worthy of it's own post.

  70. These requirements are done through general assembly for city of Salisbury, wicomico county. They are not for local elected officials to manipulate and bend of you will to do favors for friends and family. It's an absolute disgrace and dishonor to those that actually put in the proper time and work to qualify and comply for job requirements

  71. These requirements are done through general assembly for city of Salisbury, wicomico county. They are not for local elected officials to manipulate and bend of you will to do favors for friends and family. It's an absolute disgrace and dishonor to those that actually put in the proper time and work to qualify and comply for job requirements

    1. It's the same everywhere more "takers" than worker's

  72. OMG OMG Station 6 ambulance has to go to Delmar's call and Delmar has to send an engine for a delayed ambulance. Why are the "farmin" going. """"Insert sarcasm""""

  73. Wow! 108 Comments. The Paid TICKS are coming out of the woodwork to help Rick Hoppes run off the volunteer firemen just to justify their own paid jobs. Can you imagine if this post was at the top for several days. Probably get 1,000 comments.

  74. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When the city gets sued by who, the volunteer / volunteers at station 1 that try to bully the fire chiefs (Breezler / Hoppes ), with their lawyers. Instead of stepping up to the plate and doing the job they are sworn to do.

    October 20, 2016 at 10:10 AM

    Funny thing is Hoppes isn't doing the job he was sworn to do. No law suits involving Brezler, he was out of his league and new he wasn't wanted here either. He wore out his welcome in 2 years, unlike Baltimore County where he was forced out! Now time to get rid of Hoppes.

  75. Anonymous said...
    Having a degree use to mean something, but like no kid left behind - we have watered down our education system that having a college degree means NOTHING. Look at the kids getting them, kids with degrees working at McDonalds, if they work. Not all kids need to go to college, not everything is fair. Why do I bring this up, well look at the requirements for Chief, you had to have a BS degree. Who made that rule? Its bullshit, and if you go to a college that has no credentials, what good is your BS degree. I say shut down those requirements, hire people best qualified for the position. Eliminate ALL online colleges. ALL, I know numerous people in Salisbury in positions that have paper mill diplomas. There are qualified hard working people that can be promoted with out college degrees.

    October 20, 2016 at 9:20 AM

    Why do I get the feeling that you don't have a college degree and that is stopping you from getting promoted? Get off you lazy ass and enroll in some classes at Salisbury University, UMES or Wilmington University. Easy fix.

  76. Actually there are many problems in Ocean City and it's almost as bad as Salisbury. The best thing to do is separate EMS from the fire departments and let the volunteers handle all the fire calls. Problem solved.

  77. You're entirely wrong. That's exactly why I'm so perplexed and discontent with city of Salisbury and its past and present hiring practices. I personally have a tremendous dislike for TOM STEVENSON and tgey way he manipulated tilghman and ireton, standing in the shadows while they screwed chambers out her job. I have no respect of patience for a man with that type of character. I have over 100,000 invested in my education doing it by regulated guidelines. I don't work for the city of Salisbury now would I want to. There's no excuse for this ethic violations of a state legislated city charter to be manipulated by people like this. This guy is nothing more thank a snake in the grass that stood in the shadows waiting to cut someone's throat got his own self gain. What a f•••••• wimp

  78. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury charter section IV 4-2. You don't need a college degree just pucker up M. T. STEVENSON giving classes

    October 20, 2016 at 11:24 AM

    Of course you don't if you want to be the Boi Toy Arm Candy of Mayor Jim Ireton. Now he is the Boi Toy of Jake Day. You guys didn't know that Jake Day was in the closet did you? Check out so hotel receipts.

  79. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury has three staffed (paid) ambulances, one at each station. The fourth ambulance at Station 16 is the bariatric unit and is not staffed. It is used on the fourth call if they get it staffed and I believe most of the time they do.

    October 20, 2016 at 12:45 PM

    Who staffs if, one of the 10 paid fire officers in the Admin staff? I know John Tull's lazy ass or the Fat Chief himself have never been on an ambulance.

    1. Paid paramedics staff the ambulances everyday at all three Salisbury depts. Monday-Friday stations 1&2 also have paid engine crew,but only during the day. Station 16 also has paid engine crew all week day and night shifts.

  80. Anonymous said...
    Have you tried calling the firehouse and speaking to Tull Scott or Hoppesabout any of this or do you just like to run your mouth? 4105483120

    October 20, 2016 at 1:32 PM

    The same uneducated TROLL posts this same stupid comment all the time.

  81. Anonymous said...
    So if Darrin Scott is now Deputy Chief 1, what is John Tull's title and what does he do to justify his job? There can't be a lot of work for him and Rick Hoppes sitting in the office all day long!

    October 20, 2016 at 12:54 PM

    He has to run the family baby sitting service by picking his dropping off his daughter at Wicomico Middle School and pick up and drop off his son at Wicomico High School. What at great job driving a new City owned Ford SUV and all the free gas from the tax payers you can ask for. John Tull has the best job in the City of Salisbury. Well he deserves it because he worked hard kissing all that butt to get his position. The bonus was that fuzzy stache under his nose because it tickled the nuggets. Ooh did that feel good.

  82. Anonymous said...
    I believe if you do your research you will find that Salisbury has hired people that are cross trained. There are volunteers that only ride ambulance. There are volunteers that only ride the fire engine

    October 20, 2016 at 1:30 PM

    Wrong answer about the volunteers that ride only the ambulance! Hoppes has done absolutely nothing to recruit volunteers.

  83. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury has three staffed (paid) ambulances, one at each station. The fourth ambulance at Station 16 is the bariatric unit and is not staffed. It is used on the fourth call if they get it staffed and I believe most of the time they do.

    October 20, 2016 at 12:45 PM

    That is exactly what the problem is. The City of Salisbury Fire Department should have a minimum of 6 staffed ambulances, a Paramedic Captain on each shift and a Paramedic Chief in charge of EMS Operations. Instead of staffing those fire trucks around the clock with paid firemen they should be staffing those ambulances. Then allow the volunteers to handle the fire calls as they always have done. No need for them to be chasing every ambulance call either.

    1. Talk about too many chiefs and not enough Indians... wow. You do not need Capt each shift. Chief in charge, How about just using them to staff the ambulance.

  84. Anonymous said...
    When the city gets sued by who, the volunteer / volunteers at station 1 that try to bully the fire chiefs (Breezler / Hoppes ), with their lawyers. Instead of stepping up to the plate and doing the job they are sworn to do.

    October 20, 2016 at 10:10 AM

    The irony her is that Hoppes is bullying the volunteers and so is Jake Day. They both need to be fired immediately.

  85. Anonymous said...
    Idiot. The SOPs used by Central come from the Fire chiefs Assoc. Central does not make them up. Don't know what kind of research you did, other than talj to yourself. Hopkins is chief communication officer and Shipley is the director in charge of the dept. Hopkins also dispatches a lot to cover shortages.

    October 20, 2016 at 12:58 PM

    Who are you calling an idiot and why? Obviously, you are the idiot talking to yourself since you are posting this and not letting the readers know who you are talking about. Idiot!

    1. Because people keep saying Central is dispatching as they please and don't know what they are doing. Why are the dispatching an engine to an ambulance call blah blah blah. They are following the SOP's THAT the chiefs put forth to handle calls. They don't have a say in the matter. And if you had followed the post you would know what it was about. And I'm not saying the SOP's are wrong before someone has their panties in a wad over that. If people would actually find out why something is dispatched a certain way instead of guessing or blindly following the radio jocks quarterbacking on here before posting it would be nice.

    2. Not completely true, Central has several representatives at the Chief's meeting. They are just as much to blame for what goes on as the Chiefs. You should here them dictate what they can and cannot do because of system limitations.

    3. Central administration goes to the meetings, dispatchers do not. And yes there are some system limitations. So dispatchers don't have a choice

  86. Anonymous said...
    Incentives were set up to get more volunteers and to keep the ones you have. You don't have the sense of community as there used to be. Also both spouses have to work now making home commitments a higher priority. And the spouse is not there to watch the kids so the other could respond. You also do not have employer's now who will let you leave the job to respond. The younger generation is not as community oriented unfortunately.

    October 20, 2016 at 3:08 PM

    A paid farmin^^ making excuses to justify their paid fire jobs.

    1. Sorry just because you don't like what I said does not make me a paid fireman. Never been one sorry to disappoint you.

    2. These incentives were set up years ago long before this recent paid vs volunteer issue going on now.

  87. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    These requirements are done through general assembly for city of Salisbury, wicomico county. They are not for local elected officials to manipulate and bend of you will to do favors for friends and family. It's an absolute disgrace and dishonor to those that actually put in the proper time and work to qualify and comply for job requirements

    October 20, 2016 at 3:56 PM

    WTH are you talking about and why did you post it twice??

  88. Anonymous said...
    You're entirely wrong. That's exactly why I'm so perplexed and discontent with city of Salisbury and its past and present hiring practices. I personally have a tremendous dislike for TOM STEVENSON and tgey way he manipulated tilghman and ireton, standing in the shadows while they screwed chambers out her job. I have no respect of patience for a man with that type of character. I have over 100,000 invested in my education doing it by regulated guidelines. I don't work for the city of Salisbury now would I want to. There's no excuse for this ethic violations of a state legislated city charter to be manipulated by people like this. This guy is nothing more thank a snake in the grass that stood in the shadows waiting to cut someone's throat got his own self gain. What a f•••••• wimp

    October 20, 2016 at 8:42 PM

    I couldn't have said it better myself.

  89. It is really sad to read some of these comments that have so much ignorance and hatred in them. Very sad.

  90. 132 comments about the Salibury Fire Department and it's corruption. It's amazing that this topic draws so much attention and Jake Day, Jim Ireton, Jack Heath, et. al. will do nothing to get rid of Rick Hoppes who is the root of the problem.

  91. Is Jimmy Gladwell still gobbling the goop? It's the only way that little turd can get promoted. Is he still going to "College" at that fake online diploma mill called "Columbia Southern University." The "college" where anyone can take your exams for you online because they are not proctored. What a joke and the tax payers are paying for this.

  92. Anonymous said...
    1:45 They screw each others wives, because no-one else would have their lazy, beer drinking, self righteous butts. Signed, ex wife of a "hero".

    October 20, 2016 at 1:58 PM

    This comment here speaks volumes. All in one sentence.

  93. Anonymous said...
    I have no connection to SFD or being paid. Salisbury has always had a volunteer vs paid problem. Sometimes they get along and sometimes they don't. Sometimes it gets very heated in their differences. You will find this at most combo depts. I am just pro firefighter, don't care if you are paid or not. I just appreciate the service that is done for our communities. And hopefully this too shall pass. And hopefully the scanner jocks will learn the SOP's and stop assuming they know what is going on.

    October 20, 2016 at 1:08 PM

    Usually when the first thing someone says is "I have no connection to..." they are lying.

    1. You not liking my comment does change the fact I'm not SFD. I stated it that way as I knew that would be the comment made by trolls.

  94. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury has three staffed (paid) ambulances, one at each station. The fourth ambulance at Station 16 is the bariatric unit and is not staffed. It is used on the fourth call if they get it staffed and I believe most of the time they do.

    October 20, 2016 at 12:45 PM

    This "Know it all" doesn't know Jack Sh!t. Salisbury had 5 ambulances and now they have 6. People need to quit acting like they are the experts on the subjects they know nothing about.

  95. Anonymous said...
    Have you tried calling the firehouse and speaking to Tull Scott or Hoppesabout any of this or do you just like to run your mouth? 4105483120

    October 20, 2016 at 1:32 PM

    Where did this moron learn proper grammar? This is what the Salisbury Fire Department is hiring. This is what is coming out of our high schools and now they will go on to get a college degree from Columbia Southern University just like Richard A. Hoppes, BS, Chief of the Department.

  96. Joe, I was talking to some County Council members the other night at a fireman's dinner and they advised me that the Salisbury Fire Department doesn't invite them to any of their functions. The County gives the Salisbury Fire Department millions of dollars in funding and they don't have the decency to invite them to something like a crab feast that the county taxpayers paid for. Yes, they have crab feasts and they don't invite our elected officials. How disgusting is that!!

  97. Anonymous said...
    Talk about too many chiefs and not enough Indians... wow. You do not need Capt each shift. Chief in charge, How about just using them to staff the ambulance.

    October 21, 2016 at 1:31 PM

    I agree with you 100%. For years they had the assistant chief riding on the fire engines and they got the job done. Now they have to have an assistant chief riding in a $100,000 decked out SUV, a captain and lieutenant along with numerous acting lieutenants. That is definitely all chiefs and no Indians. Then they have 3 ambulances sitting in the stations unstaffed all the while the surrounding volunteer stations are sending their ambulances into the ghetto to pick up Salisbury's slack. This is a product of poor leadership in Salisbury. Richard Hoppes, John Tull and Darrin Scott must go. Oh and take that token volunteer deputy chief with no authority with you. That's right they have a token volunteer deputy chief that has no power and authority. He does absolutely nothing and gets a free car and gas to ride around in just to appease the volunteers. Lee Smith is a joke and just as unqualified as Richard Hoppes.

    1. The ambulances are paid staff everyday. If they don't respond it's because the are committed to another call. And the paid engine crew is separate.

  98. The only thing those paid farmin do is clean toilets around the stations. They are not intelligent enough to get a real job. They get to sleep all night long and then work a second job as a laborer somewhere double dipping.

    1. I disagree paid and volunteer fire and ems for the most part do an awesome job. It is a real job that a lot of people can not handle. Working a second job is not double dipping, it's probably needed to pay the bills and to have nicer things for their family. Maybe if you would volunteer at anything you can get off your high horse about "farmin" , you are disrespectful.

  99. Anonymous said...
    I disagree paid and volunteer fire and ems for the most part do an awesome job. It is a real job that a lot of people can not handle. Working a second job is not double dipping, it's probably needed to pay the bills and to have nicer things for their family. Maybe if you would volunteer at anything you can get off your high horse about "farmin" , you are disrespectful.

    October 22, 2016 at 6:00 PM

    1) I am a volunteer and it's paid farmin like you that are disrespectful. Look at the mean comments you people make about volunteers. Look at the mean comments you people make about each other and screwing each other's wives. Look at the mean comments you make about the people the pay your salaries, the taxpayers.

    2) You don't do an awesome job because you can't do both properly. You probably aren't even a paramedic either. Most of them do an awesome job in their positions.

    3) You paid farmin need a second job so you "can have nicer things for your family?" What about us taxpayers who pay your salaries. Some of us don't get to sleep at night and work 2 gravy jobs. Have you thought about living within your means. You paid farmin make more money than most of the taxpayers. You should have to work 8 hour shifts instead of 24 hour shifts and you shouldn't get the opportunity to get paid to sleep.

    4) You are wrong, anyone can do your job. Many just don't want to have a full time job cleaning toilets every day and dumping trash.

    5) Now instead of kicking back in your comfy recliners may you should go wash one of those fire engines.

    1. And it's"farmin" such as yourself that creates problems. Spreading your hate and misinformation.

  100. The solution is easy, fire all of the high level leaders and promote Jay Jester. Jay is loved not only in Salisbury but in Ocean City. Volunteer and Career will go out of their way to bring their best for Jay.
    Jay is a MFRI instructor and teaches future generations from his years of experience of fighting fires. Jay is as brave as they come.
    It is important that he is promoted before he is stolen away from us!

    1. Mr I VOLUNTEER at the rate of $25,000 for Ocean City, then drive his play Chiefs rig to Salisbury. No-one respect's him, really ?

    2. I was COMPLETELY serious. You know he is a published authoriy in real fire magazines... right?!
      Jay Is an absolute god among mere mortals... you would be LUCKY to have him as your chief!

    3. This has been mentioned several times, yet gains little ground. Shows just how the fire service has degraded. Fact is, Jester has played both sides masterfully, and you ticks are jealous.

  101. I've heard the allegations again on this thread about "extra curricular" activity while Ireton was mayor and city administrator and now possibly Day is there any truth to this??

  102. Anonymous said...
    The solution is easy, fire all of the high level leaders and promote Jay Jester. Jay is loved not only in Salisbury but in Ocean City. Volunteer and Career will go out of their way to bring their best for Jay.
    Jay is a MFRI instructor and teaches future generations from his years of experience of fighting fires. Jay is as brave as they come.
    It is important that he is promoted before he is stolen away from us!

    October 23, 2016 at 4:24 PM

    Jay Jester is one of the most hated volunteer firemen in Ocean City. He hates the paid paramedics in Ocean City and is the main cretin who worked behind the scenes to dismantle Ocean City EMS which was working absolutely fine.

    Jay is not a great instructor at MFRI or Salisbury. He talks like he is the greatest and if you keep an eye on him you know the pussy is afraid to get his gear dirty. He is literally afraid of fire, even at a control burn. He would rather be the safety officer at MFRI during practicals.

    He hates the volunteers in Salisbury and stabbed many career members in the back to get promoted to acting Lt., Lt. and Captain. He used the his position in the training center as many before him to suck up to the fire chief to get the answers to the exams and practicals. He's know dummy, but he is a suck up.

    Oh and don't forget he got ARRESTED for Drinking and Driving during a fire department fundraiser. He is a LOSER!

  103. Anonymous said...
    Mr I VOLUNTEER at the rate of $25,000 for Ocean City, then drive his play Chiefs rig to Salisbury. No-one respect's him, really ?

    October 23, 2016 at 6:51 PM

    He is hated in Salisbury and Ocean City. Only a Moron like Jimmy Gladwell would claim to be his friend.

  104. Anonymous said...
    This has been mentioned several times, yet gains little ground. Shows just how the fire service has degraded. Fact is, Jester has played both sides masterfully, and you ticks are jealous.

    October 23, 2016 at 7:51 PM

    TICKS = Totally Incapable of Containing Knowledge. I can assure you that I have more education and credentials than any paid staff including the legendary Richard A. Hoppes, BS and James L. Jester as do many other volunteers.


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