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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Sticker Shock: Americans Horrified Over Skyrocketing Obamacare Prices

Citizens share damning healthcare premium increase photos online

For years Infowars and others have warned the “Affordable Care Act” was unsustainable.

Now the Obama administration has confirmed health insurance premiums in 2017 will rise by an average of 25 percent across the country, with folks in some states set to see triple digit increases.

Frustrated with the higher costs, many have taken to Twitter to share letters from their health insurers illustrating the devastating impact of Obamacare.

For “Jay Wells” under Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, monthly premiums are going up from $711.83 to $1,872.17 – 163 percent!



  1. This is what we get when liberals are in charge. Obama could care care less when they jammed this crap down you're throat. Thank the Democrats when you vote.

  2. It's not like you haven't been warned.

  3. Vote accordingly. The premiums are ridiculous and if the fines (I mean tax) is based on the premium rate, then they're going to go up, too.

  4. Conservatives TRIED to tell you. We WARNED you this socialist fiasco was a scam.
    But you so loved the saviour (NOT Christ, of course, but Hussien) that when he said you would SAVE $2500 a year (and all the other promises that the media has ignored), you fell for it like a bag of rocks thrown overboard.
    NOW, you can't afford the insurance and the IRS will rip your life apart for NOT buying something you may not need or want.
    How is that "saviour" thing working out for you now?
    Wait til NEXT year. You will be feeling the pain on a level not seen before. Start learning how to choose between groceries and paying your premiums (and trying to figure out how to pay the $5000 deductible!!)
    And hillary says she is going to continue the very same policies (I think she said "another 4 years of Barack").
    Keep voting for her and keep cheering. Just remember -- what she is telling you is not her REAL position. She thinks you are too stupid and too reactive to "understand" how important and critical her ideas and goals are.....
    Go to one of her "I REALLY love the rich bankers" speeches to get the true hillary.
    Keep cheering.

  5. Vote Trump for 2016!

    He is the only one that wants to make healthcare better.
    Hillary could care less.


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