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Thursday, October 27, 2016

The coming media settlement with Hillary Clinton

There’s no one more repentant and eager to promise reform than the town drunk coming off a week at the bottom of a bottle. Some of “the top political reporters in the country,” as they think of themselves, will be soon looking for similar redemption.

If Hillary Clinton wins the Nov. 8 election — and it’s no sure thing, according to some of the respectable polls — she should not necessarily expect to extend the passionate honeymoon with her eager bridegrooms in the mainstream media. She can expect to minister to a lot of hangovers, which is sloppy duty that any number of wives of drunks could tell her is no fun.

All those men and women who eagerly plunged into the tank with her months ago will have no further reason to pay homage to her, and can redeem themselves, even unto themselves, by ridding themselves of the scent and stain of selling out the credibility of the journals they work for. Some of them have spectacular sins to atone.



  1. The MSM will soon leave Hillary at the altar, an abandoned bride with a warehouse full of ugly baggage. They should have called off the engagement a long time ago to save face and prove their worth to the American public. But it's going to be too late to do that now; they've made their bed and are going to have to sleep (wallow) in it.

  2. Yeah right just like they did with Obama, spare me

  3. Pretty sure the white house Press corp. Will look a lot different. Maybe president Trump will kick them off Air Force One and make these hacks fly coach.


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