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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Maryland legislator plans to overhaul 'jacked up' medical marijuana commission

Cheryl Glenn thinks Maryland's medical marijuana commission is "jacked up."

Glenn, a state delegate representing Baltimore, said she thinks the commission lacks diversity and its process for issuing growing and processing licenses to companies was not transparent. She plans to file a bill on the first day of the General Assembly's next legislative session to overhaul the state's medical marijuana commission. The session starts Jan. 11.

"We can do better and we will do better," Glenn said during a panel discussion hosted by the Greater Baltimore Committee on Wednesday. She was joined on the panel by state Sen. Jamie Raskin, D-Montgomery county, Curio Wellness CEO Michael Bronfein and Caren York, a senior policy advocate for the Job Opportunities Task Force

The Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission issued 15 grower licenses and 15 processor licenses in August. The commissioners selected the firms based on redacted applications and scores determined by the Towson University Regional Economic Studies Institute.



  1. For a state with this population, 15 growers and 15 processors are absurdly low numbers. This will keep the price of the products "jacked up" to a degree that street prices of the almost identical products will be less than the legal ones. It thereby actually promotes and gives economic favor to the Black Market.
    More growers and processors are needed to give competition to one another to keep prices fair for consumers, or they will turn to other avenues.
    As for "diversity", either the potential operators have a good business plan or they don't. This isn't another affirmative action project where the bar on quality is lowered just to be inclusive, and nor should it be.

  2. If you want to legalize marijuana, all you have to do is drop the laws against it. Make God the Grower, and anyone's yard the "manufacturing facility", otherwise known as "fertile soil".

    But that's too hard to think of...

  3. All white guys with the in crowd making all the cash also don't blame her for investigating.

  4. Why is there the need to re-engineer the wheel? There are several states with successful programs in place. Why not emulate their programs or cherry pick the best features of each?

  5. It sounds like the Maryland government doesn't want medical marijuana, even though their constituents do.

  6. 6:18 PM - Because it's Maryland, home of the proud and too proud.

  7. A typical Crack Head racist thugette that wants to decriminalize her peoples favorite vice. She had to drop the race card to get her way.

  8. She is on the money....No one from Maryland, black or white, was granted a license.

  9. 5:56 has it right . Demcriminalize. End of story

  10. A typical thorough bread thugette

  11. Diversity isn't going to make the board any better..why do they always blame diversity. This bill has been spewed every time someone doesn't like a decision..Get over it..The Black Guerilla Family doesn't need a representative on the marijuana board.

  12. What kind of bread is thorough bread?

  13. 5:56, 11:14 you really think NO ONE has thought of that? It's very unlike our gov't to allow us something for free when they can easily tax the hell out of it.


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