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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Clinton Media Chief Urged Fake "U-S-A" Chants At DNC "To Contrast Trump's Angry White Men"

According to leaked emails from the Clinton Campaign, one man's patriot is another "person of undefined sexual identity"'s "angry white man."

The latest Wikileaks dump exposes the hypocrisy of a divided America as Oren Shur - Direct or Paid Media for the Hillary Clinton campaign - calls for fake "U-S-A" chants during Hillary's DNC speech.. to contrast the hate-speech-filled "U-S-A" chants at a Trump rally...

It's all about the optics...


  1. Once you truly awaken to the manipulation, you will always see it.
    It is plain as day.
    Right in front of my face.
    I easily recognize it and act accordingly.

    Thank you

  2. Her hacks will also start yelling "USA" to try to drown out protest chants so the cameras can't hear.

  3. Onky you idiots seem to think the same staging doesnt happen at every major GOP rally. You guys are not the brightest bulbs in the box.

  4. And, 4:16, YOU still have some "stuff" on your mouth. Get off your knees and wipe it off, please.


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