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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Donald Trump warns of voter fraud, calls GOP leaders 'naive'

Donald Trump warned Monday of “large-scale voter fraud” on Nov. 8, heaping doubts about legitimacy on an already unsettled electorate — though Democrats and Republicans alike said they don’t see evidence of rigging in the presidential contest.

Mr. Trump, who is trailing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in key states ahead of Election Day, said he already suspects problems at “many polling places” and wonders why other party leaders aren’t as worried as he is.

“Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on?” Mr. Trump said on Twitter. “So naive!”

He offered no proof, though.

Jon Husted, the Ohio secretary of state, called Mr. Trump’s warnings irresponsible. Ohio is a critical swing state that was ground zero for claims of election fraud by some Democrats in 2004.



  1. There's a difference between naivete and choosing to ignore.

  2. Everyone needs to be on high alert at all election sites. Report your findings don't let it go. The life of this country is at stake with this election.

  3. Left wing and right wing same bird.

  4. 606
    You act as if the voting matters.
    It doesn't.
    Sorry to break it to you.

    Hillary will be the POTUS

    Because our masters said so.

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 20, 2016 at 9:03 PM

    6:38 well, I tend to disagree. This election It Does Matter. The choice we have here is cleaar. We have been duped by Hope & Change for last 8 years, while all those Slimey politicians been shoving s"-# down our throats, including Crooked Clintons, who's been doing it for 30 years. This election we can do nothing and let those Criminals & Deceivers take over this land and make ourselves the Peasants and Slaves of Hillary's Kingdom, while they laughing with slogan Yes We Can Bankrupt America, while taking your guns and freedom, increasing your taxes and sending jobs overseas, while bringing Muslim refugees by thousands, while having Open Borders for everyone.
    Or We the People, finally, Stand Up and Say No More, by voting for Donald Trump. Like him it not, with him in charge, We the People Have a Chance to Make America Great Again! With Hillary We have Nothing and Loose Everything.
    Think about it, put it in your pipe and smoke it. Or you can do nothing, and keep smiling and complaining next 4+4 years and there will be nothing none of us could do.

  6. they are too lazy too 'purge' the records. no one wants to take the bull by the horns and get the job done. clean up the registry so all can say we have fair elections. require photo I.D. to vote and only American Citizens should vote. period.

  7. 9:03 very well stated said and oh so true. 10:54, I would volunteer to help get this job done if only they would do it. It needs to be done and should absolutely be done.

  8. Too bad it's happened multiple times that the electoral college doesn't vote the way the majority voted. It's called checks and balances. It's designed to keep the middle and lower class in check.

  9. Time for revolution.

  10. 638 had it right.
    Voting does not matter.

    Everyone wants Mr. Trump.

    Wait and see.
    He will not win.

    Because the voting does not matter.
    POTUS is selected, not elected.

    Wake up folks.
    You have ZERO power.
    The government is totally controlled by the bankers.


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