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Sunday, September 18, 2016

The First ‘Monday Night Football’ Game Of The Season Produced Weak Ratings

Rating for Monday Night Football were down nearly 25 percent when the San Francisco 49ers played the Los Angeles Rams.

The 49ers shut the Rams out 28-0 at Levi’s Stadium in what was supposed to be the Rams’ highly anticipated return to Los Angeles for the first time in 22 years.

The game averaged a 7.1 rating among households in Nielsen’s metered markets, a 25 percent drop from the second game last year, which took a 9.5 overnight rating, according to the Hollywood Reporter.



  1. while those over paid entertaining players want to dis the country I will not watch them any longer. Football is not the stage to promote how you feel. Sitting is easy. Put your money where your mouth is and use those millions to do some good.

  2. If the implication here is that ratings were down due to the two players protest that would be wrong. Ratings were down due to the game starting after 10:00pm on the east coast.

  3. The NFL has allowed the sanctity of the sport to be compromised allowing the PC left take over.

  4. 1041 my family and friends have been fans for generations and are now protesting anything 49ers until RACIST second string washed up non playing non team player leaves. We also are a FAMILY of MILITARY. 10pm has nothing to do with it. Troll about something else.

  5. Professional sports players play sports. What their political views are should be expressed on their own time.

  6. It also has to do with being on ESPN. We cut the cord and won't pay to watch football. Many others are doing the same regardless of the traitors on some of the teams.

  7. 10 P.M. has nothing to do with it here as well. I'm refuse to watch this garbage anymore with the protest, the black glove fist raising etc. these clowns have NO idea what their relatives actually went through to progress this country where it WAS. From what was reported the incidents were because people are actually breaking some type of law and should expect confrontation from law enforcement. I'm a white male and had my ass whipped by law enforcement but you know what I learned AVOID the situation that put me in their path

  8. No one should watch this crap, I quit years ago. Overpaid criminals, 99% of them!

  9. 10:41 AM - try as you might, the FACTS are that a lot of people, my household included, did not watch, because many over paid, over privileged sissy's disrespected this country.

    It's not about 2 people from one team. It is about many idiots from several teams.

    They are paid to play. They are not paid to promote their personal misguided ignorant opinions.

  10. I refuse to watch the 49ers and they used to be one of my favorite teams.

  11. It was also a late game for most of the country and a pretty obvious blowout...

  12. I am protesting their protest. Until they all stand and stop this ignorance I will not watch. I am sick of blm, if they matter so much why isn't there a nonstop protest in chicago? It's because black lives only matter when it means their lazy asses can get something for nothing. They already live on welfare, but that's the whote mans fault. NO, IT'S YOUR PARENTS FAULT FOR HAVING YOU WHEN THEY WERE STILL A CHILD. It's their fault for treating you like a paycheck, it's their fault for being more worried bout looking good than actually being good. It's your parents fault they didn't get an education, because who needs that to sell drugs and collect welfare? It's your parents fault they act like children throwing temper tantrums and then you grow up acting the same thinking that's how you should act. If your life matters so freaking much more than anyone else's, grow up, take responsibility for yourself and your race, and be the example, NOT an example for what's wrong with your race. And for anyone who thinks I'm wrong, you need to take a long look at reality. The truth hurts, huh?

  13. They got rid of Mike Tirico on commentary. It doesnt have the same feeling to it.

  14. LOL-Kaepernak wants to show off and bad people want to support him and see what happens. The good people always win out because the Almighty sees to that! Look at the fine officers who were ALL cleared in the Baltimore Gray case. Father God steps in ALL the time and slaps down and puts back in the place the evil among the real true faithful.

  15. Cannot speak for everyone, but I stopped watching Monday because the Redskins stunk up the entire state. BTW - I was wrong - Cousins will never be anything more than and average QB. Just below Flacco's skill level.

  16. The NFL is going down!

    There are a ton of people who are mad at the NFL for its failure to control the thugs who it employs.

  17. @1:00 what a joke!! There is no such thing

  18. You'll act like the nfl is so patriotic. They are being paid to make the players stand and show patriotism. If you've ever gone to games you know that it just started like 2008 or 2009 before that they were in the locker room.

  19. NFL is in decline, soccer will replace it.


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