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Sunday, September 18, 2016

John Kerry’s State Department Funneled MILLIONS To His Daughter’s Nonprofit

More than $9 million of Department of State money has been funneled through the Peace Corps to a nonprofit foundation started and run by Secretary of State John Kerry’s daughter, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show.

The Department of State funded a Peace Corps program created by Dr. Vanessa Kerry and officials from both agencies, records show. The Peace Corps then awarded the money without competition to a nonprofit Kerry created for the program.

Initially, the Peace Corps awarded Kerry’s group — now called Seed Global Health — with a three-year contract worth $2 million of State Department money on Sept. 10, 2012, documents show. Her father was then the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, which oversees both the Department of State and the Peace Corps.



  1. Trey goudy investigation please.

  2. another NON-PROFIT to relieve everyone else of their $$ - when will they outnumber the FOR profits? Kind of makes you feel stoopid for paying taxes, doesn't it?

  3. I would like to know how much Dr. Kerry earned yearly! I am getting so tired of this crap. Where are all the groups that would usually show up to argue about awarding funds without competing for them?

    1. 140k a year for part time work. She is the only paid employee and only officer of the foundation. The Drs nursers and medics get paid zero volunteer work. Kerry doesn't pay for travel,housing,cars,food,clothing and lawyers on free. All paid by her foundation and OUR tax dollars.

  4. In My America that man should be taken out of office immediately and charged in a court of law and serve time in jail. Not a chance in Hell.

  5. He earns millions because of his wife the Heinz catsup heiress.

  6. Our government has been a banana republic for years and the majority of Americans still don't realize the loss of "We the People"!

  7. Looks like he learned a lot from the HildaBeast!

    More dumbocrat corruption!

  8. The whole Obama administration is a bunch of crooks. They steal our tax payers dollars and give them to all the crooked Democrats that have foundations or whatever. Just a bunch of crooks. Not saying Republicans are much better. but it seems like everyday that goes by there are more and more lies and stealing our money from the Obama administration.

  9. Kickbacks, bribery, payoffs, nepotism, backroom deals, and corruption.
    They now do it openly and in your face and do not care what you see or what you think about it.
    keep cheering.

  10. he couldn't let hillary reap all the benefits for herself, but when she realizes that kerry is "working her side of the street" he'll likely end up dead too...

  11. Big John will be getting his cut that remains in the coffers come 1/21/17.

  12. 9:09
    You beat me to it. He's taking a page right out of the Hillary book of corruption.

  13. This is why they don't want Trump to get elected. He might find out about all the backroom deals they are doing and put a stop to it.

  14. They are all corrupt and in bed together! Sickening!

  15. He is or was married to the Heinz heiress why was this necessary?

  16. I do hope his daughter is not married as I'm looking for a wealthy bride. Now, the question is how do we retrieve the money. No wonder our taxes are high.


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