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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hillary Passes Out: A Different Angle


  1. Still a sack of potatoes.

  2. It makes no difference what the angle is, she did not faint, she collapsed like a sack of potatoes. It may be true that she has pneumonia, but it's probably secondary to another, underlying, problem.

  3. thanks, I've been waiting for a different angle to come out

  4. This really isn't a different angle. Someone just flipped the video.

  5. She may have pneumonia but she collapsed from symptoms of MS

  6. 11:32 is right on it, no different angle. Flipped

  7. It is now very clear that the lady who emerged 2 hours later from Chelsea's apartment was not Hillary.

    They used a body double.

    Question: Is Hillary still alive?

  8. 12:05 yes it is simply a flipped version of the original.
    I guess thats their way of ripping off the guy who caught it on camera, flip it and then claim its not his

  9. It doesnt even look like an actual person. She has that similar stiffness as when you get tased

  10. Flipped video...but clearly her puppet string broke!!

  11. She didn't pass out. She could not move. Her body wasn't responding to what her brain was telling it to do. MS? Possibly but I'm leaning towards Parkinson's. The head bobble recorded is typical side effect to Parkinson's drug. She's been coached on ways to hide symptoms. When she speaks publicly she keeps her hands busy. When that fails to control tremor she places her hand on her chest. Watch videos. She does this a lot. Wide eyed/bug eyed happened on several occasions-notably when confetti was dropped at the close of the democrat convention. She freezes sometimes mid sentence until she is 'snapped' out by staff. And the coughing-very symptomatic of advanced stage Parkinson's and difficulty swallowing.

  12. To 11:58 I don't think so.

  13. To me.....it looks like she is handcuffed, and when she goes down they are released (that may be the "metal" dropping sound people are talking about. When you are unstable you don't have your hands behind your back in the position hers are in. Think about it.....if you are dizzy you don't put your hands like that.

  14. 1:09
    She is holding on to the cement post to keep from falling over. Joe posted a video the other day and you could clearly see something drop out of her pants leg. It was not a piece of a handcuff. It was a metal rod of some sort. Maybe from a leg brace to steady her?

  15. 1:14
    Look at the video again..... Her hands are still in that position when she is pulled away from the post. Her hands don't move from that position until she goes down.

    Just a thought....

  16. She wasn't holding on to the cement post, she was propped up against it at an odd angle--almost looks like she was sliding down it. Her elbows were bent and her hands flopping. She had no control over her hands or any area of her body. Security miscalculated not realizing she had no control and that's why when they went to help her advance forward she fell.

  17. She cannot officially be down until Mills Lane says so!

  18. You can see when they tried to help her walk forward she couldn't even more her feet. They were just dragging.

  19. Did she make the Ellen show today she was scheduled for?

  20. Hillary will be in my thoughts. I hope she is well enough to attend Bill Clinton's 70th birthday gala. I'm sure after she get's liquored-up, she will be fine and the Queen of the event. Please remind her of the upcoming debate!!! She wants to be on top of the heap of lies.


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