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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Racism works both ways


  1. She is and always has been a classy woman!!

  2. pics worth one million words but I think you hit the nail on the head. ugly goes clear to the bone!

  3. Everyone else's attention is to the D-Day ceremony, but Michelle is giving the French president's wife, Carla Bruni, the evil eye. What's with that?

  4. Really, you just awoke to realize that !

  5. Gain much weight moochwlla ? How is the school lunch programs working for your stoned kids.

  6. Nasty filthy thing MO is. She was never proud of the US until her lying ghetto filth husband was elected. What a POS raised by a POS mother. There are things to be proud of everyday in this country and always has been-those feeding the hungry and clothing the poor. Those holding addicted babies, those giving their hard earned money to help others. The list is endless. She's the idol of black woman so it's no wonder that race has sunk so low in the gutter and their youth are killing each other off like they are. if they had a moral bone in their bodies they would be ashamed at who they idolize.

  7. I can't imagine that sex goddess seated next to such anger.

  8. Racism is a tactic by the Progressives to divide people and take their country.

  9. Michael looks unhappy.

  10. She is always unhappy 11:01. She's sporting that perpetual underbite from spending an entire lifetime being an angry lying piece of trash.

  11. National enqire states moooochella has gained 98 lbs look at before and after pics?

  12. This was from Mandelas funeral where BO was taking photos with this woman. Michelle had to switch seats with him

  13. By throwing the race card out on this pic the OP is a racist. Just b/c a woman of color looks angry at another woman who happens to be white she is racist. Can't people of different races hate each other w/o it being race related? Some of you on here are so simple, sorry:(

  14. Barry's husband is one ugly dude!

  15. Michelle is as ignorant and as nasty as a black can be. One thing is for sure. Michelle can't hide her feelings or hide her dislike for white people. Please tell her that it is not our fault that she was born black. She needs to suck it up and move on to the next chapter of her life.


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