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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Mysterious piece of metal flings out of Hillary's pant leg

What was that?


  1. And now they're claiming its pneumonia.
    I've had pneumonia about 10 times and I never was like that.

  2. looked like a seizure the way she flung herself backwards. she was nearly on the ground.

  3. Looking around the different MSM TV, they are cutting off the "dead feet drag" part of the picture and cut the film short of her face down dive. But they don't mind showing us the first wobble 15 times over and over again!

  4. First spin by the Clinton campaign after the video aired, she was "overheated." Nine hours later, the spin is pneumonia. You would think they would have been testing her before, what with all the coughing "episodes" that have been caught on video. Something is seriously wrong with that woman's health.

    The woman is sick, and just like every other issue with her, it is being covered up. It's why she can't hold press conferences, like the other candidates. Her health episodes are unpredictable, and can't be controlled with medication. If the truth were known, it would disqualify her for the office of the presidency. Her service detail is always shielding her from the cameras, except for the staged photo ops. I'm sad for her heath crisis, as I would be for anyone who is suffering, but she should just bow out at this point in her life and deal with her health. After all, she is no longer "dead broke" and can live out her life without the $400K paycheck of the presidency.

  5. I will never comment on someone who is sick or who may have contracted a disease but I will say this; if she is truly sick to the point where there are long-term complications then she should drop out of the race and go on to being a grandmother and a "philanthropist".

    I bet that if she is not elected POTUS that the Clinton Foundation will start drying up quickly since she will no longer be of any use to anyone.

  6. I love love love the sleuths who spotted something falling out of her pant leg, and side by side pics of a double.

    People have no idea just how far our masters will go to make us believe their narrative.

  7. The MSM knows she is sick and can't possibly finish her term but it is too late to get someone else so they just want her to get elected so her running mate can take over.

  8. 9:15AM:

    Then again, Hillary might really, really need the lifetime healthcare benefits that the presidency offers.

  9. Can't wait for the debates. She will be sitting on Obama's lap,and he will be working her like a Jeff Dunham puppet.

  10. LOL! I bet Hillary knows what TOP SECRET means now! I guarantee she has classified her health status as TOP SECRET. We will never know the truth about that either.

  11. If it was anyone else and they passed out we would have been taken to the ER to be checked out. They know what is wrong with her that is why they skipped the ER.

  12. same answer I gave when you posted this same thing at 7:53
    AnonymousSeptember 12, 2016 at 1:48 PM
    might it be the shoe she lost while being placed in car?

  13. 2:11
    It wasn't a shoe. You can see something drop from her pants leg in the video. Her shoe is on her foot. You can even hear it hit the sidewalk. I think she is wearing some type of brace and it broke.

  14. I guess it will remain a mystery since the media wouldn't dare to ask her what it was!


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