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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Nose is different, body shape is different, face is different. Hair is close, but not the same.

And then there are the hands. These are man hands.


  1. Most people simply accept things as presented.
    But now that you point out the discrepencies, it is not Hillary!

  2. What am I looking at?? Not a Hillary supporter but not sure where in the video the discrepancies are.. I wanna see lol

  3. I need to compare her wearing dark sunglasses from years past and put it side by side with this one before I say thats a body double

  4. Are you people for real?

  5. Theresa Barnwell Hillary impersonater

    1. Bingo! Trying to fool the public with her 4 hrs recovery, total bs, I've seen other pics and it definitely is not Hillary, she looked to have lost 25 lbs in those 4 hrs.

  6. there was also something metallic that fell out of her pant leg. it hasn't been identified yet.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Are you people for real?

    September 12, 2016 at 2:33 PM

    I was wondering that myself. I have no idea what they are talking about. Next they will be saying killary is an alien or reptile or something. She is a female dog but....

  8. Coming out of that building she looked like she could break into song and dance.

  9. There is obviously a Hillary double. This means Hillary is to sick to be President. Also if she is trying to pull this over on the public. How many other lies is she telling. Like Trump says crooked Hillary, Lying Hillary. With a double she could die a day after the election and the deception could have who knows who running the country with a public double. anyone else could be playing President in the background making all the decisions and all we see is her double. This all smells pretty fishy to me. Someone better get on the ball and find out what is really going on. The people deserve to know the truth.

  10. An ambulance was filmed taking her from her motorcade.

  11. They claim they are now going to be more transparent about her health.

    What that means is that they are going to come up with bigger and better lies.
    They have no choice but to start orchestrating and controlling the narrative.


  12. Has anyone measured the length of the noses of the two Lyin' Hillarys?

  13. It was downright creepy to see this person emerge from the building with a giant unlike-Hillary smile, a snap in her step (that we've never, ever seen before) and no Secret Service entourage. The resemblance to Hillary was remarkable, but the impression that it gave after a moment of thinking that who else could it be but Hillary was, "wait a minute, that's not her!".

  14. I agree. This is not Hillary. But it's a fair lookalike that's had extensive plastic surgery, teeth capping and hairline adjustment. Skin tone and color are much more healthy looking than the original's. The midsection of the body shows a more athletic build but probably with padding to emulate Hillary's sagging midriff, behind and upper thighs. The erectness and flexibility of the back is better than Hillary has been able to manage in months. The upper extremities are more fit, with little evidence of Hillary's floppy upper arms, and the way that they move may be practiced, but the nuances aren't there.
    The true test would be in speaking, but that wasn't demonstrated in this appearance on the sidewalk. It may be said that it was avoided.

    No, this isn't Hillary Clinton. But they'd like you to think so.

  15. The missing chin and neck baggage is not there, I think you are right.


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