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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Oh, We Thought You Should See This Gem

It must be nice to be RICH.


  1. Isn't it obvious that the city doesn't need a paid fire dept. , I'll take it a step further , does it even need a fire dept. . I believe that the surrounding fire depts. such as fruitland , Delmar , Hebron would be enough. Don't even think about the issues with medical transportation. They go to PRMC to get treated 4 hours later. Start thinking out of you tiny box Salisbury. This post is really funny , glad I don't live their.
    PS, I might add , has anyone done any research on how many fires the city has.
    How can you use up equipment that sets most of the time.

  2. Your posting gives one to believe the cost and the need are over the top - but I have no way to really know this to be true. Could you give a breakdown on how the three stations could cut needs and/or expenses? I think most tax payers,like myself, are not aware of Federal and State regulations in fire safety requirements.

  3. Ten large for floor cleaner...four big one's for a costume....etc

  4. Questions need to be raised regarding the Sparky costume and the floor cleaner.

  5. This is a good example of a wounded city. The city is lame , it's mentally ill leaders have led a path of destruction . The total incompetence of these people is overwhelming . You say vote them out , not gonna happen. Read some of these excuses to purchase or give your money away. Training manequin $1,218
    Floor cleaner 9,000 , this is stupid, who in the hell made this form?

  6. $87,000.00 for a command vehicle, seriously!

  7. Let's do some evaluations with people who work as a fire person. First of all it's a paid job , first downfall. Most workers look for ways to do less work , at present these guys only work 1 day out of 4. Let me back up a bit , they put in time 1 day out of 4. Second of all they really don't have enough work to keep them busy , so it's a boring job. When people work they need to have an accomplishment to satisfy them mentally , sort of a mental reward. I have seen all the money issues , but I have looked beyond that for reasons to spend. They seem to be like the leading organization of the city always using safety as an excuse , a little like the excuse "it's for the children".
    I'm glad I'm not on this council of fools.

  8. 7:13 AM, it doesn't sit most of the time - they are always riding all over town, every day of the week, going up and down Rt. 13 and Rt.50 and in shopping centers, all over the place - just putting miles on the vehicles, doing absolutely nothing but riding. Makes me sick, using all that fuel for what - nothing but to ride around so they won't be stuck in a firehouse. So damn wasteful.

  9. I agree with 7:51 Poster. Some of our leaders are mentally ill. In light of our local sagging economy, increasing homeless population, abandoned and foreclosed houses - and yet our local first responders seek to 'gold plate' their wallets to the detriment of citizens. Yep - sounds like a mental illness to me to.

  10. $4,000.00 for a Sparky costume come on people let's get real here.

  11. Sparky costume refers to a special piece of equipment which happens to have a funny name.
    It protects the wearer from electrical impulses.

  12. I call BS! According to NFPA (National Fire Prevention Association) a Sparky Suit or Sparky Costume is a depiction of Sparky the Fire Dog and, while the suit is flame retardant, it does not protect against impulses, not even the impulse to roll on the floor and laugh at anyone dumb enough to pay $3,814 for one.

  13. If it looks like a costume and walks like a costume, it must be a costume...not special equipment.

  14. $11,000 for desk top computers, $3,ooo for HazMat Laptop, What did all these computers go up all at once. That is a lot of BS. The programs they use are not out dated. I would like to have serial #'s and locate these computers to see how many are not at the Fire House. Time Culver needs to request a forensic audit before any more County dollars go to these bunch irresponsible pathetic leaders. All they want to do is cry when they don't get their way and refuse to respond within the County. They want to be a City Fire Dept, Then cut off all County money. They over bill individuals and Ins companies for their services. Another thing they forced the Vollies under their control so they would get their monies and do not cover the area the Vollies covered. They are not complying to their job requirements / duties.

  15. I realize that the Sparky Costume is probably a great teaching item but what is wrong with our Fire Dept. holding fundraisers like other communities have done to purchase their Sparky Dog Costumes. Do a search for the Sparky Dog Costume to see the towns that have held fundraisers to purchase this item. They did not request that their towns purchase this item for them nor should ours.

  16. The City of Salisbury is getting screwed on this. The complete Sparky costume sells for only $2,135.00, NOT $3,814.00. Hell the complete Sparky robot is only $3,594.00. Where is the extra $1,679 gong to? In somebody's pocket?

  17. Station 1 volunteers bought the sparky for kids where they allow birthday partys for kids at there station as well at fire prevention displays . The city has since illegally gifted it to the city with out consent from station 1 volunteers . They have also taken the electronic display sign and computers as well . This was all purchase by station 1 volunteers and they have not gifted it to the city . The fire chief has taken it because he says the city is in charge of the county fund that is giving to the volunteers which should be a main topic on here. The computers were bought to upgrade what was in the station because city would not do so. The electronic signature display out front was bought to help gain more volunteers and to have friendly messages on it . The volunteers would not let the fire chief post what he wanted on it so he is taking it . The fire chief is out of control and the mayor is allowing this . The fire chief is currently atemping to annex into parsonburgs district to Dagsboro road . The fire chief is attempting to build two more fire houses as well one on North end and one by shorebirds and to have paid staffing . He has stated he didn't need the volunteers
    and he is running them out. They have also did away with station 2s bell and has shut station 1s off .

  18. Anonymous said...
    Isn't it obvious that the city doesn't need a paid fire dept. , I'll take it a step further , does it even need a fire dept. . I believe that the surrounding fire depts. such as fruitland , Delmar , Hebron would be enough. Don't even think about the issues with medical transportation. They go to PRMC to get treated 4 hours later. Start thinking out of you tiny box Salisbury. This post is really funny , glad I don't live their.
    PS, I might add , has anyone done any research on how many fires the city has.
    How can you use up equipment that sets most of the time.
    September 5, 2016 at 7:13 AM

    Jake Day is a Dumb POS who sucks up to the likes a Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Jimmy Gladwell and Beverly Tull. Instead of doing his job and learning the ins and outs on the fire department he is listening to people that are telling him lies to justify their existence.

  19. The money that is coming from the volunteer corporation came from the County allotments to the volunteers. If that is all these volunteers want to do with the money that is given to them from Bob Culver the County Executive, then maybe that needs to be reconsidered.

    Those hazmat suits for instance is supposed to be replaced every time they are used and paid for by the people that caused the hazard.

    The taxpayers in both the city and county are getting screwed over.

  20. Anonymous said...
    This is a good example of a wounded city. The city is lame , it's mentally ill leaders have led a path of destruction . The total incompetence of these people is overwhelming . You say vote them out , not gonna happen. Read some of these excuses to purchase or give your money away. Training manequin $1,218
    Floor cleaner 9,000 , this is stupid, who in the hell made this form?

    September 5, 2016 at 7:51 AM

    Rick Hoppes needs to go. He should have never been hired, but he is now Jake Day's baby. If you remember correctly Jake Day was the deciding vote for the POS when he got elected to the city council and he was proud of that.

    Jake Day should not be the mayor, but we have the House of Lords in Salisbury that buys these elections.

    Does anyone remember who the House of Lords is?

  21. Anonymous said...
    $87,000.00 for a command vehicle, seriously!

    September 5, 2016 at 7:52 AM

    That is correct. Actually it cost a lot more.

    Also if you remembered correctly that idiot wannabe chief Chris O'Barsky wrecked it a couple of weeks ago. The SUV was nearly totalled but they will probably get it fixed.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Let's do some evaluations with people who work as a fire person. First of all it's a paid job , first downfall. Most workers look for ways to do less work , at present these guys only work 1 day out of 4. Let me back up a bit , they put in time 1 day out of 4. Second of all they really don't have enough work to keep them busy , so it's a boring job. When people work they need to have an accomplishment to satisfy them mentally , sort of a mental reward. I have seen all the money issues , but I have looked beyond that for reasons to spend. They seem to be like the leading organization of the city always using safety as an excuse , a little like the excuse "it's for the children".
    I'm glad I'm not on this council of fools.

    September 5, 2016 at 8:11 AM

    You are exactly correct. These idiots get paid to sleep every single night.

    They need to go back on the rotating 8-hour shifts and find work to do instead of sleeping. If they don't have work to do then they should go home.

  23. I'm wondering why Jake Day and Rick Hoppes hasn't made any effort to recruit and retain volunteers.

    I will tell you why. The can't stand the volunteers. Jake Day just yells at them and tells then "Chief Hoppes has an SOP book that needs to be followed." Jake Day doen't listen to the volunteers who are trying to make the fire department a better place.

    Jake Day you and Jim Ireton are the problem with this fire department.

  24. Anonymous said...
    7:13 AM, it doesn't sit most of the time - they are always riding all over town, every day of the week, going up and down Rt. 13 and Rt.50 and in shopping centers, all over the place - just putting miles on the vehicles, doing absolutely nothing but riding. Makes me sick, using all that fuel for what - nothing but to ride around so they won't be stuck in a firehouse. So damn wasteful.

    September 5, 2016 at 8:12 AM

    I agree as well.

  25. Here is a comment on a person's Facebook Page about the Demolition of the old Fire Station on Naylor Street. The person posted a picture of the old fire station property with the building demolished and gone for good. The Records guy made a comment to explain but the comment made absolutely no justification for tearing the building down such as the last commenter made. Then Mare Jake Day thanks him for commenting. Again it made no sense. Also agreeing to not tearing the building down was Rick Insley. Both Rick Insley and Chris Peek are experts in the building industry and they know it was a mistake to tear the old station down. The experts know that the fire station had value and now the property is worthless compared to the taxes the city could have recieved.
    "Picture with Old Fire Station GONE"
    Interesting... I wonder why they scraped the site at Brown and Naylor. Was the old Firehouse possessed or something? I'm guessing it was too much trouble to repurpose the structure. It cost Headquarters Live a huge sum for their retrofit.

    Bryan Wayne-Records - The building opened in 1930 and was on a hundred year lease with the Morris family of Shore Distributors. When the city decided to build a new station it was agreed to return the land to them.
    Like · Reply · 7 · September 3 at 2:56pm

    Chris Peek - Thanks for the info!
    Like · Reply · September 3 at 3:14pm

    Jacob Day - Thanks Bryan Wayne-Records.
    Like · Reply · September 3 at 4:04pm

    Jay Disharoon - Still a shame to to see a nice building torn down, I love it when they fix an old building up and continue to use it.
    Like · Reply · 1 · September 3 at 4:59pm

  26. Thank you to the concerned citizen for provide this Blog with these documents please continue to look out for the tax payers.

  27. Anonymous said...
    The City of Salisbury is getting screwed on this. The complete Sparky costume sells for only $2,135.00, NOT $3,814.00. Hell the complete Sparky robot is only $3,594.00. Where is the extra $1,679 gong to? In somebody's pocket?
    September 5, 2016 at 9:32 PM

    Why do they need a new Sparky costume. Get the other one clean. There is really nothing wrong with it.

  28. You know what is funny is I looked up Jacob Day on his Facebook page and seen how many people from the Salisbury Fire Department were on there as friends.

    Rick Hoppes
    John Tull
    Darrin Scott
    Michael Donaway
    Jimmie Gladwell
    Bryan Records
    Rob Frampton
    Chris Twilley

    I stopped there because it got pathetic when I saw their wives names on there as well. These are the true A** Kissers. Need I say more! I would love to check the email messages between them.

    Many are buddies with Jack Heath.

    Many of them are sucking up to Laura Mitchell as well. That is proof positive in itself.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    The City of Salisbury is getting screwed on this. The complete Sparky costume sells for only $2,135.00, NOT $3,814.00. Hell the complete Sparky robot is only $3,594.00. Where is the extra $1,679 gong to? In somebody's pocket?
    September 5, 2016 at 9:32 PM

    Why do they need a new Sparky costume. Get the other one clean. There is really nothing wrong with it.

    September 6, 2016 at 3:35 AM

    They don't care. I remember hearing that Rick Hoppes spent over $5,000 on toiletries so he wouldn't have to return the money back to the City. The City has the mentality that if you don't spend the money you don't need it and will cut your budget for next year.

  30. I would like to know why John Tull who is a paid deputy chief with a take home Ford Explorer gets to pick his daughter up from Wicomico Middle School every day between 2:30 pm and 2:45 pm. How many other city employees get to take their kids to school and pick them up drive there where ever while on the clock? Can someone please tell the tax payers why he is using a city owned vehicle as his family car? Where is the liability here? How much is this costing us? Does he use vacation time? If not this is stealing from the city and county tax payers.

  31. This is what happens when no accountability or concern for taxpayer dollars is in the hands of total spend thrifts like we have at the federal level also.


  32. Anonymous said...
    I would like to know why John Tull who is a paid deputy chief with a take home Ford Explorer gets to pick his daughter up from Wicomico Middle School every day between 2:30 pm and 2:45 pm. How many other city employees get to take their kids to school and pick them up drive there where ever while on the clock? Can someone please tell the tax payers why he is using a city owned vehicle as his family car? Where is the liability here? How much is this costing us? Does he use vacation time? If not this is stealing from the city and county tax payers.

    September 9, 2016 at 10:54 PM

    I was wondering the same thing. I see him there almost every single school day picking up his daughter? Does Jake Day the Mayor know this is going on? Does Jack heath the City Council President know this is going on?

    Is there anyone in the Mayor and Councils Office that knows this is going on and even cares about us the tax paying citizens of Salisbury and Wicomico County?

    I agree with the original commenter fo this post that it is stealing an this guy should be charged accordingly.

  33. I thought those paid guys were heroes? They messed up yesterday on Prince Street didn't they. I notice they are not bragging about how much they are big time heroes.

  34. Speaking of being RICH and wasting money did you know the volunteers have been forced out of Station 1? Paid firemen will be responding 24 hours a day at that station as well as the one on Cypress Street. This is why Hoppes and Liarton wanted more money with the fire service agreement. They wanted to have enough to pay for all the stations in Salisbury to have paid firemen.

  35. Most on here are idiots, this is very simple. Salisbury's elected official have to ensure services are provided when 911 is called. When I say service it does not matter city vs county police. Paid vs volunteer firemen. Things which do matter, time, professionalism, ability to handle the emergency. When you have a standard to meet and it is not being met by volunteers. You have the responsibility the ensure the safety of the public and also staff on duty. I have yet to find or see a volunteer police agency, so why should your ems/fire service be allowed to be which is failing to provide service to the citizen.

  36. 10:54 PM what about that Moose he married?

  37. Hey 6:00pm, that's not cool. Don't you understand? Moose Lives Matter. Plus, please don't insult a moose like that. Moose are beautiful creatures. The other....not so much.


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