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Sunday, September 11, 2016

When Will ALL Americans Finally Get It?

I started this Blog to educate the public. Agree or disagree, the intent has always been to create an open dialog to see just what you think.

As we get closer and closer to a Presidential Election, do you people really understand where America stands? I say this because Liberals never seem to answer direct questions, or just flat out LIE.

Let me share with you what I see. Bills like LGBT marriage passes, yet the majority of Americans say, HOW? There was never enough support, yet it passed anyway. Then there's Obamacare?

We have been bombarded with a $15.00 minimum wage, do you really understand what will happen if this passes? 

Okay, let's look at where we stand. Our government has been pushing college like there's no tomorrow. Our government has taken over, (a monopoly) all student loans. Parents are spending tens of thousands of dollars to put their children through college, yet there are NO decent paying jobs out there when they get out. We have published a ton of articles and stats proving this to be a fact. 

So trillions of dollars are being wasted on higher education, there's no jobs out there to help them pay back their debts. Now, let's go even deeper. Liberals are all about saving the world by bringing in refugees from all around the world in the millions. They come here and are instantly eligible for food stamps, welfare, affordable housing and even loans. If we look at INDUSTRY in America, where is it? Because of Free Trade, all of our manufacturing jobs are now overseas. I have stated for years, NAME ME ONE PRODUCT EVERY HOUSEHOLD WANTS/NEEDS THAT IS UP AND COMING?

In the past we had wall mounted phones, then cordless, then pagers and ultimately cell phones. We had black and white TV's, then color, then flat screens. We evolved from Beta to VHS and then to disk. Come on, tell me what the new up and coming products are in the pipe line that will blow out manufacturing/jobs in which every household will need two or three of, YOU CAN'T. 

So just when will you people come to realize, America is screwed and there is no real future. We recently provided an article stating our government is now the largest employer in the United States. WHY on God's Green Earth would you throw away a dime on higher education when there will NOT be any decent paying jobs in the future? Heck, when and IF the refugees do go to work, guess what, millions will be lining up to take over those $15.00 an hour jobs. Then your kids will be REALLY screwed. McDonald's is already creating computers where you can order whatever you want without having to be greeted by a human. WalMart has self check out. Jobs will become more and more limited, meaning eventually everyone will start depending on their government. Who will be the REFUGEE then or on food stamps and public assistance?

I'm sorry but Liberals are just plain stupid followers who cannot see their own hands right in front of their faces. This is NOT a country or future I can believe in. I am smart enough to look at our past and easily see what the future is about to bring. 

While I could go on and on and deliver so many more examples, I thought I'd make this post as basic as possible to open your minds. ANYONE who denies what I have stated here is just a Liberal puppet. 

Finally, even Governor Hogan has jumped on the FREE COLLEGE band wagon by not only supporting the recent move at WorWic, GET THIS, Somerset County is also getting on board, (fact) and will be offering free college at WorWic too. In fact, Governor Hogan wants to continue this program throughout the entire state by offering free college to all community colleges. 

So I ask, WHEN will Marylander's and Americans finally open their eyes to REALITY. We truly need leadership like Donald Trump to put a STOP to all this crap. We need to finally take a hard look at the direction free trade has brought us and reverse it immediately. You have to ask yourself, can America actually be saved at this point? How can we COMPETE with a fifty cent an hour wage? Refugees will come here and make a minimum of $15.00 an hour. Just what do you think they were making back in their country??? They'll pack in 20 to a house and send a large sum of money back to their country and guess what, America will ultimately crumble. 

Now, when and IF you actually see a Hillary for President sign in someone's yard or business, know their frame of mind. Funny, Ireton barely spent anything on yard signs and barely ever went door to door, yet he won an election. Funny how Hillary isn't spending anything on yard signs, hides for the past month from campaigning and yet in the end, WILL SHE ACTUALLY WIN TOO? 

Yeah, America ain't what it used to be, that's for sure. Unless you are gay, already making minimum wage, or on public assistance. 


  1. I don't mind free community college. With the cost of 4 year schools these days, something has to be done to make it more affordable to get that Bachelor's degree. 2 years at a CC, living at home, and maintaining a part time job can easily cut somebody's debt load in half.

    That being said, I'd want the system to meet these conditions:

    1) The cost has to be controlled. 4 year tuition skyrocketed because money was easy to get. Now that people are wising up to the poor ROI, we might see some pricing pressure. But the damage has been done to millions of people. While spreading the cost across more people can make the opportunity available to all, imagine the effective tuition cost after tax increases take hold to pay for it. There's already too much administrative bloat in education. Taxes should go into a trust fund. Tuition reimbursement should be capped to a negotiated cost/volume discount with adjustments based on the artificially low measure of inflation that we all get screwed by.

    2) The programs have to be useful. Either college prep to get the general ed stuff out of the way, or directly leading to a vocation, license, or certification of some kind. 2 years to become an HVAC tech, plumber, cosmetologist, computer repair tech, mechanic, etc? All great! If you need to round out the full two years, add in some business skills like accounting, management, computer use, etc.

    3) Available to all. Not just last year's high school grads. Older people need retraining, too. It's not fair to shaft them with the taxes but not give them access to the benefits.

    1. Do you have a college degree? If so what is it in? What's your trade don't list particulars. Just wondering

  2. 12:13, Okay, now let's look at the bigger picture that you respectfully do not see.

    First the Liberals created common core. I have always stated they are dumbing down the education system and 4 years of college will eventually bring them to a 12th grade level. Everything will then require, (job wise) Masters Degrees.

    You see, it was the government that started these degree requirements to start with. God Forbid someone was street wise or had ON THE JOB training and or experience. Nope, now they have to be qualified by certain standards.

    Funny how a guy like me was able to take over and completely control the entire specialty lighting industry. Funny how my experience allowed me to design and patent things no chemical engineer could do. Oh believe me, they tried. Funny how my company destroyed companies like Kodak, IBM, DuPont, Fuji, Texas Instruments, GE, Sylvania and the list goes on and on. Oh, did I mention I never graduated high school.

    Funny how a teacher is hired to teach business school, yet they never had a successful business to start with? Kind of reminds me of all these Idiots you people elect around here while NONE of them have ANY experience in running a multi million dollar business.

    So you seem to stick with the free college portion of my message but you stay clear of where our country is headed. I'll finish with this. FREE should require at least some kind of PUBLIC SERVICE in return. 10 hours a week donating your time back to helping the needy over a 2 year period. If it's good enough for the police academy it should be good enough for free college recipients.

  3. I've got an idea - lets start manufacturing electric transformers!

  4. Joe,
    I agree with your assessment of the Country.
    I believe the College Loans phenomenon was created by the bankers in order to issue more debt.
    It was the bankers who convinced the liberals that everyone should be a home owner. Not because they cared about people owning their homes, but in order to issue more debt.
    Our entire economy is debt based. Our currency is no longer sound (since 1971) and has become a true fiat currency with no intrinsic value.
    The bankers are the problem behind the politicians. The bankers control the media (own it) and the Pharmaceutical Companies (own them) and Big Agriculture (own them), and so on.

    Thank you

  5. Jo I would like to ask you did you go to college? If so how was it paid for? Did it help you get better a better paying job?

    1. I have a two year degree paid by bank loans. I paid it in full and never used my college education for my carreer. It was a complete waist of money, time, energy and unwanted stress.

  6. 2:39, No. As I stated in my article, I never graduated high school. If you are a hard worker, education doesn't mean crap. With all the businesses I owned in the past, NEVER ONCE did I hire someone with a degree. I hired people who had a track record of being the BEST in their field. I then showed them MY goals with each business and they either took off running or they didn't last very long. The ones who took off running made incredible livings.

    I went up against Kodak & Sylvania, I won. I went up against the largest Bar/Restaurant in Anne Arundel County in the same parking lot and guess what, I won. I went up against all of the old school "Pool Halls" and created upscale billiard rooms and won. Finally, I've gone up against the entire local Main Stream MEDIA, (without a college education or experience) and believe me, I WON IN A VERY BIG WAY.

    If you BELIEVE in what you do/represent, you will always be a great success.

  7. I am happy for your successes you should be proud of your self. I do agree with you on many things in your post. But disagree on this subject of college. It has hindered me most of my life because I did not go my family could not afford to send me. A lot of kids today don't see or have a future without college, and yes there are jobs out there to be had in many fields. They might have to leave the Shore to get those jobs but they are out there. Please do not discourage those that are working hard for their college education weather it be free or not.

  8. Let me give you the other side of Joe's coin. I WENT to college. I graduated High school in the top 10% of my class but didn't do as well in college. I admit, I was used to getting A's without too much work. Nevertheless, I graduated after 4 years (not 5 like so many these days). Graduated in 91 and could not find a job. Comp Science major and I couldn't get a job! After a year and a half I finally took a job at CallCenter Services. Everybody in Salisbury probably remembers them, but for anyone who doesn't, I answered phones all day for just a little more than minimum wage. I was truly getting desperate at that point since the deferment on my school loans, somewhere near $10,000, was running out. At least my parents were kind enough to let me move back in with them. And for anyone who thinks I couldn't find a job on Delmarva, I would gladly have taken anything in the Eastern half of the country!

  9. Joe that's a fine accomplishment, and I do commend you. At the same time, we do need engineers. We need doctors. We need biologists and chemical engineers, biochemists. Hard work absolutely pays off, but we can't write off the future. We've made advances in medicine against cancer that were unfathomable a decade ago. Our machines are becoming more efficient. We're coming up with ingenious solutions for storing excess carbon from manufacturing. We're making electricity for your lights in more efficient and environmentally friendly ways. One should never, ever be discouraged from pursuing an education my friend.

  10. To All, I am NOT trying to discourage college. I'm the kind of guy who never liked reading books. You know the type, get your kids Christmas presents and don't read the directions. Mind you, were there a few extra parts in the end, absolutely. Did we get ticked when we had to take almost everything apart because we didn't read the instructions, sure we did. However, this is called trial and error. If I see something I'm very interested in I will master it better then anyone else and you know what, in the end I can send a letter to the guy who wrote the instructions with answers and better ways to put it together.

    Sure we need people with college degrees but NOT ALL of them are SMART when they get out, unless they love what they are doing. Even Police Officers go through the Academy and are taught to do things a certain way but once they get on board with their new Department they are instructed to do things another way. When they are on the job over time they tend to do things THEIR way, a way that fits and comforts them best.

    IF you are anything like me, I love to learn. If it's something I'm interested in anyway. I love the challenge.

    Not only does this country have to get behind Donald Trump, we're going to have to deal with a LOT of pain to get us back on track. Come on Liberals, Hillary can TALK all she wants but admit for once in your life, she has NO answers as to HOW she can make things happen.

    Guess what, Donald Trump says he's going to build a wall and I'd bet everything I've ever earned and kept that the wall WILL be built and Mexico WILL pay for it. He says no more illegals, I believe him and he'll get the job done. You Liberal Idiots don't even care that it's your OWN children who won't have jobs when they get out of that free college. You live your lives IN THE MOMENT and don't give a rats ass about your own children's future. Amazing!

  11. If you remember same sex marriage passed here by a majority vote.

  12. 4:18, Yeah, and Jim Ireton actually won the election. Give me a break. Unlike Liberals, Conservatives are smarter than that. No campaign signs for Hillary, Idiot Liberals are too afraid to even put one in their own yards and ALL of them too afraid to get a bumper sticker in fear they'll come back to their cars and find all the tires slashed and windows busted out. Just what does that tell you about your own party!

  13. Joe you are so right.

  14. Spot on Joe. Hard working Americans are having their backs broken by this government. They take, and take, and take. Then they give it to the lazy, ignorant and worthless of our society. American will only be great again if the 2nd American Revolution comes to pass. The idiot left with their socialist ideas need to be eliminated.

  15. I've always supported your views as a conservative and a republican. I've always agreed most of the time . When obama took office my family and I knew what was coming however , I hope people realize that we will be doomed if Hillary gets into the white house . It can get worse , believe me . I've watched the businesses go under since the 1970's . The last 8 years have been pathetic , just keep doing what you do , it's my only real news since 2007.

  16. Thank you 3:55! It all depends on what you major in while in college as to what jobs are available in this country. Kids and parents need to be smart about those choices. I am not a Liberal and never plan to be, but I believe in education past High School. I hope Mr. Trump can get things done if he is elected. But most likely Congress will never agree, that's a no brainer

  17. Joe,saw my first I'm ready for Hillary, bumper sticker this afternoon. It was on the back of a car being towed in Georgetown de.without any tags. Lmao.

  18. I got it when the muslim president was elected. Look at the price Americans have paid for ALL HIS FAILURES. The only legacy this president will leave is having the MOST CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION known in the history of this country. He along with all his crooks including Hillary are the most corrupt, lying, cheating, and unethical people to hold office. From the Treasury to the State Dept., the DOJ, the IRS, all the top brass. The only common thing they have among all of them is their willingness to lie, cheat, and steal, and be totally corrupt and their eagerness to do so for their false leader.

  19. If these elections are all fixed, how did Hogan win?

  20. We need more high school/ trade schools and classes that teach students to come up with practical solutions to simple everyday problems.It amazes me when I see someone who can't even change a spark plug or check the oil in their car. The amount of grown men who have no clue how the engine in their car or even their lawn mower works is just unbelievable and its not just adults it's most of the teenagers.

  21. Joe, the most important thing you said is "I love to learn". If you have that going for you, and you also love to work (for decent money), you can succeed with or without higher education. Create your own job. Open your own small business. "Find a need and fill it," as someone said to me years ago. There are unlimited opportunities for people who will be creative and think of what kind of need they can find and fill it. If you can drive, you can advertise and get customers, elderly like me, who would be happy to have someone to run errands. In my area there are many retired people and busy people who would pay good money to someone who would collect their trash bags and take them to the transfer station. I need some yard work done, and where are the people who would be willing to do that? Half the world needs reading tutors for their children. I wish I knew someone who could come to my home and help me with my laptop, be happy to pay them. There are unlimited opportunities. Unlimited.

  22. Add grades 13 and 14 to high school with focus on job skill training. If you want free college,require four years of military service to qualify and require a minimum GPA or you would have to pay back the money spent on your books and tuition.

  23. If a person has specific goal for college then go for it. If you do not then do not buy into the I have to go to college crap. Or start with a community college. Everyone is different, but college is not for everyone and not everyone needs to go to college.

  24. fact is, even if you get a degree from wor-wic you will always be viewed as substandard same goes with umes. it is a waste of money and you will never be good enough.

  25. Anonymous said...
    I don't mind free community college. With the cost of 4 year schools these days, something has to be done to make it more affordable to get that Bachelor's degree. 2 years at a CC, living at home, and maintaining a part time job can easily cut somebody's debt load in half.

    That being said, I'd want the system to meet these conditions:

    1) The cost has to be controlled. 4 year tuition skyrocketed because money was easy to get. Now that people are wising up to the poor ROI, we might see some pricing pressure. But the damage has been done to millions of people. While spreading the cost across more people can make the opportunity available to all, imagine the effective tuition cost after tax increases take hold to pay for it. There's already too much administrative bloat in education. Taxes should go into a trust fund. Tuition reimbursement should be capped to a negotiated cost/volume discount with adjustments based on the artificially low measure of inflation that we all get screwed by.

    2) The programs have to be useful. Either college prep to get the general ed stuff out of the way, or directly leading to a vocation, license, or certification of some kind. 2 years to become an HVAC tech, plumber, cosmetologist, computer repair tech, mechanic, etc? All great! If you need to round out the full two years, add in some business skills like accounting, management, computer use, etc.

    3) Available to all. Not just last year's high school grads. Older people need retraining, too. It's not fair to shaft them with the taxes but not give them access to the benefits.

    September 8, 2016 at 12:13 PM

    You don't mind free community college tuition? You are a freaking free loading liberal.

    Why don't you pay my taxes. I bet you don't even pay any taxes.

  26. Training for what, 8:00? If you are an adult like Joe and I, you can either find a need to fill or not. So, fill the need! Who says you need a class to do that? Either you can pass the licensing exam or not..

    'nuff said.

  27. The major fact here is that the funding for "free college" is paid for from those who have paying jobs

    The "graduates can only find minimum wage to $16/ per hour jobs that have nothing to do with their field of learning.

    The jobs in their "field of learning" are now in China and Mexico, not here.

    Therefore, they are Wal Mart cashiers, at best.

    And the Big Government machine that put them in the chains of debt reap their paychecks and keep them as chained trolls.

    Isn't this fun?????

  28. I don't know how I feel about this. I went to Wor Wic for 2 years then finished up at SU. I got a degree that was basically a minimum wage job. Then I became a stay at home mom because childcare cost more than I could make. Thankfully my husband chose the right degree at the time and we are financially successful. But what should our kids do? I have no idea, and only a few years to figure it all out!

  29. I agree with you Joe, they need more trade schools to teach. I grew up in a time period when most people did not have the option of college because their parents could not afford it. I loved working with figures and received on the job training that gave me a good career in accounting. My love showed in my work as I enjoyed every minute of it. If a lot of businesses would take a chance on people and train them they would find good competent level headed people. All businesses do things differently so you teach them how you want it done. I was taught by a wonderful accountant and feel it got me farther than college. I have also taught these college graduates how to do the job. I had one person in my life that said they deserved more money than me because they had a BA degree. She did not know the difference between an asset and a liability. Go figure!!!

  30. This all started in the classroom with the Department of Indoctrination. BF Skinner removed question skills and Benjamin Bloom removed our values as he hid them in his made up affective domain. We have created the walking dead on purpose. People that think like mice just as Skinner planned. In this very blog a post says we have to do something about the cost of a degree so we should make it free. These people cannot think beyond one step. They cannot foresee what comes next. Stalin called them useful idiots. We just call them liberals. This country will not return to greatness until the Department of Indoctrination is removed.

  31. I work in a blue collar job with one person among the group has a 4 year degree.

    This guy is the most arrogant terrible employee in the group and has had more accidents and destroyed more property than the entire group put together.

    Always referring to his degree .REALLY W.F.C. ! about his degree. Smoke and stir another one.

  32. Most liberals live in some fairy tale alter universe. They have no understanding of economics on the whole and seldom do their feel good initiatives ever reach completion. That's one thing they never seem to do complete anything. They believe junk science long after its debunked and are all too happy to dismiss the Constitution at their whim when it doesn't suit them. They have no problem killing others' rights as long as their rights are respect. Most important if you don't agree with them you're a racist, homophobe, and every other slur they can create in their minds. For supposed tolerance I've never met more intolerant and judgmental people in my half a century on this earth.


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