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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Laurel police investigating alleged hate crime at Islamic community center

LAUREL, Md. —Laurel police are asking for the public's help to identify a truck that backed into the Islamic Community Center on Contee Road Monday night. The incident is now being investigated as a possible hate crime.

"Laurel police were informed of the incident Tuesday morning," said Police Chief Richard McLaughlin. "It was originally classified as a case of vandalism. Based on new information from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the case has now been reclassified as a possible hate crime."

The Council for American-Islamic Relations is calling for a federal probe into the incident.



  1. Rednecks done messed up now...Federal case not local PD.

  2. I can't tell on my phone, is it a smiley face?

  3. 1:47, why would Indians do that ?

  4. Maybe a love crime...

  5. so now a slight fender bender {barely scratches} is a hate crime when its islamist owned? lmao...more like the investigation has become the hate crime against what ever the nationality the drive is...

  6. Hate crime ?? Funny coming from a muslim woman who would not be allowed to speak in her own hateful oppresive country .

  7. Indians? either I missed the joke OR perhaps someone should revisit how the term came about.

  8. Good for them! It's about time these savages got a taste of their own medicine.

  9. Why would we ever help convict someone avenging 911? Muslims need payback 3100 times for every person that died!

  10. It looks to me that he pulled into a parking lot thinking he could turn around. When he backed into the building the first time it was an accident. The second time he backed up was because he still couldn't make the turn. He just looks like he was in a hurry to get the heck out of there since he hit the building. If they were doing it on purpose I would have thought they would have floored it or hit a different part of the building. Not a fence.

  11. Awe. Poor Muslims. Don't like it? Too bad!! We didn't like it either but we dealt with it. Don't like it. GTFO!!

  12. At least he didn't kill over 3,000 people.

  13. Well as a Muslim I'd be cautious about calling anything a hate crime. More like an uneducated hillbilly crime. That said when your churches are victimized don't go crying.

    1. Lol try that S..t in this country pal and see what happens,this aint syria,pos.

  14. I'm right in Salisbury pal. And I assure you that you aren't going to do jack to me. Sell your tough guy Christian gibberish to someone else. I saw exactly how tough the Christians were in jail. You sat quietly and humble around Muslims. You talk real big outside on the streets. Just like won't a soul on this blog come out publically talking that smack.

  15. Buncha podunk local yokel bigots.

  16. 10:39
    You are just another chicken spit piece of crap that follows a pedophile. That is all. No wonder you were in jail. You have been brain washed by a cult. Even the pedophile you call a prophet hated your kind. I bet they didn't teach you that part did they?


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