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Sunday, September 18, 2016

NFL star shamed online after leaving a 75c tip at a restaurant in Maryland

Pittsburgh Steelers running back DeAngelo Williams has caused a Twitter storm after it emerged he left a 75 cent tip to a server on $129 bill at a Maryland pizzeria.

The star's waitress at Ledo Restaurant took to Facebook to vent her dismay at the pitiful tip she received on the weekend after he indulged in fried calamari and Sicilian sausage, among other dishes, according to the receipt.

'Just now at work I had Deangelo Williams come in and I waited on while tending bar. His check was $128.25. He left me $129 with no tip but .75 cents. So there you go Stealers fans, your running back is cheap as s***!!! Smh,' wrote the bartender in a post that has now been deleted.



  1. Sure speaks of her great service I guess

  2. He is an idiot! Sounds to me that if the service was as poor as he says it may not have been all of the waitress' fault. If food is delayed many times it is the kitchen or restaurant sacking owner did not have enough staff scheduled. When I have bad service I try to figure out why because I am not blaming wait staff if it may not be their fault. If it is kitchen incompetence or short staff I would address with a manager and still tip and I do not make millions.

  3. Black people are notorious for not giving a tip. I believe it is cultural in their community. I a friend who is a waitress at Denny's who tells me she hates to wait on them because she seldom gets a tip for the service. Waitresses need tips to live off of.

  4. Nothing new here.
    Those of us in the service industry know very, very well that it's a "Black thing" to no tip or to tip very little - nowhere near the average of 18% or so - not even 5%.
    For those that think I'm posting some sort of racist rant, let me say this:
    Mexicans - Latinos - are GREAT tippers, even more than Whites in a lot of cases.
    One restaurant in Ocean City has a policy for waitresses and waiters that if they have to take a table of Blacks, they'll automatically get the next table of Mexicans. (That is true fact. I work there.)

  5. Not to perpetuate a stereotype but foreigners and blacks do not tip.Or the majority of them do not anyway.

    1. It's a stereotype, don't believe the hype.

  6. He is showing the stereotype.

  7. He's prob unprivileged

  8. 1151
    I believe you.
    I have heard it many many times from waitresses.

  9. "Anonymous said...

    Sure speaks of her great service I guess

    September 16, 2016 at 11:43 AM

    No guessing at all! If service was substandard or poor you leave nothing and speak to the manager. Or at least that how it is in the civilized world. Leaving such a tip only proves ignorance. Tipping 75 cents only proves once again "you can take them out of the ghetto but you can never ever ever take the ghetto behavior out of them!!!!"

  10. Well, I am black and always trip 15%, but since as usual everyone lumps all blacks in the same category, I will not tip from this point on since that is what people think anyway!

    1. Obviously you don't have a sister, daughter, or wife that has ever had to wait tables and depend on that money for living expenses.
      As a waiter, here's how I see it:
      7 out of 10 Whites - are average tippers; 9 out of 10 Latinos; 1 out of 10 Blacks.
      New Yorkers are the worst - no matter what background.

  11. It is not mandatory to tip. I don't believe in tipping, the employer should pay them a better salary instead of being greedy. And until this issue of employers not paying a decent salary this will always be an issue.

    1. Well said; after all, to be a waiter or waitress is the choice that people make. If you don't like it, then please find something else to do that's more rewarding and pay a lot more.

  12. The restaurant industry gets away with paying their employees very little because tips are considered standard. I leave 20% unless service is very bad. That being said, if you are a server, get used to it. You can't do much to change it, it's part of the job. If you are extremely upset about this, get a higher skill job. Waiting tables is incredibly easy and pays better than most low skill jobs so you should be thankful for every cent you get.

  13. 119
    You just needed a good excuse.
    Good for you!

  14. 1;24
    You are going to do your part to fulfill the myth.

    Self-fulfilling reality.
    I love it.

  15. As usual, you bunch of nitwit morons only read the front part or the 1st paragraph before you come to your own conclusion. Did you read near the end where it states:
    'He claims he got poor service, that he waited for an hour and a half for his food only to see that his order was wrong. He said he would have tipped $40 for the meal if the service was good.'

    Sorry, I would be pissed as well and do the same thing and guess what? I am not black and I am not a football player and I hate the STEELERS!.

    Grow up you pathetic people and read the whole blurb before you make comments.

  16. Very typical. But their hand stays out for entitlements.

    If you do not like the stereotype do not live the stereotype.

    1. If they don't like being a waiter/waitress then don't be a waiter/waitress.

  17. 11:51
    Again, someone else carrying the weight for the poor underprivileged blacks.

  18. I worked as a server/bartender for over a decade. Just because he has money he shouldn't be obligated to tip for crappy service. I don't like the steelers and yes there is a stereotype about black people not tipping. Deangelo Williams is actually a very good guy and is know for tipping well.

    1. Racist!!! I've never heard black people don't tip! What's wrong with you. Smh

  19. 2:07:
    This nitwit moron (and waiter for years) has heard all the excuses before.
    When people (Blacks in this particular case) are "caught" not tipping, they will find SOMETHING that was amiss during the meal.
    Service, cold food, too long a wait, the heat was too high, the air conditioning was too cold, didn't get a booth, not cooked to the order, etc., etc., etc.
    I've heard them ALL.
    Here is the truth - here is the fact:
    It is not cool - it is not "Black" - to tip. Period. End of story.
    He was going to leave a $40 tip? Sure he was.
    It's easy to be generous when it doesn't cost you anything.

  20. Waitress probably figured he was just another brother and didn't really give a crap about service assuming she wasn't going to get a decent tip. Reap what you sow.

  21. cheap @ssed sum b!tch!

  22. I am not a Steelers fan but Williams is know to be very giving. He give many charities major contributions. Eh maybe the guy doesn't tip or maybe service sucked.


  23. Mr. Williams has proven to be a stand-up guy. Wanted to honor his deceased mom last year but NFL said no.

    It's not clear if waitress knew who he was until she processed his card. Doesn't sound like she was very attentive while his food was being fixed...'We have a back up in kitchen' or whatever. And then after hour and a half according to report, food arrived and was completely wrong.

    DeAngelo answered the criticism by sharing that he'd waited tables and bartended, and knew difference between service and no-service firsthand.

    Waitress apparently spent more time running him down on FB than on communicating with her customer.

    She's fired; her boss has apologized and invited him back and he's behaved like a gentleman.

    The rest of the comments about tipping generalizations are sad. I tip based on actual service, have worked in and managed in hospitality.

  24. 1:19 how do you tip with an ebt card? I call BS!

  25. Surprised he went to a service style restaurant and not a buffet

  26. I guess that's why they call them Stealers

  27. I worked as a bartender for years, many blacks on first approach act like your best friend, like you've known each other for years " Hey my man member me!" " O yeah my man hook me up!" then after you pour it's " Uh my man this drink is a little weak uh how bout hitting it again" Always dissatisfied, always looking to work you out of something and very rarely tipping. I had black waitresses that would complain when having to wait on black tables. When we would have banquet events for black church groups we would inevitably run out of fried chicken because the nice old church ladies would put one piece on their plate and one piece in their purse in a napkin and then the complaints about how we shorted them would start and when we had D.J. night we would have to hire security and put all drinks in plastic cups so no one would get cut when a fight eventually broke out. When black people go out it's a hustle to see who can get the most for nothing. Rude, cheap and classless almost every time. Look up " Black people don't tip" on Google and see what comes up, hilarious.

  28. 3:56.....its WELL KNOWN in the restaurant industry that black people generally don't tip very much, if at all.
    Well known.
    There is even a well known nickname for them, too.
    That's the truth, no matter what you've HEARD.
    If one wishes to fight stereotyping, it's best not to perpetuate the stereotype.
    Is the math of tipping too difficult?
    Or is that another stereotype?

    It's a crazy world.

  29. 3:56:
    Where I worked, we called the cheap tippers "Mondays".
    Everybody hates Mondays.

  30. What happens in the kitchen affects the waiter/waitress. People come in contact with the waiter/waitress not the cooks but yet waiters/waitresses are blamed, it's not their fault.

  31. Just because you are well-known does not promise that you have any class. It takes all kinds to make up this world.

  32. Bad service = bad tip. What part didn't she understand?

  33. Sounds like he got crummy service to me. Color has nothing to do with it .

  34. I am on Social Security and don't have a lot of money but I am always a good tipper. My wife who has passed away now used to be a waitress. So if I get decent service I tip 20%. If I think the service is lacking I will only tip 10% or 15%. But I never stiff the wait staff. They are trying to support a family on low pay. And a lot of times if the food is slow coming out it is not their fault. It is usually the fault of the kitchen staff.


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