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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Eagles players plan protest during anthem Monday

THE NATIONAL conversation that began in the preseason when 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick elected to sit down for the national anthem will continue when the Eagles take the field Monday night in Chicago, veteran safety Malcolm Jenkins said.

Jenkins told 94 WIP radio hosts Glen Macnow and Jody McDonald Friday evening that he and teammates expect to make a symbolic gesture during the anthem.

"For me, it has nothing to do with this country, or the flag or the anthem itself - really, it's just to continue to push forward the conversation about social injustice . . . that's a range of things from police brutality to wages and job opportunities, education. It's just a lot of things systematically that have been set up in this country, since its inception, that really put minorities, especially African Americans, at a disadvantage, when you talk about quality of life, and actually growing in this country," Jenkins said.



  1. I wish everyone would quit supporting and watching the NFL. That would hold this league and it's players accountable. For not respecting our flag. When you hit their pocket books they will listen.

    1. Agree 100%. These guys think they are gods. Most of them are physically gifted idiots.

  2. African Americans at disadvantage? All sports are consumed and led by blacks , 95 percent of all sports are blacks . Multi million dollars paid . WTF are these people thinking , you want a war , just keep this crap up.

  3. Don't give the trash the attention they are wishing for. We can live without The Nation Felony League.

  4. Keep it up. Everything these self professed social justice warriors touches turns to crap. Their own end up being the losers always without fail. People will boycott the NFL and the only losers will be those who depend on the stadium jobs for their livelihood. These are mostly low paying jobs a lot held by African Americans. Yep keep it up dummies more idiot blacks whose attempt at showing off only hurts their own.


  5. My NFL related expenditures are now suspended indefinitely until they put a halt to this crap. Won't be watching. Won't be patronizing restaurants with TVs. Etc. Anyone trying to make a buck from NFL linked goods or services are on my Don't Buy & Don't Patronize list.

    If you're as offended as I am by the diva players and spineless owners join me by not going to the games; not watching; and finding something more productive to do than support these unpatriotic mercenaries until they apologize.

  6. They are inconsiderate ill bred losers. There are a time and a place for political statement but your place of employment is not the place ever. Any backlash is only going to hurt others who depend on the jobs the NFL creates. All they are doing is trying to show off which is typical ghetto. If they were concerned they would be busting their butts out in the minority neighborhoods doing good. If they had functioning brains and weren't thugs themselves they would know that this country has freed more people from not only slavery but from all kinds of horrible situations worldwide. Focus on that and not something that happened and was fixed generations ago. It's actions like this is why racism exists and the only ones to blame are blacks themselves and if they don't get it and fix themselves racism will always exist so they better get used to it and suck it up.

  7. We won't pay to watch on cable nor will we go to a bar to watch games that aren't on over the air tv. Stopped buying Bud when they were no longer a US company.

    1. Bud is still brewed in us and employes 1000s of US born and breed.

  8. And how much you wanna bet this Einstein Jenkins idolizes obama. This is the problem. Low information low IQ blacks. All their jobs are being taken by immigrants who willingly work for low wages. Less immigrants means the wages will have to rise because employers will have to compete with each other for employees. When that happens wages rise and benefits are offered. It's like it's not rocket science or anything. The morons are forever talking about jobs and poverty but can't seem to put 2 and 2 together and see it's their beloved democrat party that is keeping them in chains and enslaved!

  9. The nfl needs to get this under control. I am sisk of seeing these entertainers disrespect our country. They are lucky enough to make millions per year with out a real contribution to society.

  10. push forward the conversation about social injustice - says the worthless multi-million dollar football player.

  11. Prove you're a real American, boycott the NFL.

  12. Social injustice? ?? Another taker who has done NOTHING but got a FREE EDUCATION because he can play a sport. He ONLY looking for a camera. OBVIOUSLY HE HASN'T A BRAIN TO THINK WITH.

  13. Not seen but two games in my life time. My first and my last.

  14. I never got into watching the mess to begin with. When I was young and the sports came on, they announced who had been shot or charged with whatever the night before. I was thinking the sportscasters would be talking about the game that had been played. That turned me against it before I was into it.

  15. It's time to stop watching the teams that do this. Stop watching. Stop buying tickets. Period. Bet they will change their tune about their lazy "protesting".

  16. Not watching NFL until this crap stops and Goodell needs to go.

  17. It's ruining football for me I just can't watch it anymore. Positive note I have more free time

  18. I add the eagles as a team not to watch.Keep letting these fools do it NFL people wont watch.

  19. They need to be called out, they are NOT oppressed or at a disadvantage !! They go to the same schools we do, but they fail to do the work or even go. They refuse to get a job and live on welfare. They are taught these lies from childhood instead of being taught right and wrong. They have way more advantageous then others as politicians cater to the BS for their vote. Thus is mostly inner city. You give them housing and they tear it up. They steal and then whine they are poor and should get a free pass. If they do apply for a job and can't handle the test we have to lower the standards for them. They want to be ,"equal" yet they want more privileges than everyone else. They keep division between the races, you can't have it both ways

  20. Almost bought tickets glad I didn't.

  21. No NFL for me this year and no memorabilia bought. Fire all these disrespectful "A--Holes and I will return to all sports. They do not earn the money they get and now they want to cry during work time instead of earning their ridiculous salary. Until then a Hearty Goodbye.

  22. What a joke. Kids look up to these pathetic morans. I am done watching football. They are pethtic losers and need to remember that they would not be in nfl if it wants for american.

  23. 7:59 Hondas are made in Ohio too, but they are not American cars. Bud is no longer owned by a US company. Thanks for trying to sound smart.

  24. I am BOYCOTTING football.

  25. I am willing to talk about equal justice, but the change to social justice is liberal bullsh*t! This guy is a complete imbecile. "it has nothing to do with this country, the flag or the anthem..." You f&*^%$# idiot - it has everything to do with those things. If Football players do not want to be viewed as dumb a$$es they need to do something with this moron.

  26. The media is doing a great job in getting a lot of people riled up; that's their intent, that's what they want people to do...stop watching football, stop buying products /apparel, boycotting, etc. News sells, whether it's good, bad or ugly and the media is using football to get people frustrated, angry, disgusted. I wonder what person, sport or team is next? I'm going to continue to watch football so if they want to stand or not, take a knee, stay in locker room, oh well, because I'm ready for some football.

  27. I am pissed that idiots with low intellegance get paid that much money where I have a masters degree and make a fraction that they do. We should start to protest them getting paid for entertaining.

  28. " Anonymous said...

    7:59 Hondas are made in Ohio too, but they are not American cars. Bud is no longer owned by a US company. Thanks for trying to sound smart.

    September 17, 2016 at 10:47 PM"

    Huh? They said Bud was brewed in the US nothing about the parent company being a US company. Maybe you might want to spend some time practicing reading comprehension exercises before attempting to insult someone else? Don't you think that would be a good idea?

  29. If they don't like things are the way they are in this country, they should thank the democrats for that. The democrats have been crafting the future for the minorities for the past 50 years. Minorities have voted lock-step for the democrats for the last fifty years, and now they don't think they are getting "social justice?" And with their first elected "black" president, things have gotten much, much worse for the minorities. Again the minorities voted lock-step for him in two elections. When will they ever figure it out? The government (especially the democrats) have kept the minorities from advancement by making them dependent on government assistance. Geez, and now they wonder why they aren't advancing. Many minorities think the answer is more government assistance, but they don't understand that is, in the end, just another form of slavery, called dependence. What they should be protesting for, is jobs. But they don't see the connection with jobs, and INDEPENDENCE.


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