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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Baltimore officials announce Gun Violence Enforcement Division

Baltimore's two top law enforcement officials are assembling a team of "elite" prosecutors and police detectives to secure convictions against violent gun offenders, they said Wednesday.

What is being called the Gun Violence Enforcement Division, to be housed within the office of Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby, could involve as many as 13 prosecutors.

Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said the Police Department will contribute at least one sergeant and four detectives, all of whom have specialized training and experience with gun violence.

Authorities have created similar partnerships in the past, but Mosby said the new team will have the added benefit of intelligence gathered in the last year — including a list of 602 identified "trigger pullers" — to target specific individuals.



  1. She has lost the support of the department. Police will not take the chance of getting indicted so they are only doing what they have to do. Answer calls go home alive and safe. BLM wanted police out of the projects and they got it.

  2. Lolololololololololol
    Enforcement ? This is a trap for police officers.

  3. a.k.a "confiscation"

  4. You click on the link and you immediately hear her voice "as a mother." I had to hit back. Animals are better mothers then she is. She's a liar and that makes her the worst kind of mother a child could ever be stuck with. Her children will be liars if they already aren't and the cycle of having no morals and no decency continues.

  5. Right. The BPD are going to laugh at this and go about the new business as usual which is to not actively engage in proactive measures in predominately black neighborhoods. Oh well. They grew it now they have no other choice but to chew on and swallow the results of their own stupidity.

  6. Cops dont trust her you have to be nuts to go on that unit let HER go on it since she loves Thugs.

  7. Waste of time when A ndshe supports the Thugs over the police. She has lost all credibility to those in the law enforcement community. The only support she has are Democrats who are are not intelligent enough to understand that she ran for office with no knowledge of the job and was only elected because she is black. And, by the way, what happened to the 6.3 million bucks that the Freddy Grey family received for wrongful death when no one was found guilty of any wrong doing? As a Maryland taxpayer I would like to know who approved that spending.

  8. It's NOT "gun violence", it's ghetto violence. There are tens of millions of guns in the suburbs and rural areas and those people aren't killing each other like those in the cities.

  9. Call on the BLM they will help...

  10. only a matter of time when this very ugly and mean individual is unemployed.

  11. Oh yeah she was only elected because she's black. Half the Baltimorons didn't know anything about her or even her name. Only the color of her skin. All the violence is on their backs. They always vote stupidly so now they have to eat the fruit of their own ignorance. Don't feel sorry. Experience is the best teacher for them. Let them wallow around in their cess pools of filth and crime and maybe one day they will wise up. Until them who cares who is killing who in their crapholes.

  12. People who attack others based on their appearance usually do so because they have nothing intelligent to say.

  13. If it weren't for stupid people, guns would commit very few violent crimes.
    My gun has never committed any crimes, violent or non-violent.
    My sister's gun is too lazy to commit a crime. It never moves unless she touches it.

    I had a shotgun once and it fell over in the closet and caused a scrape on the wall.
    I patched it and painted it until you could hardly tell what the gun had done to it.

  14. Not true at all 4:54. Don't be so foolish. That comment was very informative. It's just that you don't like it so in your small low information mind it's just an attack on her looks. I have your number. You might fool the low information minions but not me. I'm not the losers you surround yourself with. Everything I say is intelligent and you would best be served by listening instead of insulting and you will become a better person for it. Informative because it---- Explains why she is ugly. Because of her perpetual anger her jaw is stuck in a position where an overbite is apparent. Same as MO. Now you've learned something about the human body. Anything info that teaches is intelligent whether you like the way it's delivered or not-You got it! Well you better.

  15. 4:54 Honey she's fair game whether it be her looks or anything. What an ugly disgrace of a person you are for attempting to defend her, It only proves what a horrid person you are void of any morals or decency. If you had any morals you would be ashamed of yourself. Defending a liar! Shame on you you filth! She's a liar who through her lies made the lives of 6 innocent officers hell for over a year. Don't you dare ever again attempt to lecture anyone when they voice their opinion about this filthy piss poor excuse for a human being much less a "mother" called Skank Mosby.

  16. Not so much as stupid people but people who have no real true religion, morals and values. That area is full of churches but all of them fakes. It's the way it is in black communities. They are real good at talking the talk but they never walk the walk. Anything goes in their corrupted lives without consequence. They coddle and make excuses for all their sinning criminal ways. They have turned their backs to God. Look how they lined up to vote for Obama the liar second time around. Speaks volumes to how depraved they have become. Their chickens have come home to roost with the epidemic black on black shootings and murders and they have no one to blame but themselves.

  17. 4:54
    I agree with 5:59 100%!
    And I might add, this women looks as if she needs to be bi-ch slapped some. And if you are offended, head to a safe place.

  18. LOL I bet if someone had commented that George Zimmerman was a fat ugly lard butt @554's silence would have been deafening. I too know the type. The message burns them up and they can't defend other then to try and insult the one who makes a comment on appearance instead of ignoring. With that in mind it does say a lot of the lack of character of anyone who would attempt to defend Mosby in anyway.

  19. 5:59 In the past few months I have surrounded myself with a pro sports team head coach and one of the Koch brothers. Google Koch brothers if you are not familiar with them. Not every Republican is burdened by poor genetics and an inability to become educated. It is people like you that is making it hard for Trump to gain the support of intelligent people. Yes, he is up in the polls but only because he is running against a corpse at this point.

  20. 735 Koch brothers criminal empire and your bragging about it? I saw the documentary and very aware on how they tried to GUT social security... Moron. Keep cheering

  21. I guess some people believe everything they see on TV.

  22. SS should be gutted. Most of the money goes to fake disability claims not retirement. When I get to the age when I can collect it, if any left, it will be beer money for the boat. I certainly don't plan on ever having or needing it for living expenses.

    BTW, Trump net worth - $4.5 billion. Charles Koch net worth - $42 billion. Nuff said.

  23. Wrong 7:35. You are drinking the democrat kool aid and believing skewed polling. When they poll the "college educated" they stick to targets like college professors, those in the clean energy field, animal rights and environmentalist and lawyers. Those they know overwhelmingly vote democrat. The reality is the truly educated and the brilliant successful people are overwhelmingly voting for Donald Trump. You would be hard pressed to find a brain surgeon or any other medical specialist who isn't voting Trump. Business owners incredibly intelligent people are voting Trump.

  24. Seems to me that if they have already identified the "trigger pullers," then why are the trigger pullers still on the streets, and why do the police and prosecutors need a special Enforcement Division? It's extremely hard for them to acknowledge that the rigid gun control laws simply don't work...not in Baltimore, not in Maryland, and certainly not in Chicago, or Washington DC. The more strict the gun control laws, more gun violence ensues. Easy to see and document, but hard for politicians, police, and prosecutors to admit. If Maryland ever makes concealed carry a right for law abiding and trained citizens of the state (probably not a chance in hell), then Maryland will see the same reduction in gun violence that other states have seen when right to carry laws have been passed and enacted.

  25. 2:21 you sir are correct. My guns have never committed a crime. I guess I raised them right.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    SS should be gutted. Most of the money goes to fake disability claims not retirement. When I get to the age when I can collect it, if any left, it will be beer money for the boat. I certainly don't plan on ever having or needing it for living expenses.

    BTW, Trump net worth - $4.5 billion. Charles Koch net worth - $42 billion. Nuff said.

    September 15, 2016 at 11:17 PM

    Judging by your false claims and narcissistic attitude, I think you should lay off the beer.

  27. 12:12 You are just a hater that doesn't have a pot to piss in or window to throw it out of. Rather than posting the links, maybe you can google the info you claim to be false as I am tired of having to do the leg work for you mouth breathers. I retired in my 40's and suspect you might be one of the older cashiers at Wawa or a greeter at Walmart.

  28. 5:59

    No one was defending her but you ain't smart enough to figure that out because you are hampered by poor genetics and a lack of education. The gene pool is awful shallow on the shore. Got it, shorebilly.


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