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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Do You Agree?


  1. wow , maybe , just maybe!

  2. I'd say that is his son, looks exactly like him.

  3. Same nose features.

  4. ... He had 10 sons...

  5. Deplorable. An American exercises his CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED free speech, and now he is a terrorists son. I think many of you have forgotten what this country was founded on.

    1. There is a time and place for this and during the anthem is NOT it.liberal.

  6. His CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED free speech, was used at the WRONG time. There is a time and place for everything. That was NOT the time nor the place.

  7. To 7:41. Not deplorable. A real American doesn't disrespect our National Anthem with some false belief.

  8. To 7:41, from out Declaration of Independence, "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

    When he can become mutual, we may listen to his complaint.

  9. 7:41 forgets that Kap is at work. He could be let go for anything but now he cant because he "stands" for something. It cant have anything to do with the fact that he sits down for every game and isnt in the spotlight anymore. Was he doing this last year? or the year before? I mean if police are mowing down black people as much as he says they are, shouldn't he have been protesting years ago?

  10. 8:01 what is the proper time to address social injustice? Does racism wait for a football game to be over? A persons constitutional rights are not yours to control. By all means, have your opinion. But you know what? He got his point across because WE ARE TALKING ABOUT IT.

  11. This person needs to show a bit of respect for this country, if he is not happy here he is also free also to leave. I wish he would go ahead and exercise that freedom.

  12. No you are deplorable 7:41! And if anyone has forgotten what this country was founded on it is YOU!!!! FYI Einstein!!!!Free speech works BOTH ways and if he can disrespect this country then we can compare him to anyone anything we want. What's deplorable are hypocrites like yourself. Real good at running that mouth and trying to insult those who are exercising the same right as the deplorable piece of trash Kapernack. He looks just like bin laden. That's no accident. God wants everyone to see that inside he is evil just like bin laden. Nothing is a coincidence.

  13. Constitutionally protected speech is protected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is no "wrong time" or "wrong place".

    This is one of the values I fought to protect during my US Military service.

    1. So u have no issue if EVERYONE sits during all games and events OK lets see how long that lasts Li eral.

  14. Snatch a paycheck away from him and then see how he acts.

  15. WRONG 8:31! Go and trot your low information self to any NFL stadium and stage a protest to exercise your "Constitutionally protected speech" that you *incorrectly* claim is "protected 24 hours a day 7 days a week" and there is "no "wrong time" or "wrong place" and see what happens! Please please please educate YOURSELF before commenting statements that are false. Spreading incorrect info serves no purpose.

  16. Let me educate all you "free speech" advocates here. This has NOTHING to do with the First Amendment. The First Amendment protects an individual's free speech against THE GOVERNMENT. This has nothing to do with the government. So this is NOT a Constitutionally protected right. It's his choice to do this but NOT his right. Others can choose to exercise their choice to criticism and boycott him AND the team can exercise their power to cancel his contract and fire him.

  17. Mark my words-He's finished. Typical response from the black community standing up for him completely being short sighted and void of any forward thinking skills. Blacks always without fail end up eating their own with their actions, See what BLM has gotten them. Black on black murders have spiked exponentially. You practice political activism on your own time otherwise it will come back to bite you. You won't win. Football is as American as apple pie. Kaepernack is done. His utter stupidity and sheer ignorance and the stupidity and ignorance of those low information who support has ruined his career. 7 NFL executives are on the record as saying they won't hire him and it is predicted he is soon to be released by the SF 49ers and will never play again. Serves the attention seeking wanting to show off loser right and the black community for not using their heads and going once again the wrong way about their concerns.

  18. His son could sit on the bench also.

  19. Hey 7:41 AM - Joke ya if you can't take a F*<k! Kap opened himself up to criticism when he started this charade. It is the American way to make fun of people, those who stray from the perceived "norm" as well as those who are in the limelight. He happens to be both!

    Just my two cents.

  20. Right 11:40. 7:41 is beyond DEPLORABLE. They are a disgusting POS who only thinks CK has a right to express his opinion but others don't! Trashy deplorable hypocrite who thinks free speech is only okay when they agree with it! A piss poor example of an American and a human being! A low IQ moron added because failed to see the skewed way they think. Typical of all those who agree with CK. IQ's in the moron/imbecile/idiot range.

  21. 825
    In America, we don't demand that a person LEAVE just because he / she disagrees with the rest of us.

    Got it?

    You are an American. Act like it.
    Stop telling other people what to do or how to think.

  22. Dumbest comment alert!!!! There's a time and a place to exercise constitutional rights!!! To those whom believe this ironic belief. And what about the 2nd Amendment?? Does your belief still apply?? There's a time and a place right??

  23. @3:44 screw you!!! Why can't my christian religious beliefs go without attack, or a southerner be allowed their heritage beliefs with a confederate flag?? You people are definitely on your way to getting what you're asking for

  24. Terrorist is too good for kapernick!! One selfish attention whore that's throwing a tantrum because he wasn't the center of attention any more so what does he resort to??

  25. 3:44 Go back and read 8:25's comment this time slowly and then maybe then your slow brain will comprehend better. They didn't "demand" anything!

    "Got it?"!!!!!

    The comment says he is free to go and the person wishes he would leave. Only a sick demented twisted paranoid mind would construe that as demanding. Go get some help for both you mental issues and your lack of reading comprehension skills!

    Got It!!! Loser!

  26. Kapernick is pure evil. The good see the good in the country and pay tribute to that. We the good WILL without any doubts have the last laugh. God will not forsaken the good. We saw it with the Zimmerman trial, the Innocent Baltimore 6, Ferguson and others. God never turns his back on the good and the just and the righteous. Kapernick will get fired. He will end up like a lot of the rest in a life of crime and end up either in prison or dying a violent death.


  27. He was at 'work', dressed and on the clock. That does not give him the 'right' to do what he has been doing...except his employer has chosen not to discipline him. He can protest to his heart's content when he's off the clock.

    NFL should crack down on this in a jiffy.


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