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Sunday, September 18, 2016

NR-9/10/16-Wicomico Fatal House Fire-Salisbury-Prince Street

Salisbury Resident Perishes in House Fire

WICOMICO COUNTY – Deputy State Fire Marshals are continuing the investigation into the origin and cause of a fire that resulted in the fatality of a Salisbury resident.

The 3:49 pm blaze brought 30 firefighters from Salisbury and surrounding fire departments to 315 Prince Street in Salisbury. It took firefighters 25 minutes to control the one alarm blaze.

The fire originated in the utility room located in the rear of the one story, single family house owned by RBS Properties.

The victim has been transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore to determine the exact cause of death.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation by the Office of the State Fire Marshal.


  1. I thought those paid Salisbury Fire Heroes saved everyone. That's why we've got to have paid firemen in every fire station in Salisbury so we can save everyone. See it doesn't work that way.

    Thank you to the surrounding volunteer fire departments that assisted Salisbury and back filled the stations during this tragic event!

    This wasn't intended to offend anyone, this is just the mentality of the paid firemen in Salisbury and the anti-volunteer fire chief, deputy chief, assistant chiefs and the mayor and council of Salisbury. Something needs to be done and it is time for Richard A. Hoppes to step down. I would also say it is time for Jim Ireton and Jake Day to step down as well. Citizens die under their leadership.

    1. You have the incorrect understanding of fire control. The fire department is called to duty AFTER the fact. The PR does not mention at what point the victim was found or the state of the fire when equipment arrived. I do not understand how you are able to lay blame on Ireton, Day, or Hoppes. You are showing your mentality by insinuating these officials should be replaced because "citizens die under THEIR leadership". IMO you know nothing of what you speak and your comment is disrespectful -especially to the deceased - since facts have not been released yet.

    2. @5:48 you sound like a bitter station volunteer.

  2. I live in the neighborhood and first contacted Joe for information as I was close enough to hear the crying and screams. From everything I have heard about this fire it was so sudden, and lit up so quick the things you are suggesting just are not correct. The fireman and a neighbor could not get to the child, that information will come to light. Do not play the blame game unless you have all the facts, which you clearly don't. It is a time to grieve with the family and pray for them.

  3. All of you firemen are pathetic. Whether paid or volunteer, you are all little fish in a small pond. Doubtful that any of you would make the cut in a real city. Yes, there are volunteer departments in areas that are much more of a city than Salisbury will ever be. The constant bickering and trying to one up each other is getting old, especially on a day like today. 15 years ago real firemen died running into burning towers to save people not running around Salisbury chasing lunch and ambulances 95% of the time.

  4. Like most landlords in this area bet there was natural gas for heat and hot water. That causes more problems than cost benefits but the locals don't care as long as it's cheap for them to install.

  5. Hey 5:48,
    Why don't you ask the station one volunteers why they didn't get out? The "paid" engine had a 4-6 minute travel to overcome. Yet your beloved volunteers about 90 seconds away failed to respond. Station 2 volunteers were on the street right away. But the group pushing the hardest to leave the city never made an appearance!!! How's that for service?

  6. Anonymous said...
    @5:48 you sound like a bitter station volunteer.

    September 11, 2016 at 9:25 PM

    You sound like a loser Farmin who always says he be a hero then he be all quiet when day cant do der job.

  7. Anonymous said...
    You have the incorrect understanding of fire control. The fire department is called to duty AFTER the fact. The PR does not mention at what point the victim was found or the state of the fire when equipment arrived. I do not understand how you are able to lay blame on Ireton, Day, or Hoppes. You are showing your mentality by insinuating these officials should be replaced because "citizens die under THEIR leadership". IMO you know nothing of what you speak and your comment is disrespectful -especially to the deceased - since facts have not been released yet.

    September 11, 2016 at 6:31

    This is obviously a paid fireman playing damage control. Funny how they all run their mouths until they lose one and then the make all kinds of excuses.

    There is no disrespect here you douche boy, especially to the deceased. Nice distraction by the way. You and your ilk should be ashamed of yourself for trying to twist this. Interesting how real fire departments and police departments have a change in leadership when something tragic and preventable happens, but not Salisbury. These Hillbillies keep the same losers in place so that more tragedy can occur.

    Jim Ireton, Jake Day, Richard Hoppes and his staff are responsible for this tragic loss.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Hey 5:48,
    Why don't you ask the station one volunteers why they didn't get out? The "paid" engine had a 4-6 minute travel to overcome. Yet your beloved volunteers about 90 seconds away failed to respond. Station 2 volunteers were on the street right away. But the group pushing the hardest to leave the city never made an appearance!!! How's that for service?

    September 11, 2016 at 10:39 PM

    That's just the point silly one, Hoppes suspended the volunteers that are the most active because they had the nerve to talk to the County Executive who happens to be there friends. Shame on them for expressing their freedom of speech. Yes you forgot to mention that Hoppes, Tull, Scott, et. al. have been running the volunteers out of the fire department since Hopeless became the Fire Chief.

    Also don't try to turn one volunteer station on the other. Station 2 happened to have a volunteer cookout and that is one only reason they "got on the street." Hopeless has been trying to run them off as well.

    By the way this is on you self proclaimed Heroes. Why didn't you save that child? You were in the station weren't you? Maybe you were only 30 seconds away buying food for your Dinner. Weren't you at the new Acme store?

    1. So one member being suspended shuts down the whole station? Please tell me more about your common core logic of suspensions.

      And having talked with an investigator that poor little girl was long gone even before the 911 call was placed. So have some compassion. The guys that made the grab are taking this extremely hard and will never be convinced that there isn't anything that could be done.

      So even factoring in the cross town travel for both companies that did respond, the end result would have still been the same. The fire was in an advanced stage at the time of call.

      And who cares why the station 2 volunteers were in house. They got on the street very quickly. And talk to anyone of them and they'll tell you that your "Hoppes running them off" theory is a born and bred station 1 allegation. Because they have been working quite well with the admin to TRY and correct their response deficiencies. So go back to the boom-boom room and watch some TV, troll.

    2. You idiots run yourself away. Cry about policy changes and God forbid actually having to do some type of work besides stuffing your face at meetings. You all are a disgrace

  9. Anonymous said...
    All of you firemen are pathetic. Whether paid or volunteer, you are all little fish in a small pond. Doubtful that any of you would make the cut in a real city. Yes, there are volunteer departments in areas that are much more of a city than Salisbury will ever be. The constant bickering and trying to one up each other is getting old, especially on a day like today. 15 years ago real firemen died running into burning towers to save people not running around Salisbury chasing lunch and ambulances 95% of the time.

    September 11, 2016 at 9:58 PM

    Amen Brother, Amen!

  10. Anonymous said...
    All of you firemen are pathetic. Whether paid or volunteer, you are all little fish in a small pond. Doubtful that any of you would make the cut in a real city. Yes, there are volunteer departments in areas that are much more of a city than Salisbury will ever be. The constant bickering and trying to one up each other is getting old, especially on a day like today. 15 years ago real firemen died running into burning towers to save people not running around Salisbury chasing lunch and ambulances 95% of the time.

    September 11, 2016 at 9:58 PM

    And the worst ones are Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Chris "Crash" O'Barsky, Jimmie "Cry Me A River, I wanna be a hero" Gladwell and Mike "City Council Facebook Friend" Donaway. The list could go on and on, but you get the picture. Each and everyone of them stabbing each other in the back to see who gets promoted first and each of them Facebook Friending the Mayor and Council so they can suck up so they can be the next fire chief. Back Stabbing A$$ Ki$$ers.

  11. 10:20 Most landlords prefer to have all electric appliances and heat. One bill - DPL. Gas/propane/oil heat bills get paid before the rent gets paid in the winter. It is much better for the tenant to have only one bill in addition to rent than to have multiple utility bills if you want to get your rent even when they may only pay a small portion of the overall rent.

    But I like how you think, most renters are too dumb to operate anything other than the little round knob on an electric baseboard heater.

  12. Anonymous said...
    10:20 Most landlords prefer to have all electric appliances and heat. One bill - DPL. Gas/propane/oil heat bills get paid before the rent gets paid in the winter. It is much better for the tenant to have only one bill in addition to rent than to have multiple utility bills if you want to get your rent even when they may only pay a small portion of the overall rent.

    But I like how you think, most renters are too dumb to operate anything other than the little round knob on an electric baseboard heater.

    September 12, 2016 at 2:56 AM

    Did you see this people of Salisbury?? More of Rick Hoppes' paid firemen are too dumb to operate anything?

    This is why Rick Hoppes has to resign. He has surrounded himself with a bunch of morons who thinks they are better than the people who pay their salaries.

    This is why people die in Salisbury. The people who are trusted to save their lives think very little of them. So much that they call them dumb and this proves they don't care about the average person in Salisbury.

  13. The City of Salisbury and the Salisbury Fire Department just keep getting worse and worse.

    1. Incorrect. We continue to do more with less. Including picking up slack of volunteers

  14. 5:48 That is one ridiculous and ignorant statement! I wish you'd post your name so I could whoop your ass when I ever cross your path! Freaking troll! A child is dead! And you go on about i though you paid yadda yadda yadda. Smdh! Wtf is wrong with you people?

  15. 9:58 same to you! Big difference between the City of Baltimore and the pretend city of Salisbury. But the firefighters are of the same breed! What were you doing when this happened? Bet it wasn't going to risk your life you coward!

  16. Hey people! Stop bickering about stupid things! A child lost her life, show some compassion and respect for the family!

  17. Take a lok at Joey Fisher's facebook page. Very classy for a first responder and public servant.

  18. SFD only hires the classiest individuals. A GED and MFRI cert. will get you hired. A beer belly doesn't hurt your chances any either.

  19. Joey:
    I spent 15 years as fireman in a real fire department. Put my time in and paid my dues without ever acting like the punk you make yourself look like. Be careful who you threaten because some people in MD do have CCW permits.

  20. My child came home from headstart today and told me her classmate died in a fire. That she was no longer here. My child is almost 4. It broke my heart. Please stop bickering. No one allowed the child to die intentionally and arguing doesn't change anything. Pray for the parents.

    1. Agreed. Prayers 4 your child v and the other children impacted by the loss of this previous child.

  21. Oh boy station 1 misses one fire and there to blame for this child's death on here . Stuf u paid pricKS. Half there member ship was out of town and there entitled to that. Don't place the blame on people that put there own family to the side most of the year and work full time jobs to protect and serve others . This kid lost its life . Grow up really . This is sad .

    1. Even when you show up to a fire it's still like you're not even there. So what about the other half of YOUR members? Are they just ink on a roster?

    2. Oh but you all can handle your own calls and don't need paid people. So handle your calls. Thousands of other volunteer depts state wide have members go out of town, have full time jobs and families. The difference, they're not handed everything. You all blow it

  22. Got a paid fire department and they can't even save lives like they claim they can.

    1. Cause they have to continue to pick up the slack of the volunteers missed calls

  23. Paid crew had a four minute response from station sixteen where they staffed. Station one is less than two minutes away, they still have not responded to the call.

  24. Anonymous said...
    All of you firemen are pathetic. Whether paid or volunteer, you are all little fish in a small pond. Doubtful that any of you would make the cut in a real city. Yes, there are volunteer departments in areas that are much more of a city than Salisbury will ever be. The constant bickering and trying to one up each other is getting old, especially on a day like today. 15 years ago real firemen died running into burning towers to save people not running around Salisbury chasing lunch and ambulances 95% of the time.



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