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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Trump's Basic Tax Plan


  1. Moratorium on new regulations? What does that imply?

  2. ...and watch the new Great Depression begin...

  3. Obama's regulations have cost this country trillions in lost economic activity and the complicated tax laws are just carve outs for friends of democrat lawmakers and punish you and I

  4. 8:28
    Are you smoking crack?

  5. 8:56 - no, addicted to the dumbocrat Kool-Aid!

  6. 9:15 AM - No, I just deal in economic facts, not fiction.

  7. 828 has no clue what they're talking about. The fact is, this will inject life into a lifeless economy so fast, our heads will pop off. The moratorium on all regulations will be a godsend to businesses along with quashing Obamacare once and for all. High Schools should be required to learn Economics for all people, then people would appreciate this plan in more ways than one! People need to wake up! 828 you should study history. It's obvious you've not gotten much history in school!


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