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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Are You Getting It yet?


  1. OMG, I hope this is true. Vote Trump!

  2. Trump the flocking man. He's da man!

  3. I hope this is the time. I do not want things to get worse before someone else comes along to save us. Unfortunately because of the apparent support for a person who is obviously corrupt I am not sure this will occur now.

  4. That about sums it up. Thank you Tomas Jefferson.

  5. Read more Jefferson.
    Then go buy yourself a gun and a big crate of ammo.

    After reading his work, you'll know why.

    Keep cheering.

  6. IF you doubt what your eyes are showing then you're a fool. Clinton can't even fill a high school gym. Even his weakest rallies are more than 1000 people. That's even in small places. People are fed up with the Establishment. Its been selling off America bit by bit just like Gordon Geicos of the 80s who bought companies to chop them up. Well, America has been chopped enough. It's time to put this puppy back together again.

  7. I believe Gordon Gecco was a character in a movie?


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