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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Gay Mafia Demands That Big 12 Say No to BYU

An LGBTQ advocacy group has sent a letter to the commissioner of the Big 12 urging the conference to remove BYU from consideration for membership because it says the school has discriminatory policies.

Athlete Ally, a nonprofit group that works with sports leagues and organizations on educational and awareness programs, wrote in a letter sent Monday that "... through its policies, BYU is very clear about its intent to discriminate against openly LGBT students ..."

BYU is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The school's honor code states that same-gender attraction is not an issue.

But it does state, "Homosexual behavior is inappropriate and violates the Honor Code." The school honor code requires all students to commit to chastity outside of marriage.

"BYU welcomes as full members of the university community all whose conduct meets university standards. We are very clear and open about our honor code, which all students understand and commit to when they apply for admission. One's stated sexual orientation is not an issue," the school said in a statement through spokeswoman Carri Jenkins.



  1. BYU should tell them to stuff it.

  2. They are bullie a school that has its own set of beliefs. Sad times. BYU adminstration and students mind their own business and are known for helping everyone if ask for it. Sad to pick on the school.

  3. create a safe zone for the whining LGBT

  4. The WWE just announced that they will be introducing LGBTQ wrestlers this winter. I thought pro wrestling has always been gay...

  5. L G B T and Q

    Not an H anywhere to be found?


  6. I don't see the problem. BYU expects all of their students to be chaste, gay and straight. If gays were being singled out that would be a different matter.

  7. Where does the pressure come from ? How would we know about it if the media didn't make it a big deal ? What would happen if we just ignored the faux outrage as the scam it is? Not a darn thing.


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