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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

The Disingenuous Outrage Over Trump's Khan Response

Our incredibly objective media has moved on from declaring Donald Trump an agent of the Kremlin and gushing over every moment of the Democratic National Convention to fixating itself on another unbiased story.

Namely, Trump hates the families of dead veterans.

On the final night of the DNC, Khizir Khan — a Muslim father who lost his son, Captain Humayun Khan in Iraq 12 years ago — took the stage with his wife in Philadelphia and delivered arguably the most notable speech of the entire convention. Khan condemned Trump for being un-American and sacrificing nothing for the country. It was a powerful speech, and it fully won over America’s chattering class — both in its conservative and liberal elements.

While obviously heartfelt and genuine, the reason the Democrats put Khan on stage and the media celebrated him was, in part, to bait Trump into responding. Trump did just that in an interview with ABC host and former Bill Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos.



  1. Even RINO'S piling on because the gravy train is at stake.

  2. All Trump needed to say to the question of "What sacrifices have you made for America" would be the same as if it were asked of the Clintons.
    Hillary has basically pimped out the death of the Army Captain for her own benefit.

  3. We all forget that not all Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims! And by the way, I have seen or heard of any priest, preacher or rabbi committing any acts of terror!

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 2, 2016 at 1:23 PM

      Let's not forget - No Lives Were Lost by any of Trump's actions. Compare that to Crooked Hillary over the last 35 years. What about those soldiers in Benghazi? Should we called that Actions or Inactions by Secretary Clinton?


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