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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

SFD Quartly Newsletter August 2016


  1. I'm not quite sure that I know what the chief's letter said after the opening sentences. I was expecting it to go somewhere, I guess.

  2. OH BARF!! That fat slob is so full of sh!t!

  3. Hoppes is still trying to run the volunteers off so they can justify paid firemen. Hoppes is trying to bring charges against the station 1 volunteers for talking to County Executive Bob Culver. He is trying to suspend them so they won't be able to respond on any calls. I thought there was such a thing as Freedom of Speech?

  4. 2:06 PM what is Bob Culver waiting for? That money he is wasting on he fake economic college scholarship would go a long way for the fire service.

  5. Disingenuous is what Hoppes is?

  6. Anonymous said...
    Hoppes is still trying to run the volunteers off so they can justify paid firemen. Hoppes is trying to bring charges against the station 1 volunteers for talking to County Executive Bob Culver. He is trying to suspend them so they won't be able to respond on any calls. I thought there was such a thing as Freedom of Speech?

    August 2, 2016 at 2:06 PM

    More people have been suspended, demoted and promoted under Richard A. Hoppes' rein than any other fire chief in the city of Salisbury. Hoppes is one of the most hated people to ever be called a fire chief.

    Hoppes Must Go!

  7. Ok WTH is this??

    Richard A. Hoppes
    Fire Chief

    John W. Tull
    Deputy Fire Chief

    E. Lee Smith
    Deputy Fire Chief

    W. Darrin Scott
    Deputy Fire Chief

    Hoppes convinced the mayor and council to pay for another Deputy Fire Chief's position? Three Deputy Chiefs? Two paid and one volunteer? WTF!! Salisbury isn't that big.

    Joe Albero did you pick up on that? The Salisbury Fire Department added another paid Deputy Fire Chief!! Where in the Heck is that money coming from?? That is a news story in itself!

  8. A paid fire chief and 2 paid deputy fire chiefs for a small town fire company with more ambulances calls than fire calls. Ambulance calls are approximately 95% of the call volume for the Salisbury Fire Department. Actual structure fires are only about 1% of the call volume.

    Way to go Jake Day you Obama loving sucker you! Way to spend our tax dollars you moron.

  9. I am a volunteer and I have tried to talk to Jake Day about the corruption in the fire department because of Hoppes and all Jake Day can say is "Chief Hoppes has SOP's to follow and if you don't like it you can leave." Jake Day and Jim Ireton are responsible for this mess in the Salisbury Fire Department.


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