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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Poll finds majority oppose taxpayer funding for abortion

A new poll finds that the majority of Americans oppose public funding for abortion, even among those who identify as pro-choice.

The new Knights of Columbus-Marist poll was released Monday as Democrats gathered in Philadelphia for their presidential nomination convention with a platform that includes an unprecedented measure to end a long-standing ban on federal funds for abortions.

According to the poll conducted July 5-12, about 51 percent of respondents identified themselves as pro-choice. Still 62 percent said they oppose taxpayer funding for abortion.

A breakdown of the statistic shows that most blacks, Latinos and independent voters oppose publicly funded abortions, as well as 45 percent of those who identify as pro-choice and 44 percent of Democrats.

In addition, the survey finds that 56 percent of Americans oppose forcing health care providers to perform abortions against their conscience or religious beliefs.

What’s more, the poll shows widespread support for additional restrictions on abortion. Nearly eight in 10 respondents said abortion should be limited to the first three months of pregnancy, including 62 percent of those who identify as pro-choice.

More here


  1. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how abortion is a health care issue. I can easily see pregnancy as a health concern for mother-to-be and child(-to-be?), but ending pregnancy without a valid medical reason just doesn't compute.

  2. Publicly funded abortion or publicly funded life? Just pick. She can have the kid, apply for welfare, housing, medicaid, etc. or acknowledge she can't afford the kid, abort it and hopefully get on damn birth control. It's not that hard. Really it isn't. Worry about yourself getting into the heavenly gates, not everyone else. It's not a party train. It's a solo ride.


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