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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Police: Girl, 14, slits teen’s throat in hope of first kill

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A 14-year-old Wisconsin girl tried to kill her brother’s girlfriend, slitting her throat and telling her during the attack that she was a psychopath looking for her first kill, according to investigators.

Kali Jade Bookey of New Richmond, a city of 8,400 people about 35 miles east of Minneapolis, was charged as an adult Thursday with attempted first-degree intentional homicide. She could face up to 40 years in prison, if she’s convicted.

She was being held without bail Friday in juvenile custody pending a preliminary hearing Aug. 8. Her attorney, Barbara Miller, didn’t immediately respond to an email or a voicemail seeking comment.

According to a criminal complaint, which the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram first reported about, Bookey called the St. Croix County Sheriff’s Department on Wednesday morning to report that two men in a green pickup truck had tried to abduct her while she was riding her bike.

She told the men that her brother’s girlfriend was home alone and they should take her instead. Deputies responded to the girlfriend’s trailer and found her in a bedroom bleeding profusely. The 15-year-old girl was taken by ambulance to a hospital.

There, she told investigators that Bookey had attacked her. She said she was sleeping in her bedroom when Bookey, dressed in black, appeared in her room and put her hands over her mouth. A struggle ensued and Bookey punched her in the face multiple times and broke two bowls over her head. Bookey used one of the bowl shards to cut her and slit her throat, she said.

The victim said Bookey asked her if she wanted to die or bleed out, so she opted to bleed out, the complaint states. Bookey told the victim she had been biking by her house and noting the times when she was alone, and she described herself as a crazy psychopath looking for her first kill, saying she probably would kill again. Bookey then told her to “have a nice afterlife” and left the trailer.



  1. See how much of a good job of public education system has produced. standby many more Psychopaths morons ignorant teenagers to come. all compliments of the New World Order, agenda, globalist education and the Rainbow warriors Coalition of attacks back by the United Nations. better wake up. No gun involved here

  2. Best to get her under lock & key before she becomes a full blown serial killer.

  3. Interesting factoid: Madison, Wisconsin, where this occurred, also happens to be the home of the Freedom From Religion Foundation-- the atheist organization that has been teaming up with the satanists to harass Christians.

  4. Only 40 years? It sounds to me like a life sentence is in the order
    here or the death penalty.


  5. Kali Jade Bookey.....my baby she a good girl

  6. There are many negative influences for young people in the modern age.

    Television generally is a very negative influence on behavior.
    It's many programs glorify murder and violence.

    Pharmaceutical products can be extremely dangerous for people.
    Many of the murderers are found to be on prescribed drugs which are known to produce violent behavior in patients. The industry keeps evidence of the violent behavior a secret. Profit is more important.

    The Music industry has sold violent lyrics and violent videos to American people for a long time.
    The musicians are many times mentally ill. Many of them are using drugs which cause lots of behaviors.


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