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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Fox’s News Corp Is a Major Donor to the Clintons

The parent company of Fox News has helped to finance the career of Hillary Clinton. In fact, the company has helped a lot.

21st Century Fox/News Corp. ranks ninth on the list of the top “corporate and union donors to the Clintons over two decades,” according to a little-noticed list compiled by The Wall Street Journal in 2014. The list counts donations from “companies, foundations, and employees.”

21st Century Fox also ranks as the 13th biggest contributor to Hillary Clinton during her political career, according to a database maintained by the Center for Responsive Politics. The database credits the Rupert Murdoch-owned company as having pitched in $340,936 to her campaigns. That puts Fox just below Lehman Brothers, but eleven spots below second-place Goldman Sachs, on the pro-Clinton list.

“The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations’ PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals’ immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates,” the database notes.

Murdoch’s charitable foundation and his son James are also contributors to the Clinton Foundation, which is now reportedly being examined by the FBI, which is investigating Hillary Clinton for possible Espionage Act violations regarding her private email use and also possible instances of public corruption regarding the Foundation.



  1. Now. Who was the idiot that said if it's not on Fox it isn't true?

  2. Yeah so ALL the media is now confirmed...or atleast 95.5% CORRUPT!!

    yeah i can believe that...

  3. Every major company and law firm donates to both parties but usually a larger amount to their party of choice. It is part of doing business and hedging your bets. Nothing to see here, move along.

  4. Still leans more center then the others

  5. The merge of corporate interests with government interests. Facism.

  6. 523 you are sorely mistaken. There's a lot to see here. While major companies and law firms do this and there's nothing to see, its quite a different story when it's a MEDIA outlet where people are SUPPOSED to get UNBIASED news not filtered campaign BS! Ignorant.

  7. Really, 610? The fact they gave the Benghazi mother 70 seconds verses the Khans 57.50 minutes since their events is center leaning! Wow. How blind can people be? Incidentally, Megyn Kelly and Shep Smith have given $70K to Clinton campaign! 0 to Trump. How's that for fair & balanced. Should be retagged as bought & paid for by DNC.


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