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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Donald Trump says he's 'taking the gloves off' against Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump said Friday that after watching Hillary Clinton's Democratic National Convention speech, he will no longer be 'nice' to her when his raucous audiences chant 'Lock her up!' at the mention of her name.

The slogan, which first appeared at the Republican National Convention last week, has become a battle cry among Trump supporters who believe Clinton should have been charged with a federal crime for mishandling classified documents on her now-infamous private email server.

At rallies this week, Trump has resisted the temptation to join the 'Lock her up!' shouting, telling his crowds instead to help him 'beat her in November.'

That seemed to end Friday at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, shortly after he called Clinton 'crooked as a three dollar bill.'



  1. Do they make gloves that small?

  2. Kid's gloves come off and pull up big boys pants.

  3. I would really like to see him beat the crap out of her physically!

    That Bim has been an annoyance ever since slick willy allowed her to try and reform the health care system! We've all seen how bad the dumbocrats screwed that up!

  4. I wish he'd get back to swinging what propelled him to this place in the first place! Stay off these purposeful distractions intended to distract!


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