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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Sorry, Hillary, Trump is Right: America is in Decline

Numerous statistics vividly demonstrate Trump's point

Clinton and the Democrats obviously do not want to admit their policies over the last eight years have accelerated America’s economic and social decline.

As we reported on Wednesday after the Obama administration tweeted “America has come a long way over the past 7.5 years,” the nation has experienced a steep decline across the board.

Clinton’s faithful supporters may fool themselves in the belief America is on the rise, but a wide variety of statistics demonstrate otherwise.

“America is declining, in large and important measures, yet policymakers aren’t paying attention,” Fortune reported last July, citing a paper released by the Social Science Research Network.


1 comment:

  1. And if the American voting public can see this and process it before they vote, we might be able to recover from the last eight years if this POSPOTUS!

    OBAMA IS THE WORST PRESIDENT WE HAVE EVER HAD! Jimmy Carter is rejoicing every day that he stays alive! Mister Peanut was great compared to this TURD!


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