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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Black Lives Matter Targeting Graceland

“Elvis Week” is currently in full swing at Graceland in Memphis, and Black Lives Matter activists have announced they plan to “shut it down.”

The event started Wednesday, August 10, and ends on Tuesday, August 16.

Fox News reported that the Coalition of Concerned Citizens, which includes Black Lives Matter activists and other protestor groups, have announced a “mass demonstration” at Graceland, scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Monday.

When asked why, they said since it’s “Elvis week,” they want to “raise awareness.” Black Lives Matter recently held another protest in front of Graceland, where some protesters were arrested for blocking traffic.



  1. Raise awareness about what? If they block traffic arrest them all and fine them. Don't go taking away law abiding citizens right to move about freely for your BS protest. Get a job, come directly home after work (stay off street corners selling drugs), and be safe. There will be zero chance of being shot at if you do these things. If you must be out doing no good quit complaining about the consequences. And while I'm at it, get a life.

  2. So, how many Elvis fans are in the group?

  3. Wonder how many of these BLM have a job and how many are on gov. assistance. Hope when Trump gets in this BS will stop.

  4. WTH! There is the evidence that these yo yo's do not have a cerebral. I was not a Elvis nut, but he was something else. Now this trash gets in front of his place for what? Shoot em Liz!

  5. When is blm going to be targeted ?

  6. When Graceland was built there was not much around there. Now it is built up all around it. Anyone ever been there? While Graceland is nice to see once. Memphis in general is a nasty dirty town. If you want to go see Graceland. Go early in the morning and get out of town before dark. Stay in another town.

  7. Haven't been there in many years, if it's that nasty and dirty, must be BLM members and their kind living there. Black trash their own neighborhoods. For whatever reason I don't know, I guess they just don't know any better.

  8. Memphis is nothing but a ghetto drug infested city!! No wonder they chose to protest there, close to their hood!!

  9. They all need to get a job. If they worked, they wouldn't have time to do this stupid crap.

  10. They should fly the Confederate Flag from Graceland, Elvis would have loved it, not so much for Black Lives Matter. They go wherever they can catch a crowd, they'll probably burn everything down in protest, and make it all about them.

  11. There some OLD Elvis fans that are pretty devoted and loyal. They'll start a fight over which song was the greatest.
    Some of them don't even think he's dead.
    And they don't have much to lose, either.
    You think "life in prison" means much to a 70 year old man???? Especially if he's watched his home value in Memphis plummet.....

  12. Hand the thugs job apps.

    1. BLM
      That they is going back to work ....)

  13. 12:17
    It's been over 10 years since we went and it was bad then. We stayed one night at the Heart Break Hotel right across from Graceland. It is properly named. It was a heartbreak. The rooms stunk. They had large heating units at the end of the hallways to heat the halls that were so loud I don't know how the people at the end of the hall slept. I guess we should have known something was up when there was a guard at a gate before you entered the parking lot for the hotel. If I was in the area again I might tour Graceland again but I would never stay within 100 miles of there. It was scary 10 years ago.

  14. If Graceland would shut down that would be a huge hit to the city. Not much else to do there except for Beale Street and I wouldn't go there if you paid me.


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