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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Black Lives Matter Target Graceland: Plan to 'Shut Down' Elvis Week

The Coalition of Concerned Citizens, a radical group that includes Black Lives Matter protesters, has set its sights on Elvis territory, with a plan to “Shut Down Graceland” on Monday.

While the target might seem unusual, the timing is not. The annual Elvis Week has been taking place since Wednesday and is slated to continue until Tuesday.

The local TV station Fox 13 reports:

Protest leaders say the mass demonstration is planned for 6:00pm Monday. They said they specifically chose Graceland because it is Elvis week and they know it will raise awareness.

Leaders say they also chose Graceland because “it demonstrates one of Memphis’s most common forms of financial inequality and because the site has ties to … the death of unarmed teen Darrius Stewart.”

“We feel like we still haven’t been answered,” said Frank Gottie, a community leader. “They’re givin’ us the runaround.”



  1. BLM is a disgrace and they should be shut down, permanently.

  2. Memphis Police better get ready for a battle with Hurry-Canes and walkers. It won't be pretty.

  3. What really bugs me about these BLM useful idiots. Why are they not protesting in chicago or other cities with high black on black crime?

  4. How idiotic can they get?

  5. They better be careful. It won't be pretty if they mess with Elvis fans.

  6. They just wanna terrorize old folk. Their cowards and wont act up where they might get shot.

  7. All that this will do is add to the rift and the bad feelings.

  8. yea this will do a lot

  9. Democrat's don't mind sacrificing a few.

  10. So very sick of them and their nasty mouths and their bad attitudes. They all need full time work and work double shifts, then 4 hours later do it all over again. There would not be any time for this nonsense, and that's all it is, nonsense. Animals in the jungle act better than they do.

  11. Elvis might come out of hiding for that.

  12. Most Elvis fans are up in age. I don't know if black jerks are aware, but old people don't fight. They will hurt you though.

  13. Elvis just shot his TV in heaven.

  14. I see the moderator knows about Aaron and Elvis twins.

    Miles Mathis?

  15. wish the world would quit publicizing these idiots. NO NOTORIETY for blm. Who the eff do they think they are?

  16. The more publicity they get, the more money they get...


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