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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Milwaukee shooting “victim” sister: Don’t burn down OUR community, burn…

What sense does burning your own community to the ground make in protest of a police shooting? If your answer was “none,” you’re probably not affiliated with the Black Lives Matter movement.

In what appeared to be a brief moment of sanity, the sister of Milwaukee shooting “victim” Sylville Smith almost came to this realization. Via The Blaze: Sherelle Smith, sister of the armed black man fatally shot by Milwaukee police, spoke to the press Sunday following hours of violent riotingprompted by Sylville Smith’s death.

Addressing multiple news outlets near a park not far from the BP gas station that protesters set ablaze Saturday night, Smith’s sisters spoke passionately about the about the grief and rage felt by the community. “I lost my brother. I can’t get him back. Never. Never. That’s pain. I can’t look him in the eye no more,” Sherelle said of 23-year-old Sylville, according to WITI-TV.



  1. The mind boggles at the thought process of some of these individuals.

  2. 9:43 - animal instinct isn't exactly a thought process....

    Meanwhile, if they start to burn down the suburbs - the people there will shoot-to-kill in defense of their own property...that'll start a real war!

  3. 954 you can kill a person to defend you car or shed? I didint know that.

  4. Just imagine if the families of the thugs that were actually murdered by other thugs, rioted, looted and burned down the neighborhood, demanding "Justice" and that the killer be held accountable. Their crime rate would drop significantly.

    But the only lives that matter to them, are black criminals. Someone who had never been productive or worked an honest job. Someone who was likely to murder one of them, or steal from them. Someone who would be at best a parasite, leeching off the crumbs he scavenged.

    So what if a little girl is shot dead sitting on her bed doing homework? Or a little boy is lured into an alley, and executed by a gang member? Who cares? They hadn't become part of the criminal society, not yet...and they still had the chance to escape it. Kids who could still grow up to become electricians, teachers, secretaries, bus drivers, lawyers...who could become good parents and raise healthy, productive families themselves.

    Kids who had not yet drowned in the toxic waste of the ghetto lifestyle. Kids who matter.

    Sometimes I think, if only we could wall off these dark, dank cesspools, rescue the good people who are truly trapped there, spay and neuter the shiftless, violent, criminal element remaining...and rescue every last child. Every baby, every toddler, every child who had not yet been brainwashed into learned helplessness, chronic dependency and subcultural failure. And let the rest do what they do best.

    Give those innocents the chance to know love, security, and positive discipline.

  5. Burn it down.
    Get lots of press. (The media loves this stuff.)
    Wait for white people to rebuild it.
    Complain about how long it took and how many suffered.
    Repeat as needed to keep public attention.

  6. Sounds like inciting a riot to me. Why was she not arrested?

  7. 10:13
    Some places that is legal. In Maryland it is not.

  8. she should have looked him the eye grabbed his gun, so he would do no crime, and therefore would not be dead. Sounds like the sister is as bad as his record.

  9. 10:38 You've nailed it. Thank you.

  10. BLM people need to consider the New Testament.
    Stop hating people.
    Pray for people.

    The government will NEVER fix the race issues.
    Only the Holy Spirit can fix it for each individual person.

    We still live in time.
    Stop confusing time with eternity.
    Peace will come in eternity (after death).

  11. Blm please come to the suberbs please.

  12. They have to know that they are outnumbered. Even if the liberals stand with them they are unarmed.

  13. She is upset because her main supplier got taken out.


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