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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Pocomoke City Police Money Seizure 8-15-16


  1. Highway robbery is what I call that.

    Who did you rob? No names??? We can't look them up on Case Search if you withhold the names!

  2. I cashed a $42k check once when I was working in north Carolina, then drove back to delaware with it under my seat. It was money I worked for and didn't want to wait 5 to 7 days for the check to clear (this was 10-12 years ago so money took longer to clear). I would have been pissed if it was confiscated due to a cop being suspicious.

    1. You would have copies of cashed cashiers check. You would not be concerned about the money bc It wasn't illegal and your story would check. Also your not part of a criminal organization smuggling kids, drugs and guns. The last fact you have never been in possession 42 in your entire life.

    2. Lol 7:42 here and you're kind of right but it wasn't a cashiers check it was a personal check so no copy. My construction company my wife and I built from the ground up starting 25 years ago does a couple million in business a year. $42k cash back then was kind of a lot but not unheard of for us. Now its a drop in the bucket. Go ahead and doubt me all good :)

  3. Having a lot of cash is not illegal,if there is no other reason to hold the person and the money give him his money back and send him on his way PERIOD. On any given day I am subject to have anywhere from 8 to 10 thousand dollars on me because I buy used cars to resell and cash talks and BS walks.And thats all there is to it give him his money back let him go......but they won't.

    1. That's why they weren't arrested. You have never had your money seized, so why are you crying? BLM is why, terroist.

  4. This is the kind of crap that turns citizens against police and government! Seizing without an arrest or charge of a crime is simply robbery!

    These blue lives are blue crooks!

    1. The charges will begin when the money trail starts. The the Person has his day in civil court to get his money. Most don't go to court bc the money is dirty.

  5. 7:42 - that long ago they didn't have RFID in each bill like they do now!

    I carry all of my money in a pouch similar to what they give you to store your EZ-Pass transponder in!

  6. If you are white, have registration,insurance, a license and were not smoking pot, you would not have had a problem if pulled over.

  7. So they say they 'recovered' this money.
    Because they thought maybe there was a chance it could have been ill-gotten.

    Guilty until PROVEN innocent, and even then they probably won't get all of it back.

    The Pocomoke Police Dept. stole this money. Period.


  8. confiscating peoples money is nothing to be proud of. Just because you carry a lot of money doesn't make you a criminal except in the eyes of a cop. No wonder people are starting to hate them.

    1. You have strong desire to be right and your wrong. Don't get caught with dirty money and you won't get it seized.. Very simple. Honest money stays with honest people. BLM hate cops and white people. Don't try and pull this money seizure into why criminals hate cops. You are trying very hard to be right and your not.

  9. Lets face it. Its more than likely dirty money

  10. I carry alot of cash on me most days! Let a cop try and take my money! One less thief will be alive!

  11. In Pocomoke if they turned in 35K that means there was at least 50k. Right Ruddel


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