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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Southern Baptists: Confederate Flag Symbolizes Hatred, Racism, Christians Shouldn't Display It

Southern Baptists, saying the Confederate flag is perceived as a "symbol of hatred, bigotry and racism," urged at their convention on Tuesday that Christians stop displaying the battle banner that offends millions of people.

The resolution, originally presented by African-American Pastor Dwight McKissic, had stirred debate and led to at least one call to withdraw it. The version presented to thousands of delegates to the denomination's annual meeting in St. Louis was less strongly worded, reported The Associated Press.

Despite some opposition on Tuesday from delegates who thought even the more conciliatory version was divisive and political, delegates voted by a wide margin to strengthen the language. They removed a sentence saying that the flag serves for some as a memorial to loved ones who died in the Civil War and not as a racist symbol.



  1. In a free country you should be able to display whatever you want.

  2. Let this Southern leader he so hates the confederate flag direct his attention on Isis and the failure of the country's first Black president to be human, he's just like Obama its only about one race, Islam. Maybe they should make a real contribution to this religion, by killing themselves and becoming the martars they are.

  3. They better quit working over the flag and focus on what their preacher in California said that's hatred and evil and they ain't Christians to feel that way

  4. The southern baptists are just another political organization pretending to be a religion. This is the group that took or is taking massive amounts of money from the federal government to "help" with the refugees from the middle east.

  5. The Southern Baptists are showing positive growth in the decisions they are making.

    The Confederate States of America no longer exists having been defeated in 1865, over 150 years ago. That flag does not belong flying in an official use anywhere in the United States of America. There is a proper place for it and that is in museums and similar places where historical artifacts are displayed for our education and as a reminder of an imperfect but always struggling to be better past.

  6. The pathetic Southern Baptists used to be new testament Christians.
    Now they are just stupid.

    They should have explained to the congregation that all symbols of this evil government (past and present) should be discarded by Christians. Government cannot save us. Only Jesus Christ can save our souls from the grip of Satan and his minions on earth.

    The original 13 pentagrams in a circle with stripes of blood spilled on virgin skin was a symbol of a witches' coven. This nation had evil origins in the depths of freemasonry and witchcraft. Stay away from governments altogether. Stop volunteering to shave your head and murder Muslims in defense of Israel.

    Thank you

  7. and on my flag pole and back winnder of my truck.

  8. "Anonymous said...

    The Southern Baptists are showing positive growth in the decisions they are making.

    The Confederate States of America no longer exists having been defeated in 1865, over 150 years ago. That flag does not belong flying in an official use anywhere in the United States of America. There is a proper place for it and that is in museums and similar places where historical artifacts are displayed for our education and as a reminder of an imperfect but always struggling to be better past.

    June 17, 2016 at 11:38 AM"

    You political correct crowd are really a special kind of stupid aren't you. Totally clueless but real good at running that mouth. Dumbed down by what you think is your public education which clearly doesn't teach reading comprehension and utilizing your brain.
    Now 11:38 go back and read the story. NO where I repeat NO where are we talking about "official use." Are you getting it yet dummy! They are urging Christian to not display it. Now instead of wasting you time making ill informed comments on blogs you need to find some online exercises in reading comprehension and exercises on utilizing thinking skills and work on that. It will save you from making a complete and utter fool out of yourself if you ever find yourself surrounded by intelligent people.

  9. Dave T: I am a Roman Catholic, I'm originally from the north, and I do not identify with the southern Confederate flag as a symbol of hatred or racism. I have as much respect for that flag as I do our own national flag. It is a symbol of our history, our heritage and it is worthy of respect for those who gave their lives in battle. How hundreds of years of tradition and a legacy have been wiped away needlessly by the actions of a single lunatic during the past mass shooting, is beyond me. Why didn't liberals push to ban box cutters after 9/11?

  10. Some very powerful and thoughtful comments here.
    Thank you to all of the anonymous commenters.
    Stay anonymous, stay employed, stay out of the government's crosshairs.

  11. I guess my tithing will stop to my Baptist church. I will instead places tithing to Christian ministries that will support my country . We have plenty of need in this country. I will not support the muslims trying to destroy our religious values . Many homegrown Americans are in need of a help up.

  12. Just following his orders; to make as much commotion as possible so we will not notice the hundreds of thousands of Muslims Ob' is smuggling into the country.

  13. To 1:10

    Christians continue to run this country. They are most often responsible for official use. I kept my comment to that. However I was wrong.

    I can see your point about what they really mean is that individual Christians should discontinue unofficially using the flag as they see fit. A lot of them who are not under conviction of their wrong doing are going to do it anyway, you know.

    I am having trouble getting over it. You are so right. It is not just Christians responsible for official use. But instead if you are just a common Christian soldier you are being encouraged to do the right thing and not display it.

    Come into the 21th century, confess your past sins to Jesus and become a better Christian in America, 1:10. And if you are not a Christian allow Jesus into your heart. If you are a Christian, based on what you said about me you should allow Christ into your heart a little deeper to clean your black smudges a little more so you can be a better witness for God.

    Sincerely, 11:38

  14. Dear David T. (!:51)

    I am from the North too but I have spent my whole adulthood here. I never identified with the southern Confederate flag as a symbol of hatred or racism either. However that was when I was child at the knee of my southern grandmother enthralled with stories and family letters about the Civil War and that usurper Lincoln. In fact that is where I learned the word usurper early in life and never forgot it.

    But unlike Peter Pan and apparently unlike some adults, I grew up and had to become responsible in life and think deeply in complex ways. I understand that flag has a negative meaning for others that I never applied to it as a child. You didn't ask but yes it is sometimes a burden.

  15. Don't tell me what to do...

  16. Glad I'm an atheist!

  17. Hillary displayed it, dont see them bad mouthing her

  18. Atheism is a religion in and of itself where you appoint yourself as a deity.

  19. @ 8:34

    Wrong. Atheism is not a religion or a faith. It is a conclusion.

    Atheism is the rejection of claims of theists. No more, no less. It makes not assertions, declarations, has no political view, it has no descriptor power whatsoever.

    It's like calling someone who doesn't collect stamps a "non-stampcollector" and saying that their non-collection makes positive claims about them.


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