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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Arts Commission OKs Plan For Higher White House Fence

WASHINGTON (AP) — A plan to increase the overall height of the fence surrounding the White House by approximately 6 feet, about doubling its current height, won preliminary approval from a Washington arts commission Thursday.

The move follows high-profile security breaches at the executive mansion over the past two years. The U.S. Commission of Fine Arts gave its concept approval Thursday to the new design, which also includes thicker and stronger metal fence pickets. The new design still must be reviewed by a second commission, the National Capital Planning Commission. The final design also must win approval from both commissions.

Secret Service and National Park Service officials said in a statement that they hope to begin constructing the new fence by 2018.

The plans follow several fence breaches. In September 2014, a Texas man, Omar Gonzalez, managed to scale the fence, enter the executive mansion and run deep into the building. Gonzalez, who was found to be carrying a folding knife, was ultimately sentenced to 17 months in prison. The security breach prompted officials to put up a second, shorter barrier several feet in front of the fence and to restrict people from entering the space in between the two barriers. Signs tell visitors: “Restricted area” and “Do not enter.” The Secret Service polices the area.



  1. If we didn't have a President that was our number one enemy, the fence would not be an issue.

  2. It's to keep angry Americans out after Obama declares martial law and deems himself the King of America

  3. I thought king Osama said no to a wall and everyone is invited

  4. Obama needs to behind bars.

  5. everything's racist these days!

  6. So the government has to get permission from an arts commission to build a fence around its own property. I think they should leave it at the height that it is now. Is he scared the illegals might want to come see him?

  7. he can invite all his terrorist, racist, tax cheating, special interest friends over and we can put a lock on the outside

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So the government has to get permission from an arts commission to build a fence around its own property. I think they should leave it at the height that it is now. Is he scared the illegals might want to come see him?

    June 17, 2016 at 9:28 PM

    You took the words right out of my mouth. If Obama refuses to recognize the U.S. Constitution I can assure you he won't recognize a pi$$y a$$ arts commission.

    This country is becoming more and more of a joke everyday and the liberal media is right on board with it!!

  9. No, the liberal media is driving it.


  10. They can make it twice the height and he will still be able to get outside of it whenever he wants. As much as I'd like for him to be out of sight and mind, the destructive dude will escape, like democrats always do (Clinton eluding justice).

  11. Any Democrat who locks the front and back doors in their house is a hypocrite. What is their reason for keeping uninvited people out of their house?

  12. He doesn't want a fence on the borders I think they should remove the fence around the White House. We can put it back up once Trump gets there.

  13. Yeah Trump is going to need a "huge" fence to corral his huge ego!

  14. They will get it done prior to the economic collapse.
    The previous 2 "breaches" were false flag ops to provide cover for the higher fence.

  15. Fence is OK for you but not for the country?

    Do as I say - not as I do!

  16. if Hillary wins, they will need a bigger fence to contain all of bills phillies

  17. The dumbocrats can't fathom a fence on the border, but double the one around their house, yep, makes perfect sense to me.

  18. if the beast wins, the number of sexual assaults will increase dramatically in dc when bill moves back to the white house


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