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Sunday, June 19, 2016

At Pulse Memorial, Obama Blasts Republicans For Arming Terrorists

Standing at the memorial for the victims of the terrorist attack at a gay night club in Orlando, Florida, President Barack Obama implicitly blamed Republicans for the attack because they blocked gun control laws.

Obama referred to both attackers in San Bernardino and Orlando as “homegrown” and “lone wolf” terrorists who had access to guns, comparing them to other mass shooters on American soil.

“Our politics have conspired to make it as easy as possible for a terrorist — or just a disturbed individual to like those in Aurora or Newtown — to buy extraordinary powerful weapons, and they can do so legally,” he said.

Obama flew to Orlando this afternoon and was joined by Vice President Joe Biden. The pair went to the Orlando Magic arena to meet the families, about two miles from the night club where the attack occurred.



  1. You can buy those anywhere. The issue is to make sure there's enough open or concealed carry folks in any crowd to prevent and stop these attacks on Gun Free Zones.

    But, Democrats won't say that out loud, because they know it will work, but it's against the control they want over the masses.

    Even though if they got all that control, they know they don't have the manpower to handle it.

    Look at history, children! History teaches all!

  2. They would not be armed if there were not here because the dumbacrats let them in our country

  3. 9:00, who is an idiot, and what is your solution? Mine is printed in your face. Tell me yours.

    8:53 pm

  4. He gave the Iranians 150 million dollars. He is funding the terrorists.

  5. France has one of the strictest gun control laws in the world and that didn't stop the Charlie Hebdo attack or the Paris attack. The problem is if you ask a majority of democrat voters where Paris and/or France is they are clueless so wouldn't have a clue as to their gun control laws anyway so they believe obama's lies.

  6. O bla bla does not go anywhere without a bunch of people carrying guns to protect him.

  7. 9:25 What? Go home your are drunk!

    The solution is for the government to do its job. This most recent even would not have have happened if the president and his adm was doing its job - plain and simple.

  8. It's sooooo off base to accuse the GOP in any of these attacks!

  9. 10:49 you are so right but the liberals can not help but to let political correctness get in the way of law enforcement, god forbid if a law hurts someone's feelings if so then don't enforce it is how they think!

  10. If Obama would quit funding the terrorists and praising them all the time and letting them in this country all the time, this stuff would not be happening in our U.S.A. But instead, he wants to blame all the crime on guns. He's plain out and out nuts.

  11. 10:49, The "Government" isn't big enough to "do its job", whatever you mean that to be, because We, the People want a smaller government to let us take care of ourselves. All the laws needed to prevent the mass shootings are in place and still they happen.

    I have a second amendment right, but you want that taken from me? You should go to a country where gun ownership is outlawed and the "Government" protects its people from mass murder, like France for instance.


  12. Agree with 9:08 It Obama's fault all of theses attacks on Americans because he refuses to secure the borders and lets anybody in especially Muslims because he is trying to turn us into a Muslim nation. That is his agenda and always has been his agenda. That is what he meant by saying he wanted to change our country. Like all Muslims he wants to make all of the U.S. Muslim.

  13. Hey Obama "at this point what difference does it make". Maybe what we should do it only allow Republicans to own guns. Seems it is the democratic voters that like to go around shooting people.


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