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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Muslim Shooter in Orlando Was a Registered Democrat


  1. Not surprising. Most of the loony tunes in this country are Democrats or some facsimile thereof. What else is new?

  2. Thank you for confirming that.
    You will probably be one of very few who will.

    That is an extremely inconvenient truth.

  3. Destabilization of the Middle East and arming them has Obama and Clinton State Department all over it. They are responsible and should be held accountable.

  4. Democrats and Muslims need to be rounded up and held a Gitmo!

  5. Agree with above comments. I am as far right as it gets, conservative, registered republican, on the Trump wagon since the beginning. I don't get what the big deal is that the shooter was a registered whatever. Muslim says it all!

    Trump 2016

    I would not like to be on the terrorist side one way or another. Either Trumps stops them from bedding down in America or the good citizens will if a democrat tries to lead. Bad people it is going to get ugly for and on you.

  6. Of course he's a democrat. He's not stupid. He knows the way to get more terrorists into this country is through the democrat liberal immigration policies.

  7. Aren't most of the mass shooters democraps?!!

  8. Look, it's simple. If the Government gave its citizens the green light, we could wipe out the terrorists in a few weeks.
    Mind you, collateral damage would have to be accepted which is not too high a price to pay to rid our communities of these barbaric Koran thumpers.
    Obama wouldn't like that. He has set America up for strife and toil. He has deliberately fostered hatred. He has deliberately endorsed Islam.
    Particularly Shiite which is in opposition to all previous American policy. He is an enemy of America and has blood on his hands.

  9. Every presidential assassin was either a liberal or a Muslim ...Every school shooter was a liberal or someone raised by a liberal.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Aren't most of the mass shooters democraps?!!

    June 12, 2016 at 5:02 PM

    Yes, but the Lame Stream Media doesn't tell you that and it's difficult to confirm like this.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Every presidential assassin was either a liberal or a Muslim ...Every school shooter was a liberal or someone raised by a liberal.

    June 12, 2016 at 8:17 PM

    Yes, but you don't hear it on the news unless someone like Joe Posts it on his site. Thank you Joe.

  12. Obama and Hillary are Democrat Mass Murderers. Remember Fast and Furious Benghazi? Remember Fast and Furious Mexico?

    They gave the guns to our enemy's.

  13. Again he tries to blame it on gun control and dodges the real reason, Islam Muslim Jihadist....

  14. Funny how all these foreigners are registered Democrats.

    They know which party to be in to take over America. Wink, Wink!!

  15. The Democrats have ruined our country and you soft hearted pansies let them. I can't wait to go to war with you Wuss'. Locally I will remember each and every DemocRat in this town.

  16. Democrats are nothing but a freak show that is ruining our Country

  17. Anonymous said...
    Democrats are nothing but a freak show that is ruining our Country

    June 14, 2016 at 10:02 AM

    Ironically I was just looking at Jim Ireton's wannabe Congressman's page and every time he took group pics and his few supporters looked just like a freak show. They are some strange looking people.

  18. Muslims and Democrats. Obama and Killary are trying to use Diversion tactics to talk about the Americans slaughtered by an ISIS, Not ISIL operative. This diversion is a way to blame this on gun control and protect Islam and Obama's Muslims.

  19. You do realize if Democrats quit shooting people, Gun Violence would drop by 98%!


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