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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Orlando shooting suspect’s father hosted a political TV show and even tried to run for the Afghan presidency

The father of Omar Mateen, identified by police as the man behind the carnage at an Orlando nightclub early Sunday morning, is an Afghan man who holds strong political views, including support for the Afghan Taliban.

Seddique Mateen, who has been referred to as Mir Seddique in early news reports, hosted the “Durand Jirga Show” on a channel called Payam-e-Afghan, which broadcasts from California. In it, the elder Mateen speaks in the Dari language on a variety of political subjects. Dozens of videos are posted on a channel under Seddique Mateen's name on YouTube. A phone number and post office box that are displayed on the show were traced back to the Mateen home in Florida. Mateen also owns a nonprofit organization under the name Durand Jirga, which is registered in Port St. Lucie, Fla.

In one video, Mateen expresses gratitude toward the Afghan Taliban, while denouncing the Pakistani government.



  1. off with his head...right? Isn't that normal operating procedure within the communities of ISIS, Al Kaaa-Bob, pirates, bad guys, etc? I mean it seems if you misbehave with those groups - POOF you go. Here we want to investigate, hold pressers, allow national media to do some of the investigation, roll out every political pundit with their 2 cents, gun rights, community activists, AD NAUSEUM.

    In this situation - don't give this "father" anymore pub.

  2. SO.., this is the type of "refugee" Ob' is illegally bringing into the country while diverting our attention with gay rights, bathrooms, and all sorts of crap to fill the media's limited intelligence. Our nation is being subverted and will be lost just like Europe and England...

  3. Get them all out of this Country---Now !!!
    They are going to destroy America!!!

  4. Apples don't fall far from the tree.

  5. Our government in concert with the idiot left continue to let these savages into this country. Even FDR..arguably one of the biggest liberals of the 20th century put the Japanese into internment camps for the safety of the country. The liberals make it out as some big crime but it was a very smart move.

  6. Trump trump trump

  7. 441 sees the plan. All others are following the carrot on a stick.

  8. A parent knows their children. This man knew of his sons hatred of gays. He knew he had recently blown up over the subject. This man should have reported his son. The FBI had already had him in their radar and one tip from the father could have spared this carnage. Did the father know the FBI had spoken to his son? Hard not to imagine him not knowing. The largest mass shooting in history of this country.

    This has hit home and is now part of our almost daily experience. Is it so hard to imagine that someone with bent religious beliefs and hatred would find Seacrets or some other local bar that much different than the bar in Orlando? Today, the continental US soil was changed forever.

  9. Did anyone notice this man did not appear to be upset at all!!

  10. 4:11, he's proud of his son. He did nothing to stop him because he approves of such things. Now that video has been wiped off the WP site.

  11. If it hadn't been gays, he would have targeted someone else.

  12. So, is Dad sending money to the Taliban, or giving any other aid and comfort to the enemy?

  13. The enemy is in Washington DC

  14. Omar's Daddy didn't show any emotion what so ever.


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