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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Major Muslim Terrorists Makes This Declaration To All Americans

Editor's Note: The article below is from 3 days ago.

Major Muslim Terrorists Makes This Declaration To All Americans: We Are Coming After You, We Will Attack Florida And Slaughter Americans There

ISIS Muslim terrorists released a statement on their plan to attack Florida, and even put out a list with the names of people in Florida that they plan on killing. According to one report:
A pro-Isis group has released a hit list with the names of more than 8,000 people mostly Americans.
More than 600-people live in Florida, and one security expert believes that many of those targeted live in Palm Beach County and on the Treasure Coast.
The “United Cyber Caliphate” that hacked U.S. Central Command, 54,000 Twitter accounts and threatened President Barack Obama is the same pro-Isis group that’s reportedly created a “kill list” with the names, addresses and emails of thousands of civilian Americans.


  1. We know you are coming for us and we know our government is helping you do it.

  2. Gov Rick Scott calling this a “tragedy”.


    its islamic terrorism against the United States, within The United States.

    it could have and should have been prevented

  3. Heads inside the WH have got to be exploding right now…. One favored democrat “protected class” just SLAUGHTERED 50 people and critically injured up to 53 more from another favored democrat “protected class”…. And the class that did the killing openly espouses and advocates for the killing of the other class…. There is NO WAY they can spin this.

  4. Looks like the religion of peace has once again shared one of it’s fundamental sacraments (terroristic mass murder) with us infidels. Perhaps, as counterpoint, we should share the concept of proactive self defense with them.

  5. If the homosexual community wants to live in peace with the Muslim community it seems they are going to have to accept homophobia and be willing to be discriminated against. Muslims have no tolerance for homosexuals.

  6. The one who did this will probably get a thousand virgins. lol

  7. 115 what kind of person are you? You really think it's laughable that 50 and more to come will lose their lives because of this BS? Are you insane? What kind of person are you? You're a sick individual.


  8. Anonymous said...

    The one who did this will probably get a thousand virgins. lol
    June 12, 2016 at 1:15 PM

    What a sick twist ^^^^^^

  9. Really glad that Clinton and Obama destabilized the Middle East with their negligent and amateur foreign policy so blind with PC. They are responsible for this and should take full responsibility for it.

  10. 1:33 they won't take responsibility because they don't have to. What you are forgetting is that any and all obama and/or clinton supporters (and all democrats) are the worst kind of freaks society has to offer. They are something that has never evolved into civilized human beings. You can see yourself in the areas of concentrated obama supporters like the inner cities what it's like. Those beasts are killing each other off like there is no tomorrow. Obama supporters are not good people. They are the worst of the worst and if you get right down to it serve ZERO useful positive purpose in society.

  11. 1:03, are saying they asked for this in the USA? map

  12. They're not making the list public. You can bet there are Christians, LGBT supporters, banking, political, corporate employees of targeted companies, and community heads on the list. If you are any of the above listed, now is the time to defend yourself and our second amendment rights.

  13. Enough of the bluster. There is evil in the world. If it darkens your doorstep it is your responsibility to confront it and destroy it.

  14. 1:03--
    Being murdered is your idea of discrimination? You sound very cold in your statement. No one needs to accept this behavior, nor should they, whether gay or not. Hate is hate, no matter how you are trying to dress it up. Being another human being that bleeds the same color is all that anyone shoud have to know, yet some continue to accept this crap as normal.

  15. Huh 7:29? How you interpreted the comment to mean murder means discrimination is a mystery. Let me explain it to you in plain English. Muslims hate gays. There is no way to sugar coat this absolute fact. Accept it and live with it. Now if gays want any kind of peace with Muslims they have to hide their sexual preference because once again Muslims hate gays. Muslims do not accept gays as normal so unless gays get back in the closet and stop screaming for rights and so on then they must "accept this crap as normal" as in if they want to live in a country that lets people in who won't accept American values and who believe it is their mission to take over the world. You really need to get out from under the rock you are living under and accept reality and not what you wish would be.

  16. 10:39--
    The people in Orlando were murdered for being gay. Period. Hate is not OK, no matter how much you insist. The fact that you think gay people should get back in the closet says it all. The people murdered in Florida weren't screaming for rights, etc., they were enjoying a night out, minding their own business when a terrorist killed them. The fact that you don't get that this is unacceptable is appalling. I don't live under a rock, thank you, and your hate-filled diatribe is uncalled for. Maybe you should drink less before posting such run-on drivel


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