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Monday, June 06, 2016

Dog tethering: Lewes resident aims to break inhumane chains

GEORGETOWN – Kathy Hughes is s dog lover.

Her Lewes residence is home to three canines.

Two of them are “rescues.”

One of the rescues is Charlie,. Until his rescue, Charlie lived a life of chains and tethering.

“Charlie was left outside 24/7 for his entire life,” said Ms. Hughes. “He was so matted that he had to be shaved down to basically skin.”

Ms. Hughes showed Sussex County Council members a current photo of Charlie, no longer chained, at council’s May 24 meeting.

“He is a happy, healthy, sweet dog,” said Ms. Hughes.

In hopes of breaking the chains, Ms. Hughes says there needs to be tougher laws governing tethering.

Current state of Delaware law allows the dog to be tethered 18 out of 24 hours, chained up.

“This does not apply to properties greater than 10 acres in size so that would not apply to farms obviously. The tether must be at least 10 feet in length,” said Ms. Hughes.

“However, the law is currently unenforceable due to the inability to measure time tethered.”



  1. Good for her . No animal should be
    chained, farm or no farm. It's a Hell
    of a life for the m!

    When chained, they become aggressive,
    from lack of human interaction. They
    are only being used as " Warning Signals"
    on the property for the owner.

    Just think the people from VA got time
    in jail for taking the dog from horrible
    circumstances. Bet the Murphy' who
    had the 300 dog 'Mill" won't get but
    a fine and that'll be it as far as any'
    punishment goes!

  2. If a person can't have a dog or cat live in their home, then that person should never have one.

  3. You are absolutely correct 10:31 !!


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