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Monday, June 06, 2016

In Ramadan Message, Obama Takes Swipe at Trump

President Barack Obama had a message for Muslim Americans preparing to observe the beginning of Ramadan on Sunday: He'll protect them from people like Donald Trump who threaten their religious liberties.

In an official statement, Obama said America would continue to welcome immigrants and refugees, despite “the voices that seek to divide us.”

Obama’s official statement on the start of Ramadan, a monthlong holiday observed by Muslims through fasting during daylight hours, did not mention Trump by name, but the president's remarks clearly seemed to be a swipe at the presumptive GOP nominee.

“I stand firmly with Muslim American communities in rejection of the voices that seek to divide us or limit our religious freedoms or civil rights,” the president said in the statement. “I stand committed to safeguarding the civil rights of all Americans no matter their religion or appearance. I stand in celebration of our common humanity and dedication to peace and justice for all.”

Obama said he looks forward to hosting Muslims at the White House as the month-long observation concludes in July.



  1. “I stand firmly with Muslim American communities in rejection of the voices that seek to divide us or limit our religious freedoms or civil rights,” the president said in the statement.

    Is he inciting with this? The Islamist radicals have called for attacks during Ramadan.

    Interesting use of the inclusive terms 'us' and 'our'.

  2. And the Islamists would still slice off his head if they had the slightest chance.

  3. Go TRUMP enough of this treason!

  4. Obama's voice has done more to divide us in the past 7+ years than any other president.

  5. Obama is a pawn for the devil.

  6. Its just fortunate that no one pays any attention to this O'NotMyPresident.

  7. Why doesn’t Obama have the guts to just say "I'm a Muslim" and get it over with? The silly pretense has gone on long enough.


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