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Monday, June 06, 2016

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Support of Transgenderism and Sex-Change Surgery Is ‘Collaborating With Madness’

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University, and former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital who has studied transgenderism and sex-reassignment surgery for 40 years, said the condition is a “mental illness” and to enable it is equal to “collaborating with madness.”

A transgender person is someone whose biological sex at birth is different than who they think they are sexually on the inside; for example, an anatomical male who believes he is a woman.

Sex-reassignment surgery is an operation where a person’s genitalia is changed from what it was biologically at birth; for example, a man’s penis and testes are removed and a faux-vagina is created by surgeons. The man may also receive breast implants and hormone treatments.

The gay-rights activist group Human Rights Campaign includes sexually reassigned people in its definition of transgender, as well as those who have not undergone the operation. The HRC defines “gender identity” as “one’s internal concept of self as male, female, a blend of both, or neither,” regardless of one’s anatomy and chromosomal makeup – XX female, XY male.



  1. Who would have figured scientific fact backs up the fact that a male penis and a female vagina are respective of their owners gender. Not the persons perception in fantasy land.

  2. Ohfergodsakes people. Enough with the hysteria, nobody's threatening your own junk.

    If someone wants to have his twig and berries sliced off, he NEEDS them removed.

    As far a having a tadger grafted onto a bio-female? I can think of a few notable situations where I'd of enjoyed having a bit of extra equipment to wave around.

    Glad I'm OEM equipped, genuine XX and proud of it, though.

  3. It is ridiculous that he had to make the point.
    Our government is trying very hard to make all of us insane.

  4. He is right. Except those thoughts are now considered bigoted evil. Black is white bad is good. So keep cheering because its all for the kids souls.

  5. Poor guy will suffer because he spells out the truth. Boys and girls are different physically, mentally, and genetalia-y! Those who imagine differently may do so at their own result, but Mother Nature still rules the world.

  6. Tadger grafter.
    The new name for crazy surgeons. Seriously, the "Doctors" performing these procedures are just as psychologically challenged as their patients. Psychologically challenged, can you say that now? Or is it a hate crime? Where is the A.M.A? Why do they allow the abomination to continue?
    In all honesty, anyone that would resort to a scalpel slicing through their skin to justify their sexual identity dysfunction should be relegated to plastic knives forks and spoons only in a secured long term care facility.

  7. I always have said that the doctors performing these surgeries are as sick as the patients.

  8. The truth hurts those who don't want to hear it.


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