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Monday, June 27, 2016

Brewer vs. O'Malley: Talk of racists and fascists

Former Govs. Martin O’Malley and Jan Brewer tussled on Sunday morning over Donald Trump’s rhetoric, with O’Malley ultimately telling Brewer: “I can’t believe you’re supporting Donald Trump.”

The two appeared on a panel on CNN’s "State of the Union" with Jake Tapper.

O’Malley, the former Maryland governor who ran in the Democratic primary and is now backing Hillary Clinton, said: “Donald Trump is a bigot. Donald Trump is a racist. Donald Trump in fact is making fascist appeals.”

Brewer — who supports Trump and has regularly appeared on the show as a panelist — said she was tired of having Democrats call her and other Republicans “racist” for disagreeing with them.

“With President Obama and Hillary Clinton, every time you disagree with them, it doesn’t matter which subject it is, you’re a bigot or you’re a racist,” said the former Arizona governor, sitting next to O’Malley at the table. The two discussed, among other things, Trump's insults directed toward federal judge Gonzalo Curiel.



  1. Why is someone called a Racist if they planely don't like to live, deal, or associate with a certain class of people? I thought this country was about Freedom of Choice? This PC stuff is nuts, you no longer can say "I don't want refugees in my neighborhood", or "I don't want a halfway house next door". I can't express my thoughts or feelings now because I will be called a Racist. This country is going to hell fast, Trump is the only man that can save it.


  2. They have been invited back next week.
    If I were the good governor of Arizona, I would not debate a loser like the failed Maryland nut.
    Gov Jan, he is sucking up the good air that you should be breathing.
    Could be hazardous.

  3. If Democrats weren't propped up by the media they would not exist.

  4. "Why is someone called a Racist if they planely don't like to live, deal, or associate with a certain class of people?"

    You are not.

    You ARE a Racist if you judge people based solely on their racial heritage, rather than their actions or behavior.

    If you define "class of people" the same as "race of people", that's racist.

  5. Than I'm proud to be a "racist" or what ever else you label me.
    And I view you as unimportant to me...there.

  6. I thought owemalley died?

  7. 12:48 PM - I did not label you. You identified yourself and are proud of it. That is your right and your business.

    Just don't get upset when people see you for what you are.

  8. Dave T: Nobody really cares what Martin O Malley has to say because above all things, he is an idiot. It doesn't matter who he supports, what he thinks, or what he wants others to believe. Jan Brewer is so above this fool that it's simply not worth her time to be in the same room with him. As for you Martin, consider a more menial line of work somewhere that other people don't have to hear or see you. I'm thinking underground sewer line maintenance might be a good line of work for you Martin, that way the stench of your lies and complete ignorance will blend right in with the lovely aroma of waste water.


  9. Guess OweMalley's busking gig by the harbor in Naptown may be dragging in less cash than CNN pays. He's worthless in either venue.

  10. Thank you, Dave. I couldn't have said it better. O'Malley is a punk idiot without an education. Or a bad education...


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